kamala telling the same old lies


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jun 10, 2021
I watched Vice President Kamala Harris' North Carolina rally on TV last week. She repeated the same old lies — nothing about how she will govern, just how she was raised middle class and wants to lift up the middle class.

Vladimir Lenin said if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it. Same old lies made up by the Democrats — Trump will endorse the 2025 Project, will do away with Social Security and ACA, wants a national abortion ban, wants national sales tax, wants insurance companies to not pay for pre-existing conditions, will weaponize the DOJ and FBI against his political enemies (as though she and Joe haven’t been doing that for 3 ½ years) and wants to terminate the Constitution, among others We know what she thinks of the First and Second Amendments — the mandatory gun buy-back and free speech.

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I believe it was (Mark Twain) that said there are lies and damned lies.

From Harris' CNN interview, we learned some of her intentions: government price controls, appointing a government bureau to control misinformation and disinformation on social media, $25,000 in down payment assistance to first-time home owners and a tax deduction of up to $50,000 to start a small business, among others.

Her comment, “My views have changed, my values are the same,” was very telling.

Her values have seemed to include: banning fracking, doing away with fossil fuel, funding the New Green Deal at whatever cost, letting criminals steal $950 per day from businesses with no jail time, defunding the police, redistribute money away from ICE, open borders, decriminalizing illegal crossings at the border, no cash bail, providing bail for jailed criminals, decriminalizing drugs, taxpayers paying for transgender operations for people in the country illegally and criminals, banning plastic straws, reparations, abortions any time, mandatory gun buy-back, citizenship for illegal immigrants, transgender girls playing in girls sports and mandatory EVs. Welcome to San Francisco 101.

Related video: ‘Kamala Will Be Known As Your Invasion President’: Trump Grills Harris On The Border During Rally (Slingshot News)

Harris flip flops all over the place. She now says these are not her values, but U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders told her dirty little secret: she is very pragmatic, saying whatever is necessary to get elected, but if elected she will be Harris 2019 pushing through her radical Marxist agenda.

Before voting for Harris, you better stop to think what kind of a country you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in.

Alice Wilder

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She is not making up any ground on Immigration with things like this coming out:
A retired Border Patrol agent told lawmakers Wednesday the Biden administration directed him not to disclose arrests of illegal border crossers classified as "Significant Interest Aliens" who had ties to terrorism.
Retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke made the revelation while testifying before the House Committee on Homeland Security, saying the Biden-Harris "open border policies have undermined our safety and security."
Heitke said the number of SIAs apprehended in the San Diego Sector increased exponentially from an average of 10 to 15 per year before President Joe Biden took office to more than 100 in both 2022 and 2023. And, Heitke said, those numbers don't take into account "gotaways" — migrants who cross into the country illegally but aren't apprehended.

Heitke told the committee, "At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIA's or mention any of the arrests." He said, "the administration was trying to convince the public that there was no threat at the border."
"The only true consequence we have to slow down and discourage people from coming to the United States illegally is sending them back to their country of origin," Heitke added, but under the Biden-Harris administration, he said, agents were instructed to do the opposite.
"For the first time in my 25 years and under five different administrations, whether through neglect or on purpose, I saw a large-scale lapse in our ability to return people to their country of origin. The inability to send people home meant that most people being arrested for illegal entry would either have to be detained or released," he said.
Customs and Border Protection data shows agents encountered or apprehended 1,856 individuals identified on the terror watch list as known or suspected terrorists between fiscal year 2021 and August of this year, according to a report by The Center Square.

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