Just a quick thought - how did strict gun control work in France today

Yeah but their murder rate is 1 in 100'000, Our's is 3.8 in 100'000.
At least We're not Honduras, theirs is 90 in 100'000. Visitors are lucky to make it from the plane to their hotel. I think they hand out toe tags in welcome packages as you disembark the plane.
Yeah but their murder rate is 1 in 100'000, Our's is 3.8 in 100'000.
At least We're not Honduras, theirs is 90 in 100'000. Visitors are lucky to make it from the plane to their hotel. I think they hand out toe tags in welcome packages as you disembark the plane.

Lot of things go into murder rate other than just number of guns. France is so damn pacifist its a wonder they give a rip about anything.

And they damn sure don't remember how the US bailed them out in WWII. If it was not for our brave men that fought in that war, the French would be speaking German rather that French. How quickly they forget.

They reap what they sow.
Lot of things go into murder rate other than just number of guns. France is so damn pacifist its a wonder they give a rip about anything.

And they damn sure don't remember how the US bailed them out in WWII. If it was not for our brave men that fought in that war, the French would be speaking German rather that French. How quickly they forget.

They reap what they sow.

Yeah, it's awful how Frenchies can't even get into murder and mayhem...lazy bastards.
I still hate it for the French people. They've been a decent ally
Having the influx of that many Muslims and being surrounded by them was going to create carnage. Their leadership made deadly mistakes related to immigration. The question is will they learn from their mistakes. I would say they will not.
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I still hate it for the French people. Having the influx of that many Muslims and being surrounded by them was going to create carnage. Their leadership made deadly mistakes related to immigration

It's a concern in every country that took in massive numbers of mid-east refugees without the time to properly vet them. We are lucky in that they can't just hop on a leaky boat and land on our shores. Contrary to what some claim, We are doing the best we can to vet those applying to settle here.
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It's a concern in every country that took in massive numbers of mid-east refugees without the time to properly vet them. We are lucky in that they can't just hop on a leaky boat and land on our shores. Contrary to what some claim, We are doing the best we can to vet those applying to settle here.

"Doing the best we can" may be the biggest lie in the history of mankind. We are doing the best we can neither on immigration reform or nor on immigration controls aka enforcing borders and immigration laws. Not even close to the best we can do.
"Doing the best we can" may be the biggest lie in the history of mankind. We are doing the best we can neither on immigration reform or nor on immigration controls aka enforcing borders and immigration laws. Not even close to the best we can do.

It's taking literally months for Mid-East refugees to get approved to come here, it's taking days or weeks in Europe.
The trouble I consistently have with some posters is the idea that you know things you don't even look into.
It's taking literally months for Mid-East refugees to get approved to come here, it's taking days or weeks in Europe.
The trouble I consistently have with some posters is the idea that you know things you don't even look into.

We continually confuse time spent on the job with quality of work. Working by the hour vs. being paid for completion of work assigned gives us what we have in many of our governmental functions. Switzerland has a functional immigration system. Bottom line, you bring a talent or skill that they need or, you go somewhere else. Beautifully simple and no guilt trips to ruin anyone's mocha latte.