Just got the bad news from the tax man. We have to pay $5100 more


National Champion
Jan 13, 2014
to the imperial government so they can hand it to someone else. I guess the almost $40k that was withheld just wasn't enough. That money could have been used to pay our out of pocket breast cancer expenses but no we will still pay that too while almost 50% of the country doesnt pay shit when it comes to taxes or for healthcare.

Then some jackass has the audacity to say I don't pay my fair share. Atlas is getting close to shrugging.
IT felt like BO kicked me square in the nuts telling me I owe more this

year. Ass eaters.

Say when.
quit being successful, live for mediocrity, spend your holidays sipping....

hot chocolate in your pajamas talking about healthcare. Anything above and beyond is just greed, forget about retirement, just let the drugs they give you kick in. Drool & enjoy your hospital bed.
give it to some illegal for his EITC so he can send ..

it back home to family so they can live like kings off our DIME in their shithole country.
I live in Gainesville GA. Go to the Emergency Room and you cant

get in for illegals using it for well care visits and common cold ailments. Last time I was in there with one of my kids they would hardly let me pass go before collecting the $100 co-pay. I told her I wanted to pay whatever one else in the place was having to pay. She said she more than understood.

We have had to build three new elementary schools. All free breakfast, free lunch, and then you will have the newspaper write an article when school ends this year that the children won't be able to get their free lunches. I just don't know what they don't build dorms at these schools so they can provide for them 24/7/365!

This post was edited on 4/13 3:33 PM by ChickenCityDawg
LOL...I had it out with those A-Holes at NEGMC....

had to have gall bladder removed a couple years ago. Went there for my "pre-op" and the first place they took me was the business office. They said my surgery was $9500 and a pre-filing for my insurance indicated that they would pay $8700, so my patient responsibility was $800, and we want it now.

I told them I though I was coming for "pre-op" bloodwork and was not prepared to pay my part, and she said "we like to collect that now" and asked if I had a credit card. I indicated that I did but I was not going to use it so just bill me. She said "we want it now", so I told her to cancel the focking surgery and I would show up in the ER Saturday night and tell them I was Jose Gonzalez and I didn't have any focking insurance and my focking belly was hurting.
$6100 more I have to pay

Holding off till the last possible moment to send it to them.

I always get a refund - I don't claim any dependents on my w4

I know financially it makes more sense to adjust withholdings and not get a refund, I just find it is psychologically easier to get a refund, not to mention the fact that it might get spent quicker if I already had it.
That's probably coming - then they can completely indoctrinate them ..

pay the whole freight for the kid and give the parent the EITC for them anyway. Why not - it's just other the tax slaves' money.