I've tried the new MB and I've tried the rogue dawg board and here's...


Letterman and National Champion
Aug 30, 2001
the truth. The new Main Board is pretty damn awesome and this other dawg board that has sprung up not only stinks for usability (it feels like a message board from the late 1800s), the people posting over there saying they are of have left the Chat are an embarrassment to me. I'm literally embarrassed that I was a frequent reader of this board, now that I know how completely stupid those guys seem.

I never got hung up on thread view, topic view, hybrid view, etc. And if you are a person that did, you're an idiot.

And finally, to those of you that keep repeating some version of "no business that doesn't listen to what it's customers want is going to survive" sound like fools. You're the people that chose to continue riding horses and got mad when the cars took over the roads. For those that don't recall the Henry Ford quote, it was something like, if I just gave the people what they wanted, I would have given them a faster horse.

I love the way the main board works now and can't wait for the Chat to step into the next phase of it's life.
My goodness, your handle sure has been dormant until now

5 posts in the past year! Lots of recycled handles show up on here.

I don't think you will notice any changes since you aren't ever on here, anyway.

Let's agree to disagree. **

Pretty clear that you are not an active participant in many conversations

on this site and as such lack the experience to know that topic is less conversational and more informational.

I love it when knuckleheads that disagree with someone refer to them as idiots. Ignorance is bliss and i am jealous.

Carry on.
Alright, that probably is the reason I don't understand all this...

complaining. But, since it's been pretty clear for some time now that this was going to happen and Dash and crew couldn't do anything about it, why has it turned an entertaining to read board into a board of guys that sound like they are posting while watching My Three Sons episodes on VHS tapes.

And all these guys over on the other board talking crap about good people like Dash and Radi are really jacklegs. I don't apologize to that group, but I'm sorry I called you guys idiots that I previously thought of as my friends on the board (because even though I seldom post, I do enjoy reading most of your stuff).
you have never read a complaint about Dash or Radi from me................

in fact ,nothing but compliments...............
True. Not referring to you. In fact I see you trying to get some others..

over there to be civil/appropriate. I decided pretty quickly I didn't want to be associated or on a board with guys talking about the UGAsports guys like some of them were.
Wow! Did you ever consider "DaleCarnegieDawg" for your handle?

You certainly have the principles of "making friends and influencing people" down pat.
Ha, now that's funny. Maybe you're right. But I like a lot of what...

I've seen with the the new board set up. I know, I know, I don't post 1000 times a week so I don't get the "impersonal" concerns y'all have. That's a fair point.