ability to identify with every day people. E.g, I've noticed that people who call marijuana "dope" or worse, "whacky backy", tend to be a little out of touch. This leads me to to the POTUS debate the other night, and the prevailing attitude on stage, specifically regarding "marijuana being a gateway drug". To just categorically say this about a fairly important issue, troubles me. Nobody could accuse the candidates on stage of being stupid, but it does give me pause regarding their analytical skills. Just because there is correlation, doesn't mean there's causation. By the flawed logic on stage, cigarettes and alcohol are also gateway drugs. But nobody is crying about them, not with their lobbies, and they actually kill. And just because people work their way up the ladder with experimentation, doesn't mean that there's anything connecting weed to heroin or meth. With that level of willingness to understand a simpler issue like this, makes me wonder about their ability to process far more complicated issues.
It's also worth noting what effect policing, processing and punishment have on government dollars made available at the national and local level to WAGE the WAR on DRUGS. If some of us would just take the time to sit down and tally the score of how much money (tax money, our money) is spent on that least effective of all wars we've ever known, we would be amazed and probably angered. Add to those billions of dollars how much more tax revenue would be generated by those who "choose" to purchase marijuana. Legalizing (decriminalizing if you please) marijuana does NOTHING positive for Mexico or the Central or South American countries, whose #1 cash crop is/was marijuana. Just talking about marijuana and its derivatives only. No one wants to legalize heroin or meth or cocaine or the most abused of them all, prescription pain medications.
As for those citizens, who tend to be addictive to everything in life that is bad for them, they will find a way to ruin their lives and/or kill themselves with or without drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or guns. They are weak and want to get weaker. Some of us ruin our own lives trying to help steer them toward better choices. After offering friends and family multiple chances to figure things out, there comes a moment of reckoning, when you have to fish or cut bait. Thinning the herd is part of nature's way of allowing the rest of the herd to survive. It's the green thing to do.