Just sippin on some cherry flavored magnesium citrate...

that stuff will clear you out.......

ex-lax, nope............prunes, yeah they work........but that liquid stuff is like liquid plumber
Have to have surgery next wk. Diverticulitis sucks..

Colon is too constricted for a colonoscopy, so I have to get the B.E. to check for polops.
Don't even say barium in same state as me. Had it ONCE in 1980. Been

trying to forget the experience ever since. Even submitted to psychological deprograming. Nothing works. The memory of that 3 gal bag full of pink liquid cement is more than I can take. Now about that firehouse nozzle. They hide that mother fokker like executioners with swords do in the movies cause it isn't anything like a Fleet enema. Oh, noooooooooooo. This object is about a foot long, feels several inches in diameter, and when when you think it can't possibly go up your ass any farther they're just getting warmed up. Next they open the spigot and start filling you up with that pink shit. Then when the bastiges say hold it in and stay still so they can get a picture tell them to go fork themselves. On top of that, when they tilt the god dayum table and repeat the instructions it's your que to repeat the phrase.... louder. I guarantee you won't offend them cause they gotta hear it from every patient. If this wasn't enough, next is getting off that table after the Spanish Inquisition torture is over and somehow move near a toilet without leaving pink cement worm trail! Finally, after you survive this entire existential experience you have to drink about 6 gal of water to clean the pink chalk out. Take some extra undies and don't wear your favorite or tight jeans, just sayin.

I told the sumbitches to get it right the first time because there would never be another. You'll understand soon enough.

PS - It may be all different now v 34 years ago..... but I doubt it. Ask for drugs. All they can say is no. Fokk 'me. Whatever the reason you need a barium contrast study I pray they don't find anything and if they do you get fixed up. God's Speed and keep the Chats updated. Actually, it would be ballzy to post during the test cause doubt you get any drugs.... Just pink liquid cement. Up your ass. Your gonna love it!

This post was edited on 3/12 9:58 PM by RoyDawgMercer
Re: Don't even say barium in same state as me. Had it ONCE in 1980. Been

Should have not read you post; I had actually forgotten some of that, especially the table I will have nightmares All night long. Your medieval torture pretty much sums it up precisely.
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