And, that's why he got the hook.
I didn't truly understand the depths of Richt's disconnect until the "rings gather dust" comment; but now it's evident to me that his personal mission and the practical mission of championship football were not concurrent. The former was, in fact, providing cover for the latter in his mind.
Nope. Kirby's my coach and it is my humble opinion that a lot of folks need to assess whether they are Dawg fans or Richt fans. Second-guessing the AD may be your right; but it ain't constructive at this point no matter who the HC is or becomes.
I didn't truly understand the depths of Richt's disconnect until the "rings gather dust" comment; but now it's evident to me that his personal mission and the practical mission of championship football were not concurrent. The former was, in fact, providing cover for the latter in his mind.
Nope. Kirby's my coach and it is my humble opinion that a lot of folks need to assess whether they are Dawg fans or Richt fans. Second-guessing the AD may be your right; but it ain't constructive at this point no matter who the HC is or becomes.