Its June 10th, many are STILL saying Biden will not be on the ticket.........


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
Hugh Hewitt, Steve Forbes, and Bill Oriley still maintain Biden will NOT be on the ticket in November. An Atlantic article called him Ruth Bader Biden, don't make the same mistake. I understand their reasoning but figure we had past the point of making a change.

If Biden bombs in the debate will they yank him off the ballot? Surely not but many media folks with some common sense are making that claim. We shall see.......
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The fact that Trump may go to jail but is still leading in the polls tells ya how weak a candidate Biden is. I don’t see how Dems can keep him. I think he’s pulled at the DNC Convention.
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Hugh Hewitt, Steve Forbes, and Bill Oriley still maintain Biden will NOT be on the ticket in November. An Atlantic article called him Ruth Bader Biden, don't make the same mistake. I understand their reasoning but figure we had past the point of making a change.

If Biden bombs in the debate will they yank him off the ballot? Surely not but many media folks with some common sense are making that claim. We shall see.......
The Dems do anything, literally anything to win every time. Including stabbing other Dems in the back (re Bernie in 2016.)

They will replace Obiden before the convention, or maybe during it in some secret back room deal, IMO.
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Hugh Hewitt, Steve Forbes, and Bill Oriley still maintain Biden will NOT be on the ticket in November. An Atlantic article called him Ruth Bader Biden, don't make the same mistake. I understand their reasoning but figure we had past the point of making a change.

If Biden bombs in the debate will they yank him off the ballot? Surely not but many media folks with some common sense are making that claim. We shall see.......
The best the party leaders can do is ask him to drop out, but they won’t force him out. Their entire “threat to democracy” narrative against Trump goes out the window if they force out the candidate democratically (lower case “d”) elected in the primary.
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The fact that Trump may go to jail but is still leading in the polls tells ya how weak a candidate Biden is. I don’t see how Dems can keep him. I think he’s pulled at the DNC Convention.
I agree but also look at it from their perspective. As bad as Biden has been as a president, he’s still within range of Trump.
I’ll vote for Trump but it makes you wonder if another GOP candidate would have an even bigger lead. So many will just not vote for Trump.
The best the party leaders can do is ask him to drop out, but they won’t force him out. Their entire “threat to democracy” narrative against Trump goes out the window if they force out the candidate democratically (lower case “d”) in the primary.
They don't give a fonk about democracy. This is 100% about power and democracy only matters to the dems when they can use it as a talking point. Democracy isn't ignoring SCOTUS decisions. Democracy isn't the senate majority leader threatening SCOTUS justices by name. Democracy isn't you have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill. Democracy isn't the government writing health insurance policies and mandating the citizenry purchase those plans and only those plans. And on and on and on. If the Dems think dumping Biden is the correct power move, he'll be dumped one way or the other.
Hugh Hewitt, Steve Forbes, and Bill Oriley still maintain Biden will NOT be on the ticket in November. An Atlantic article called him Ruth Bader Biden, don't make the same mistake. I understand their reasoning but figure we had past the point of making a change.

If Biden bombs in the debate will they yank him off the ballot? Surely not but many media folks with some common sense are making that claim. We shall see.......
Add me. I've been saying it since last year.
They don't give a fonk about democracy. This is 100% about power and democracy only matters to the dems when they can use it as a talking point. Democracy isn't ignoring SCOTUS decisions. Democracy isn't the senate majority leader threatening SCOTUS justices by name. Democracy isn't you have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill. Democracy isn't the government writing health insurance policies and mandating the citizenry purchase those plans and only those plans. And on and on and on. If the Dems think dumping Biden is the correct power move, he'll be dumped one way or the other.
I agree with you, but they will stick to their narrative.
Hugh Hewitt, Steve Forbes, and Bill Oriley still maintain Biden will NOT be on the ticket in November. An Atlantic article called him Ruth Bader Biden, don't make the same mistake. I understand their reasoning but figure we had past the point of making a change.

If Biden bombs in the debate will they yank him off the ballot? Surely not but many media folks with some common sense are making that claim. We shall see.......
hopefully voters know Biden = stupid, it’s the dem policies the Dems are all about anyways…look at every politician they have in the house or senate, they do not stray from their progressive ideology.
It doesn’t matter to Dems if it’s Joe, Kamala or some other dem weirdo imo. It’s there movement. In any case, I’ll be surprised if he’s the dem nominee after their convention. Kamala’s hoping he is though…wonder why😳
hopefully voters know Biden = stupid, it’s the dem policies the Dems are all about anyways…look at every politician they have in the house or senate, they do not stray from their progressive ideology.
It doesn’t matter to Dems if it’s Joe, Kamala or some other dem weirdo imo. It’s there movement. In any case, I’ll be surprised if he’s the dem nominee after their convention. Kamala’s hoping he is though…wonder why😳
Man if old Joe got out there on the capital steps and started trying to lick his own ass, all of the Dem sheep would be out there doing the same thing. They are just brainwashed and programmed to not think for themselves.
It’s simple, vote party platform and what best fits your beliefs and do not vote on personality or whether or not you “like” the candidate.
Personally I don’t care for the way Trump acts at times but I am a fiscal and social conservative. I will vote for Trump.

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