Latest Rasmussen Polling Numbers (Trump up by 4%) - Let me know if the MSM Reports these #'s.....


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.
As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.
I imagine the margin will widen post Dem conference and once Kamala starts answering questions from the press.
At this point she almost sounds like a moderate republican with her changes in position on several issues. She will need to answer how or why she is changing. The best thing Trump can do is to continue to hold news conferences and put pressure on her to do the same.
I’ve got a feeling that Walz will eventually be an anchor around the tickets neck, he’s a loose cannon just waiting to pop off something that will hurt their campaign.
As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.
Fox news polling tends to lean a little left and they have Trump up by one. I usually add 2-3pts. so this would jive with what Rassmussen is seeing.
Fox news polling tends to lean a little left and they have Trump up by one. I usually add 2-3pts. so this would jive with what Rassmussen is seeing.
Fox had Biden up slightly even after the debate. Wouldn't be shocking to me if they kept their methodology consistent while others changed theirs to amp up the Harris momentum. There is zero doubt that Harris will get more votes than Biden would have.

The question is whether that comes in the form of millions more voters in California, Illinois, and New York (which I would very much expect), or if it comes in the form of overcoming what was a huge deficit Biden was facing in the midwest and sunbelt.

Also - how many midwest and sunbelt voters that would have voted for Biden will not vote for Harris? I am thinking older / white blue collar folks. They ready to vote for a President Kamala Harris?
Biden only barely won last election despite dramatic leads in all of the polls, Democrats should not be comfortable until at least 5 points ahead to account for Democratic bias in the polling.
And right on que, i checked the various websites and only one current poll being touted, Emerson College poll which has Harris in the lead. Perhaps the Emerson College Poll is more accurate, perhaps not, but it certainly makes you wonder........
  • Haha
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Kamala by an electoral landslide. As Haley said, the first side to retire their 80 year old candidate will win. People are tired of the same negativity and lies that trump has been spewing for 8 years. I saw a side by side of his speeches from 2016 and the last few weeks. It’s the same lines being used - just changing the names. Yawn.
All I will say, just watching Trump today at his "press conference", he is literally off his rocker. And not just today, but almost anytime he speaks off the cuff these days.
If you didn't know who he was, you would think he has serious mental issues.
From the rambling about the "thousands of birds getting killed by windmills", to "you know you can go to jail for killing bald eagles", that's just a couple of many just unhinged stuff.
Not to mention, "I am entitled to insult Kamala".
All he needed was a blank stare and it would have sounded like Biden rambling.
His advisor's are doing their best to keep him on message, but I guess he thinks like he said in 2016, "I have a the biggest brain", so he will listen to no one.
I still think the election is a toss up, but IMO he doesn't change he will loose and it won't be close.
I know it's not so, but it's almost like he is trying to lose.
Don't like Trump, but this is not a personal attack. It is truly is baffling to watch.
No need for "what about Kamala".....ain't voting for her either.
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As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.
remember it’s the electoral that matters most and obviously all statss mean something. With that said most all are thinking it’s up to PA, Mich, NC, GA, AZ, Nevada. Maybe 2 or 3 other states will join in that thinking. We’ll see. Since the Dems are basically automatic in Calif and NY it will be an uphill battle for republicans as it is in most elections. And know when early voting begins, another crucial component.
As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.
Rasmussen is always right if Republicans do better than expected based on other polling. They do worse if Republicans do what the other polls suggest they will.

Rasmussen predicted the 2016 election rightly.

2020 wrongly.

Red Wave wrongly.

It's like flipping a coin and Rasmussen always says heads.
Rasmussen is always right if Republicans do better than expected based on other polling. They do worse if Republicans do what the other polls suggest they will.

Rasmussen predicted the 2016 election rightly.

2020 wrongly.

Red Wave wrongly.

It's like flipping a coin and Rasmussen always says heads.
I certainly don't think Rasmussen is perfect nor or they the only outfit trying to poll correctly, but will say 3 things in rebuttal:

1. They have not changed their splits or mechanism of polling to get different #'s and they are polling nightly and their results are very similar each night.
2. From there on words and data, their 2020 polling rolling 3 week averages was withing 1% of the final result. Their over the weekend poll before the election showed Trump gaining some ground but still down 1% and 3 week average down 3.5% or so. Very similar to final results / Talley. They took much grief on their weekend before poll but no one mentioned their 3 week rolling average which they think is their best measure.
3. They are very public with their disclosures and will go on anywhere to debate their results and methodology. They are independent Pollers, not paid by any media organization. To say they are confident is an understatement.

As I said before, lets review again on 9.15.24, without any major changes lets see where each candidate sits according to updated polling numbers. I have no idea, but suspect Rasmussen will have fairly accurate numbers.
I certainly don't think Rasmussen is perfect nor or they the only outfit trying to poll correctly, but will say 3 things in rebuttal:

1. They have not changed their splits or mechanism of polling to get different #'s and they are polling nightly and their results are very similar each night.
2. From there on words and data, their 2020 polling rolling 3 week averages was withing 1% of the final result. Their over the weekend poll before the election showed Trump gaining some ground but still down 1% and 3 week average down 3.5% or so. Very similar to final results / Talley. They took much grief on their weekend before poll but no one mentioned their 3 week rolling average which they think is their best measure.
3. They are very public with their disclosures and will go on anywhere to debate their results and methodology. They are independent Pollers, not paid by any media organization. To say they are confident is an understatement.

As I said before, lets review again on 9.15.24, without any major changes lets see where each candidate sits according to updated polling numbers. I have no idea, but suspect Rasmussen will have fairly accurate numbers.
Rasmussen projected that Trump would win the election and that Biden would win the popular by less than 1 percent. The other pollsters were closer. Again, they will be right if Trump wins and it's like 2016. They will be wrong, like they were in 2020 and 2022, if he loses. They always say the Republicans will do better than other polls do. So if the Republicans do that, they will be right and if they don't they will wrong. As I said, it's choosing heads every time you flip the coin.

Rasmussen is a Republican and supported Trumps assertion that Georgia was stolen.

I've never really understood the obsession with polls anyway. Would seem in a close race, if you're losing it would motivate more to turn out.
Rasmussen projected that Trump would win the election and that Biden would win the popular by less than 1 percent. The other pollsters were closer. Again, they will be right if Trump wins and it's like 2016. They will be wrong, like they were in 2020 and 2022, if he loses. They always say the Republicans will do better than other polls do. So if the Republicans do that, they will be right and if they don't they will wrong. As I said, it's choosing heads every time you flip the coin.

Rasmussen is a Republican and supported Trumps assertion that Georgia was stolen.

I've never really understood the obsession with polls anyway. Would seem in a close race, if you're losing it would motivate more to turn out.

This is last i could find on internet and correlates with video i saw with Biden having a 4% rolling average lead in their 3 week averaging going into the 2020 election. Again, Rasumseen alludes to the 2020 election results in most of their weekly video summaries. Perhaps Rasmussen did as you indicated above but the newsletter 2 weeks before the election does not allude to it. I do remember their 1% poll weekend before the election, but this

I don't think there is an obsession with polls with the average Joe, i think the wide variance in #'s in August raised some eyebrows and the Rasmussen folks were very vocal in calling out potential intentional poor polling so some of us looked into their polling more closely and some of their comments seemed very reasonable. I think polling does drive some turnout, especially among the low information voter. If they think their candidate is going to win, they are more likely to vote.
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Here is why Nate Silver says they are not accurate a lot of the time:

“There is much to criticize about Rasmussen's methods. All polls are conducted within a 4-hour window, the person who answers the phone (even a child) is sampled, phones that are not answered are not called back, and much more. All of Rasmussen's polls are done by computer; live interviewers are never used. However, other firms that do robopolling such as SurveyUSA and PPP get much more accurate results with no bias, so the problem is not the robopolling per se.

Just to look at one methodological issue, if no one answers the phone, Rasmussen picks a different random phone number instead of calling back two, three, four or more times as other pollsters do. Why does this matter? Because 20-somethings (who skew Democratic) are often out, whereas 60-somethings (who skew Republican) are often in. By not being persistent in finally getting through to a randomly chosen phone number, the sample is inherently biased towards Republicans because they are easier to reach. This may not have been intentional but it is understandable if you want to finish your survey in 4 hours. Nevertheless, cutting corners in the name of speed and cost don't improve accuracy.

Unlike companies like Strategic Vision, which most likely made up the data (but not very well) and also Research 2000, which probably did as well, no one is suggesting that Rasmussen is making up numbers without actually doing polling. There are many reports of people called by Rasmussen. The problem with Rasmussen is most likely its model of the electorate. Very briefly, if a pollster believes that in a certain state, say, 40% of the voters are Republicans and the actual survey just happens to turn up 35% Republicans, each Republican interviewed will be given a weight of 40/35 to correct for the undersampling of Republicans. All pollsters do this to correct for under- or oversampling by party, gender, age, race, income, and other factors. This is not only legitimate, but necessary with the small samples all the pollsters use. The issue here is whether Rasmussen's model of the electorate has more Republicans in it than in reality there are (not to mention whether this is accidental or deliberate).”

My personal take: A lot of people in 2016 would not say they were voting Trump, but did indeed vote for him. I'm not saying the majority, but enough to skew the data.

Since then, as Trump got a certain legitimacy by being elected, people aren't doing that anymore. Rasmussen hasn't shown any real or sizable difference in predicting elections correctly compared to the average poll since then. And with the red wave, they were way off.
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As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.
Rasmussion polling is strictly confined to Buccee's locations.
  • Haha
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As I said before, not going to post this poll every week but wanted to make a point again related to Presidential Polling.

First, couple of points directly from Rasmussen:

  • 3 week rolling average (which they consider the best measure) has Trump up in the 4% plus range nationally, very similar to Biden PRE- Debate fiasco
  • They are polling +2 Demos in their sample, they are considering moving to 2.5% or 3%
  • Although their final poll in 2020 showed Biden up 1% their 3 week rolling average back in 2020 had Biden up 3.5% range (Think they got a lot of bad press on their weekend poll before the election in 2020 and critics did not mention their 3 week rolling average numbers.
  • They don’t like to do state to state polling as much as they say it would take months to get a good feel on trends and distribution of voters but feel very confident you can do projections to individual states based on overall national polling
  • Openly questioned August Harris Polling Numbers from various polling sites and said at this point they would NOT call this election as a Toss Up and mocked the polling in swing states last weekend by the NYT’s
  • Said in 2016 and 2020 their polling numbers were referenced on all networks and were asked many times to do live interviews. In 2024 cycle once Trump went up big in their Polls in May time frame their MSM references and request for interviews completely stopped. Only request they have gotten in August is from Pod-casters alike. MSM does not want to reference their polling numbers

My take:

  • I think national #’s are probably closer than 4%, but fairly sure Trump is currently up Nationally and in most swing states. I think Fox had Trump up by 1%.
  • Certainly appears to be some Polling INTETIONAL DISHONESTY / Election interference by many in MSM to show momentum from the Harris Campaign. This is a major issue to me that is brushed aside by many. No different than hiding stories about Hunter’s laptop.
  • Apparently its bad for advertising revenue and for public appearances if you poll (perhaps even correctly Poll) that Trump is indeed winning, that in itself is troubling.
  • One Poll that showed Harris up by 4% was called the Gold Standard of Polls by the Drudge Report. (Drudge Report is so Anti Trump / Pro Harris you could refer to them as Morning Joe)
  • ABC referenced the NYT’s poll before playing their tapped interview with VP Candidate Vance in an attempt to throw shade on him and the current state of their campaign
  • CNN and NBC also reported it several times before rolling into interviews with Senator Cotton and another segment on the state of the campaign
As Bill Orilley said this week, he thinks Trump would probably win if election were held today, but race is certainly in the balance. Polling date on 9.15.24 time frame certainly more relevant than it is now. Don’t plan on reviewing or posting anything from the Rasmussen Poll again related to Presidential Polling until mid-September. Only posting now as i am disgusted at the apparent polling mischief that is occuring.


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