Johnnybee question for ya


Mama tried to raise me better
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
What do you know about the Boehemian Grove in California? Some say it's just a camp for rich men others say it's weird
Nixon said it was the most "flaggoty" thing he'd ever seen

I think it's a camp for weird rich elite men who like to do bad things, and participate in occult rituals while calling them "plays."

Nixon left the letter L out of his description, though.
Re: Nixon said it was the most "flaggoty" thing he'd ever seen

I read where both President Bushes, Walter Cronkite and others were members. Saw a quote where Clinton told someone it's where rich Republicans run men run around naked and play
Nothing strange going on here...

Just a normal little gathering of rich guys and politicians....

What the heck is that and why would any politician be there?

I just can't see George W Bush there even though I disagree with some of his policies.
My wife and I are personal friends with the only woman to have

ever been allowed into the Bohemian Grove.

It's just as weird as Nixon said it was.

This post was edited on 3/7 1:51 PM by MusicCityDawg
Re: My wife and I know and are personal friends with the only woman to have

What kind of stories did she have and why was she there?
Re: What the heck is that and why would any politician be there?

George W. Bush masturbated while laying in an open casket in front of a circle of hooded men when inducted into the Order of Skull and Bones at Yale....just like his father did, and his grandfather before him. Same as John Kerry did. That's an old German society brought to the U.S. in the 1800s. Those Krazy Kollege Kids!

But Skull and Bones is east coast New England old school elites. The Grove is west coast nouveau weirdos. They don't always mix. Friendly competition. They both put on fun zany "plays" and "skits" about Moloch and Baphomet and other old gods. Just fellas having some guy time.

Diddy Bush is a member of the "Hillbilly Camp" in the Bohemian...

Compound. All the kewl kids like Kissinger are part of the Hillbilly Camp.
Lots of women been in there, according to some reports

But they are there to service the guests and be in the "plays."
those initiated are not to speak...truly an old man weirdness....

perverted stupid....lot like your pledge to ignorant Frat...
She has been a bit cryptic about exactly why she was there but she

sang at JFK's funeral at the personal invitation of Jackie Kennedy. She is in her 80s now and one of my goals is to interview her about her life before she gets to frail. As she gets older, she is less concerned about repercussions. VERY INTERESTING to say the least. I am withholding her name right now just because, but you could probably figure it out with a little research of what I have already said.

She was also very close to Walt and Roy Disney and my hunch is that Walt is the one that got her into the BG. Anyway, if you read up about what goes on in the BG on the internet, it is all true as far as the rituals that take place.

Things that can be confirmed about it:

Behind the scenes, Republicans and Democrats are peas in a pod. They have a common goal.

Don't think that "political enemies" have as much animosity toward each other as we think from public contention.

There really is a world wide cabal of wealthy politicians and industrialists who see themselves above the law and our Constitution and feel that they have a birthright to control the world. They are involved with the Bilderbergers and the WEF and they and their offspring and other beneficiaries get the plum placements in Ivy League schools and banking and government.

People who were NOT welcome at the BG: Reagan and Carter.

People who are a part of the club: the Rockefellers and the Kennedys.
Ronald Reagan was more welcome than you think

Reaga's speeches were riddled with "white magic" references, and Nancy ran his life based on astrology. Reagan was a big fan of Manly Hall, and the first U.S. Prez to be inaugurated on the Capitol steps which face the obelisk.

Would not surprise me, but it also would not surprise me if many of said

women were actually boys.

So what politician doesn't belong to this place?

Anyone running for President not involved?

Antony Sutton, former Stanford history prof has a good book about the Order of Skull and Bones. It's on Amazon.
His books about Wall Street helping establish the Nazis and the Bolsheviks are good too. Also the one about US corporations and government secretly building the Soviet Union and providing almost all of the their technology. Extremely well researched. Eye opening.

It's all the same story.
D, JD we are effed. NOT Jimmuh!? Next thing you'll tell me is that

Billy Graham was there.
Ya think they're into the Yellow King and such?

Sounds like the Louisiana guys in True Detective might be cut from similar cloth.
Makes sense, I think Reagan and the Disneys were very tight. My friend

that I am talking about LOVES RR, but she's not so much a fan of Nancy.

She is a very strong Christian and believes we are headed for dark days ahead, but she is older now and knows she won't have to live through it.