keef, I tried Freddy's for the first time yesterday in Athens. This on the

Golden Boy

Golden Casanova
Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
heels of trying Culver's for the first time earlier in the week. My synopsis...I liked Freddy's burger better, but Culver's fries better. I also like Freddy's frozen custard better, but in fairness, it may have been because I liked the topping mixture a little better than what I had at Culver's. Overall, I think I'd give the nod to Freddy's, though.

Freddy's owner told me that they are sometimes also compared to In&Out Burger, but I've never eaten there.
I didn't try the custard - something special about that Freddy burger ...

I think it might be salted just right for my taste. And my taste likes to taste that salt in my food. You can taste it in that burger.

Gonna get a custard the next time I'm there. Agree on the fries. Nothing special, just helps fill the belly. Their hot dogs are good, too. I did try one of those.
Should a gone to Campys on Baxter. Damb

Good fried yard bird. My new go-to comfort food place.