Kamala must have been a huge Tar Heel, Dean Smith fan…

Running the old 4 corner offense to perfection, running out the clock.
The “joy” strategy works when the economy is working for most folks. It is not. Anyone who was considering voting for trump before that debate already knew he says dumb shit and acts like he did on tues night.

To be fair Kamala exceeded expectations in the debate, but the question remains how does that translate to improving economic conditions? Conditions that middle class voters overwhelmingly believe were better under Trump. Her debate victory was won on style. Not substance. In her defense substance is gonna be tough sledding given what’s happened with inflation, housing affordability, etc. under her admin’s watch.

Trump did terrible in the debate. And he’s still gonna win.
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Every time he’s on stage Trump needs to challenge Kamala to take questions from the press. Make it uncomfortable for her by saying that if she can’t handle the questions so how can she be considered a serious presidential candidate. Put the pressure on her so that it becomes a stone around her neck,
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