Leon Panetta

This is similar to when Putin executed a political prisoner 1 day before said prisoner was going to be released in an exchange deal ,...and then the political prisoner died in Siberia of "sudden death syndrome" according to the Russian coroner.

Russia was sending a message without admitting to it.

The USA and Israel want to send a celebratory hint of involvement regarding the IED explosions in Lebanon(USA officials leaked it perhaps purposely), but usa/Israel will not directly admit to prosecuting it diplomatically,...

Because setting off 1000's of IED bombs in the streets is never something to brag about,...even if it's done for the sake of protecting the only "democracy" in the middle east

And the lack of an outcry of unsavory methods with the general public now encourages more extreme methods in the future, ..since the amount of public pressure is always a gauge to evaluate weapons available

Maybe we are a few years away from netanyahu and gov Josh Shapiro signing flame throwers in Scranton,PA to be used in the battlefield

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