Kasich beats Hitlary by 11 points

atlanta cock#

Pillar of the DawgVent
Jun 1, 1998
Yet the GOP won't nominate him. How stupid is that? That's like starting the unathletic son of your best friend as QB over the superstar and then getting waxed by your most hated rival because you started the unathletic son of your best friend.

I'm as conservative or perhaps more so than pretty much anyone on this board. But, I'm pissed off about this. This is idiotic. Get ready for president lying screeching grandma.
Yet the GOP won't nominate him. How stupid is that? That's like starting the unathletic son of your best friend as QB over the superstar and then getting waxed by your most hated rival because you started the unathletic son of your best friend.

I'm as conservative or perhaps more so than pretty much anyone on this board. But, I'm pissed off about this. This is idiotic. Get ready for president lying screeching grandma.
Then why doesn't Kasich win any primaries other than Ohio. Trump is the creation of the do NOTHING Republicans. You can thank the f'ing RINO's.
Yet the GOP won't nominate him. How stupid is that? That's like starting the unathletic son of your best friend as QB over the superstar and then getting waxed by your most hated rival because you started the unathletic son of your best friend.

I'm as conservative or perhaps more so than pretty much anyone on this board. But, I'm pissed off about this. This is idiotic. Get ready for president lying screeching grandma.
My problem with Kasich and the GOP in general is it's support for amnesty and open borders. I can't understand why many of the Republican party want to flood the country with more illegal immigrants especially when 90 % are going to be democratic voters. It is certain suicide for the Republican party. Trump and Cruz have voiced opposition to it but not any of the others. George Soros has made big contributions to the Kasich campaign if that tells you anything. Globalism is the new "in" thing for many in both parties now. Europe is burning right now because of that policy.

Elected officials are putting their own political agenda above the safety of the country. Eisenhower once deported millions of illegal immigrants and closed immigration completely to keep the country safe.
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Then why doesn't Kasich win any primaries other than Ohio. Trump is the creation of the do NOTHING Republicans. You can thank the f'ing RINO's.

It's the nature of primaries.

If you picture the US as having 35% liberals/democrats, 35% conservatives/republicans and 30% in the middle, you have to understand that the primary contests are really only between the 35% of the general electorate that is in your party.

If the primary voters are requiring their candidates to "not be RINO's/DINO's" and toe the party line on 100% of the issues, it creates a problem when the other party nominates a candidate who's more moderate.

People don't like Hillary. But she's closer to the middle than either Cruz or Trump. Kasich is viewed as being about as close to the middle... but he's likeable. That's why he beats her easily... the conservatives will still vote for him even if he's a RINO because he's not as bad as Hillary is in their minds. The moderates will vote for him because Hillary has no charisma and they don't view him as a "wacko conservative".

In primaries... that doesn't matter. So candidates do better that are further to the right/left (depending on which party). Moderates tend not to vote in the primaries.
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Yet the GOP won't nominate him. How stupid is that? That's like starting the unathletic son of your best friend as QB over the superstar and then getting waxed by your most hated rival because you started the unathletic son of your best friend.

I'm as conservative or perhaps more so than pretty much anyone on this board. But, I'm pissed off about this. This is idiotic. Get ready for president lying screeching grandma.
I've finally made my peace with the situation. I probably won't vote for Trump. He is going to lose by a huge margin. In the long run, it will be better for the GOP and the country.
Cool the Trump/Kasich ticket will roll. This election is different, think polls could prove to be off this time based on their standard methodology.
My problem with Kasich and the GOP in general is it's support for amnesty and open borders. I can't understand why many of the Republican party want to flood the country with more illegal immigrants especially when 90 % are going to be democratic voters. It is certain suicide for the Republican party. Trump and Cruz have voiced opposition to it but not any of the others. George Soros has made big contributions to the Kasich campaign if that tells you anything. Globalism is the new "in" thing for many in both parties now. Europe is burning right now because of that policy.

Elected officials are putting their own political agenda above the safety of the country. Eisenhower once deported millions of illegal immigrants and closed immigration completely to keep the country safe.

It's easy to understand (not necessarily to agree with... but to understand).

Businesses are the employers of illegal immigrants. Many times it's large business owners. These are also generally GOP voters and provide the MONEY that fuels GOP campaigns.

They want cheap labor. To be precise... they want to keep from deporting illegal immigrants, prevent any punishment of those who employ illegal immigrants and not make it so they are legal (because they'd then have to pay them minimum wage). This pretty much is what the "mainstream" GOP has supported for decades. They want people to be able to get in easily but not get legal status.

As for Eisenhower's deportation (which was ACTUALLY called Operation Wetback believe it or not)... the US only forcibly deported about 250,000 people. The rest (if they happened... there's no firm numbers other than the forcible deportation numbers) were voluntary or "self" deportations. Why would they go?

Because part of that plan was a huge increase in avenues for legal immigration. Many who left voluntary were readmitted in a matter of weeks as legal guest workers.
Cool the Trump/Kasich ticket will roll. This election is different, think polls could prove to be off this time based on their standard methodology.

The only person more polarizing than Hillary is probably Trump.

Recent polls had Hillary beating Trump in Utah by 2 points. Utah.

They had Kasich and Cruz winning by 30.

While I don't believe that would actually happen when the votes were cast... it shows you the fact that with Trump on the ticket, it won't be an up or down vote on Hillary... it will be a referendum on Trump.
Hillarys closet is far more loaded with skeletons that Trumps, Hillary credits Senator Byrd as her mentor(an actual member of the KKK), Bengazhi has not even started (the families of those killed with be all over the TV in commercials and interviews, and the email server thing at least is beyond stupid but likely criminal.) Not to mention she said we should stay the course on terrorism and called those who wanted to crack down on areas where radical islam exist as racist....

I think trump rolls regardless, especially so if there is another terror attack, whichis inevitable with Obama not giving a crap about it....
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We already know all (or at least the vast majority) of Hillary's skeletons. They're pretty much already factored into polling with her... there's very little "new" stuff that comes out with her history.

Trump is much less vetted.

While people on the right think that e-mail security or not having/presenting accurate information for a few days after an attack is going to swing the dial... there's not a whole lot to indicate that's true.

I think Hillary likely ups the percentage of minority votes from about 80% under Obama to over 90% running against Trump. With 80%... Obama won in 2012 with just 39% of the White vote. 35% or so should be enough for Clinton with a 90% share of minorities. I think more than 35% of white voters hate trump enough to vote for Clinton just to oppose Trump. An "anyone but Trump" vote.

I believe Trump supporters misread the level of opposition toward Trump. There are a significant number of people who dislike Clinton but believe Trump would destroy the nation and would choose ANYONE over Trump. Heck, I think while he might not admit it, Lindsay Graham would vote for Clinton over Trump when he hits the voting booth.
I travel the entire US and people everywhere say they are voting for Trump, black, white, and Hispanic. I think people are in for a big surprise. People already know what they got with Trumps o I do not think vetting will turn up all that much that people don't already suspect.
I travel the entire US and people everywhere say they are voting for Trump, black, white, and Hispanic. I think people are in for a big surprise. People already know what they got with Trumps o I do not think vetting will turn up all that much that people don't already suspect.
Trump is plenty vetted, but he will keep saying and doing stupid things that will turn some voters off. Plenty of people who would otherwise vote for the GOP nominee won't be voting for him. That is going to create a big problem in states like FL, OH, VA that the GOP must have to win the WH.
I travel the entire US and people everywhere say they are voting for Trump, black, white, and Hispanic. I think people are in for a big surprise. People already know what they got with Trumps o I do not think vetting will turn up all that much that people don't already suspect.

No offense... but your method of reading people's views seems to be a lot like people predicting Romney would win Ohio because they saw more yard signs back in 2012.

I'll stick with the polls. While they aren't infallible... I think they're better measures in general than any other method. The latest polls on Real Clear Politics (a right leaning site that aggregates polling data) show Clinton averaging an 11.4 point lead over Trump with over 50% in her column (which is the bigger number... it means that even if all the undecided voters went one way it wouldn't matter).

In comparison they have Clinton over Cruz by 2.4% and behind Kasich by 6.6%.

That 18 point difference from Kasich to Trump has nothing to do with how people view Clinton and EVERYTHING to do with how they view Trump.
I did not expect Pansy eased Romney to win, the Mormon thing was too much for the evangelicals. This election with someone like Trump has already defied logic....

See that trend continuing.
Trump is plenty vetted, but he will keep saying and doing stupid things that will turn some voters off. Plenty of people who would otherwise vote for the GOP nominee won't be voting for him. That is going to create a big problem in states like FL, OH, VA that the GOP must have to win the WH.
Agree.Trump needs some advisors that will tell him to shut up. This name calling with Cruz /Cruz's wife is beyond stupid. Nobody wants to hear that stuff and it will only turn off voters. I suspect that Trump's ego won't let him listen though.
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Trump needs some advisors that will tell him to shut up. This name calling with Cruz /Cruz's wife is beyond stupid. Nobody wants to heat that stuff and it will only turn off voters. I suspect that Trump's ego won't let him listen though.
I mean, does he even have ANY advisors? What advisor would want to remain part of his campaign after that tweet he sent out with his and Cruz's wife? Maybe his 10-year old son is in charge of his Twitter account because that's the intellectual level of a lot of his tweets.
The other item being over looked in the polls is the amount of change over the past 6 months, Hillary started with a 20 point lead, it is down to 2. That is the power of emergence and we have not even transitioned out of divergence to convergence yet...That will take place as other candidates fall further behind....
My problem with Kasich and the GOP in general is it's support for amnesty and open borders. I can't understand why many of the Republican party want to flood the country with more illegal immigrants especially when 90 % are going to be democratic voters. It is certain suicide for the Republican party. Trump and Cruz have voiced opposition to it but not any of the others. George Soros has made big contributions to the Kasich campaign if that tells you anything. Globalism is the new "in" thing for many in both parties now. Europe is burning right now because of that policy.

Elected officials are putting their own political agenda above the safety of the country. Eisenhower once deported millions of illegal immigrants and closed immigration completely to keep the country safe.

Well, Cruz's wife wrote a manual about open borders and creating a "union" when she was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. More Dems than Repubs on that council but she was on it.

But I just can't get past the Dominionism with Cruz. One extreme to the other when it comes to religion with those 2. Something else, Kasich is probably in the middle with.
The other item being over looked in the polls is the amount of change over the past 6 months, Hillary started with a 20 point lead, it is down to 2. That is the power of emergence and we have not even transitioned out of divergence to convergence yet...That will take place as other candidates fall further behind....
What polls are you talking about? Hillary leads Trump by 11 points in the RCP average, and that margin has widened considerably in the past few weeks.
Point is, The GOP side is still heavily contested and while Hillary was never seen as an underdog in the Democrat race.

Some are saying that many Bernie voters will flip to Trump while those who do not like Trump will just abstain from voting.

we still do not know if trump gets another bump once it's clear it will be him as the delegate and the cruz, kasick, rubio voters go to trump.
Point is, The GOP side is still heavily contested and while Hillary was never seen as an underdog in the Democrat race.

Some are saying that many Bernie voters will flip to Trump while those who do not like Trump will just abstain from voting.

we still do not know if trump gets another bump once it's clear it will be him as the delegate and the cruz, kasick, rubio voters go to trump.
Who are the "some" who say "many" Sanders voters will flip to Trump? That makes absolutely no sense.

Polls have shown as many as 40% of GOP primary voters would be "dissatisfied" if Trump were the nominee. That doesn't mean that they won't vote for him, but it implies that it is a possibility. RCP averages polls which specifically ask voter preferences in head-to-head match-ups. so they already make the assumption that Trump is the nominee - and he gets crushed by Hillary. That is a very troubling sign.
Point is, The GOP side is still heavily contested and while Hillary was never seen as an underdog in the Democrat race.

Some are saying that many Bernie voters will flip to Trump while those who do not like Trump will just abstain from voting.

we still do not know if trump gets another bump once it's clear it will be him as the delegate and the cruz, kasick, rubio voters go to trump.

The thing with Bernie voters is that Bernie will likely campaign heavily for Clinton against Trump. (just like Clinton did for Obama). Many Clinton voters said they would vote for McCain during the primaries.

They didn't.

Bernie has already ruled out a third party run and stated that the worst thing that could happen to the US is for Trump or Cruz to become president. I don't think his supporters are likely to jump ship with him towing the line.
Kasich is far too level headed, decent and he doesn't scream abusive summation, he isn't what primary voters want.
I don't really know why ANYONE would trust what the media peddles as "who beats who" in the actual election. It's a proven fact the the liberal media does not report "the news". They report their agenda and the liberal "version" of the news. So then, why would they possibly give correct or un-jaded versions of who would actually win. Seems to me it would be brilliant to report that candidate "A" would win knowing he had zero chance against the Dem-Wit. The fact of the matter it or not, Trump is the ONLY candidate that folks feel strongly enough about to show up to elect.
I don't really know why ANYONE would trust what the media peddles as "who beats who" in the actual election. It's a proven fact the the liberal media does not report "the news". They report their agenda and the liberal "version" of the news. So then, why would they possibly give correct or un-jaded versions of who would actually win. Seems to me it would be brilliant to report that candidate "A" would win knowing he had zero chance against the Dem-Wit. The fact of the matter it or not, Trump is the ONLY candidate that folks feel strongly enough about to show up to elect.

I understand that many GOP voters feel that way... but when you believe everything that any media outlet tells you is a lie unless it conforms to your pre-held beliefs... you've entered an echo-chamber. You end up refusing to ever reconsider your position because the media/scientists/democrats/government/whoever are all in a conspiracy against you.

This is how people honestly thought that Romney was going to beat Obama in 2012... despite everything in the polls saying otherwise.

It's good to question news reporting and compare what they say with other sources of news. But when 97 sources are on one side and 3 are on the other... you're going to be wrong a lot if you constantly go with the 3 as being "correct".

The part you miss with saying that Trump is the only candidate that people feel strongly enough to come out to vote for is you miss the idea that he's also a candidate that even MORE people who might not normally vote will show up to vote AGAINST. People do feel strongly about him... but he's got favorability ratings at a net -32% according to Real Clear Politics (a conservative leaning polling aggregator). Twice as many people hate him with a passion as passionately support him.

That's why Trump is so good for Clinton. Clinton doesn't draw voters to the polls. Trump drawing voters to the polls simply to vote AGAINST Trump is great for Clinton.
As a Trump voter Trump will kill her just like he is doing Cruz. For peat sake he made his own rules. If Trump wins Wisconsin. He knew exactly what's he doing. Cnn msn other stations will have live Twitter readings.
Point is, The GOP side is still heavily contested and while Hillary was never seen as an underdog in the Democrat race.

Some are saying that many Bernie voters will flip to Trump while those who do not like Trump will just abstain from voting.

we still do not know if trump gets another bump once it's clear it will be him as the delegate and the cruz, kasick, rubio voters go to trump.
They will vote for Trump y'all idots are to stupid. Cucks the media created this and they can't stop it.
My problem with Kasich and the GOP in general is it's support for amnesty and open borders. I can't understand why many of the Republican party want to flood the country with more illegal immigrants especially when 90 % are going to be democratic voters. It is certain suicide for the Republican party. Trump and Cruz have voiced opposition to it but not any of the others. George Soros has made big contributions to the Kasich campaign if that tells you anything. Globalism is the new "in" thing for many in both parties now. Europe is burning right now because of that policy.

Elected officials are putting their own political agenda above the safety of the country. Eisenhower once deported millions of illegal immigrants and closed immigration completely to keep the country safe.

D-Dog, U are exactly right. It is all about immigration. I can't think of one establishment repub that is not for open borders. That includes most of the FN commentators except for Hannity and O'Reilly. It is deeper than just wanting cheap labor. They have been convinced by business the elites that global trade and commerce is restricted by borders. I am not sure they agree with Soros on a one world govt but that is ultimately where this is going. I think it is the ultimate in selfishness for them to overlook the crime, drugs, and job competition open borders brings to the country not to mention cultural suicide.
They criticize Trump supporters as being bigots or uneducated but the republican establishment will not compromise on the immigration issue and this is the one issue that vast numbers of the republican base want handled once and for all. So we have an impasse that will destroy the repub party.
I thought the voters of the Republican party were supposed to determine the platform and direction of the party but now we see that the elites just want us to BELIEVE we are making those decisions but in reality they will decide who is elected and what the platform is. They would rather lose than give in on immigration.
Yet the GOP won't nominate him. How stupid is that? That's like starting the unathletic son of your best friend as QB over the superstar and then getting waxed by your most hated rival because you started the unathletic son of your best friend.

I'm as conservative or perhaps more so than pretty much anyone on this board. But, I'm pissed off about this. This is idiotic. Get ready for president lying screeching grandma.

Because he's a freaking DEMOCRAT.
As a Trump voter Trump will kill her just like he is doing Cruz. For peat sake he made his own rules. If Trump wins Wisconsin. He knew exactly what's he doing. Cnn msn other stations will have live Twitter readings.

She will crush Trump. Trump is as corrupt and as big a liar as she it, he is closer to her on policy than he is to conservatives. He is establishment as it gets. His 35% won't grow much in the General. I was a Trumpster. But in all candor , he's truly a buffoon. No, seriously....
My problem with Kasich and the GOP in general is it's support for amnesty and open borders. I can't understand why many of the Republican party want to flood the country with more illegal immigrants especially when 90 % are going to be democratic voters. It is certain suicide for the Republican party. Trump and Cruz have voiced opposition to it but not any of the others. George Soros has made big contributions to the Kasich campaign if that tells you anything. Globalism is the new "in" thing for many in both parties now. Europe is burning right now because of that policy.

Elected officials are putting their own political agenda above the safety of the country. Eisenhower once deported millions of illegal immigrants and closed immigration completely to keep the country safe.
Dude, you have it backwards. You just described the Democrat stances on illegals.
Dude, you have it backwards. You just described the Democrat stances on illegals.

He doesnt have it backwards, Kasich, Jeb, graham, Rubio, Christie, many on FN and the entire republican establishment are for open borders. Some like Christie and Rubio talk border security but that is all it is--talk. I think repubs don't fight for open borders is 1. their big money contributors are globalists who think doing away with borders would lower labor costs and increase profits. and 2. They are afraid of being call "racists" or anti immigrant by the media if they support border.control. If u notice, the congressional repubs have not done 1 thing to rein in illegal immigration, Kates law unpassed, no action on sanctuary cities, no defunding of any of obama's immigrant initiatives. Only the states have tried to stop him.
Polls are just political propaganda. Any of you believing polls either way are really clueless how they are used.
Kasich is a Democrat whiner. He needs to get the hell out of the way.
The Cruz marriage is much like the Clinton's, while he's chased his political ambitions his wife earned the money - he's her 'dependent' and always has been ... she's always out-earned him and still does working for the Wall Street barons even with his $175K or there about senate salary. The guy doesn't even take the senate health plan, saving the 'employee portion' of the premium, which is zip for what they get (govt. pays 70+% of the premium) - but his wife's plan is even BETTER coverage - her employer pays 100% (including dependents) ... sort of a 'back-door' $20K/year 'contribution' to 'ol Ted from Goldman Saks.
SOMEBODY will eventually point out that Hillary, who's largest yearly salary EVER was $96K with the Rose law firm (she earned almost half that much as a Wal-Mart Director for SEVERAL years while in Arkansas) now has a $45 million dollar 'net worth'. HOW did THAT happen?
People are SICK of politicians who purport to 'care' about the electorate but obviously care more about themselves and getting elected then re-elected.
Trump will kick Hillary's beehiney ... he's already kicked Cruz's, while the Ohio governor, probably suitable to more voters on both sides, won't get a shot.
Trump WILL 'spread the word' on Hillary and she'll be on the defensive A LOT ... the YouTube files are FULL of her 'flipflops' on issues.
My favorite is her laughing after Kadalfi was captured, tortured in the street and murdered ... " ... we came, we saw, he died!!! Tee Hee!" She had to 'tuck her belly in' in order to draw enough oxygen to chuckle ... it's typical of her entire 'public' life. The woman is a liar, plain and simple.
A LOT of Trump's statements are over the top, too many probably ... but he ain't 'lying' - those figures on 'women' (80% oppose) are total BS ... MAYBE 80% of 'democratic' women, if not 100% of 'em ... but mother's want their children SAFE - and Trump offers that hope.
Hillary won't even call our enemies by 'name' ... it's not 'nice'.
AMERICA is 'fed up'!!! It's not just white males ... a LOT f minorities want jobs, too - and Donald Trump is their best shot at NOT GETTING just more of the same.
Those speeches about "education, jobs, infrastructure, defense, a 'better' tomorrow" have been spouted by every politician running for four decades ... Trump is the 1st guy who's been willing to identify the problems we KNOW we're living with.
PLAIN TALK. We've never had that before, people are finally really tired of the status quo.
The Cruz marriage is much like the Clinton's, while he's chased his political ambitions his wife earned the money - he's her 'dependent' and always has been ... she's always out-earned him and still does working for the Wall Street barons even with his $175K or there about senate salary. The guy doesn't even take the senate health plan, saving the 'employee portion' of the premium, which is zip for what they get (govt. pays 70+% of the premium) - but his wife's plan is even BETTER coverage - her employer pays 100% (including dependents) ... sort of a 'back-door' $20K/year 'contribution' to 'ol Ted from Goldman Saks.
SOMEBODY will eventually point out that Hillary, who's largest yearly salary EVER was $96K with the Rose law firm (she earned almost half that much as a Wal-Mart Director for SEVERAL years while in Arkansas) now has a $45 million dollar 'net worth'. HOW did THAT happen?
People are SICK of politicians who purport to 'care' about the electorate but obviously care more about themselves and getting elected then re-elected.
Trump will kick Hillary's beehiney ... he's already kicked Cruz's, while the Ohio governor, probably suitable to more voters on both sides, won't get a shot.
Trump WILL 'spread the word' on Hillary and she'll be on the defensive A LOT ... the YouTube files are FULL of her 'flipflops' on issues.
My favorite is her laughing after Kadalfi was captured, tortured in the street and murdered ... " ... we came, we saw, he died!!! Tee Hee!" She had to 'tuck her belly in' in order to draw enough oxygen to chuckle ... it's typical of her entire 'public' life. The woman is a liar, plain and simple.
A LOT of Trump's statements are over the top, too many probably ... but he ain't 'lying' - those figures on 'women' (80% oppose) are total BS ... MAYBE 80% of 'democratic' women, if not 100% of 'em ... but mother's want their children SAFE - and Trump offers that hope.
Hillary won't even call our enemies by 'name' ... it's not 'nice'.
AMERICA is 'fed up'!!! It's not just white males ... a LOT f minorities want jobs, too - and Donald Trump is their best shot at NOT GETTING just more of the same.
Those speeches about "education, jobs, infrastructure, defense, a 'better' tomorrow" have been spouted by every politician running for four decades ... Trump is the 1st guy who's been willing to identify the problems we KNOW we're living with.
PLAIN TALK. We've never had that before, people are finally really tired of the status quo.
That's just telling it like it is...problem with this board is, there 4-5 that can't accept the truth.. Post of the week!!