Less than a year ago


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2003
The author said, "There are bad VP picks, then there is Kamala Harris".

11 months later, she's a shoe in for the Presidency.

America has fallen for the greatest gaslighting effort of all time.

Yep. They are just so excited not to have to defend Biden’s gaffe’s anymore. The dims literally would have nominated anyone. They made an embarrassing choice with Biden, and now have followed that up with a monumental hold my beer moment.

Let’s take the least competent person to ever hold office and make her president. Good idea! Sad thing is, if the lefty media can get her elected they can literally get anyone elected.
Yep. They are just so excited not to have to defend Biden’s gaffe’s anymore. The dims literally would have nominated anyone. They made an embarrassing choice with Biden, and now have followed that up with a monumental hold my beer moment.

Let’s take the least competent person to ever hold office and make her president. Good idea! Sad thing is, if the lefty media can get her elected they can literally get anyone elected.
It’s really sad how far journalism and news has fallen. It’s already 1984 levels of mass manipulation it’s terrifying. They’re the biggest threat to democracy
The author said, "There are bad VP picks, then there is Kamala Harris".

11 months later, she's a shoe in for the Presidency.

America has fallen for the greatest gaslighting effort of all time.

And they're going after Josh Shapiro simply bc he's Jewish. The irony of Dems thinking Trump's mouth is the real threat to "our democracy."
The author said, "There are bad VP picks, then there is Kamala Harris".

11 months later, she's a shoe in for the Presidency.

America has fallen for the greatest gaslighting effort of all time.

The article is paywalled, but you posted an article from the conservative National Review. Of course they are going to be critical of the Biden administration, including Harris.

And of course the liberal press is going to promote Harris the same way Fox and Newsmax promote and lie for Trump. Complaining about that is like yelling at the sun for being bright.

If I were a Trump supporter, I’d be more concerned about my own candidate and that display he put on in Atlanta last night. He’s going to make the election easy for the Dems if he keeps doings things like attacking the very popular home state governor instead of attacking his opponent.
Without a doubt. The media is the most dangerous threat to the American way of life. And it isn’t even close.

It's only dangerous because a significant majority of the population has lost all ability to use their brains and form their own opinions. It's all about someone telling them what they want to hear.
It's only dangerous because a significant majority of the population has lost all ability to use their brains and form their own opinions. It's all about someone telling them what they want to hear.
I wish that were the case. You have four networks. Not one of them decided to check and see if the president was compromised. No. They said it was deep fake videos. This is all complete bullshit and dangerous. When the media starts doing the governments bidding is when it isn’t the media anymore.

The whole Kamala was never named the border czar is the most recent bold face lie to cover up incompetence for the candidate they want.

I get what you are saying. And Fox is guilty of the same too, but they are the only ones reporting anything remotely conservative about the coverage. Can you imagine if all we had was abc, nbc, cbs and cnn? I wish they all would just report the news and let us figure it out like you say. That is long gone.

Don’t act like this isn’t a thing and getting worse. Or explain how jackasses like rush, oreilly and Carlson can be so immensely popular. There is no where else to go to hear news that isn’t skewed so far progressively left it is sickening.
I wish that were the case. You have four networks. Not one of them decided to check and see if the president was compromised. No. They said it was deep fake videos. This is all complete bullshit and dangerous. When the media starts doing the governments bidding is when it isn’t the media anymore.

The whole Kamala was never named the border czar is the most recent bold face lie to cover up incompetence for the candidate they want.

I get what you are saying. And Fox is guilty of the same too, but they are the only ones reporting anything remotely conservative about the coverage. Can you imagine if all we had was abc, nbc, cbs and cnn? I wish they all would just report the news and let us figure it out like you say. That is long gone.

Don’t act like this isn’t a thing and getting worse. Or explain how jackasses like rush, oreilly and Carlson can be so immensely popular. There is no where else to go to hear news that isn’t skewed so far progressively left it is sickening.
My post was about people in general not being able to sift through the bs on both sides. I'm not defending any networks.
It's only dangerous because a significant majority of the population has lost all ability to use their brains and form their own opinions. It's all about someone telling them what they want to hear.
Seems that way….love the tweets/X that people on here use as arguments.

Every now and then, you may see some good ones. But for the most part, they are about as useless as a tit on a boar.

Agree in general, some appear just too lazy to research or do not have the ability to process.

Others, have a political agenda and hope you’re stupid enough to believe it. Do your research, vote for what’s best for you and don’t worry about everyone else.

Absolutely detest someone trying to tell me how to vote….the phone calls, texts, the mongoloid knocking on my door & approaching me at the voting station….fock’em all.

Too many HO’s…..and ones with only their interests at heart.
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The article is paywalled, but you posted an article from the conservative National Review. Of course they are going to be critical of the Biden administration, including Harris.

And of course the liberal press is going to promote Harris the same way Fox and Newsmax promote and lie for Trump. Complaining about that is like yelling at the sun for being bright.

If I were a Trump supporter, I’d be more concerned about my own candidate and that display he put on in Atlanta last night. He’s going to make the election easy for the Dems if he keeps doings things like attacking the very popular home state governor instead of attacking his opponent.

You are as reliable as the sun rising in the East, and setting in the west.

The source isn't the point. There are a million just like it, from various sources.

Harris was wildy unpopular and largely a joke, until the time came to flip the script.
The author said, "There are bad VP picks, then there is Kamala Harris".

11 months later, she's a shoe in for the Presidency.

America has fallen for the greatest gaslighting effort of all time.

Except for that election steal conspiracy, which 70 percent of the Republicans and 100 percent of Dawgchat Pubs believe.
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It's only dangerous because a significant majority of the population has lost all ability to use their brains and form their own opinions. It's all about someone telling them what they want to hear.
Like when Trump said (still says) the election was stolen?
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You are as reliable as the sun rising in the East, and setting in the west.

The source isn't the point. There are a million just like it, from various sources.

Harris was wildy unpopular and largely a joke, until the time came to flip the script.
She has never been as unpopular as the current Republican VP pick is now.
You are as reliable as the sun rising in the East, and setting in the west.

The source isn't the point. There are a million just like it, from various sources.

Harris was wildy unpopular and largely a joke, until the time came to flip the script.
Of course the source matters. The National Review is one of the most conservative sources out there. You’d be hard pressed to find an article from the last ten years that praises any national Dem, much less Biden or Harris. If you are trying to make the point that Harris was widely considered a disaster even by the liberals, then post something from the liberal media.

This is like me suggesting that everyone agrees that Trump is a threat to the country and then linking to an article from Mother Jones to prove my point.
Of course the source matters. The National Review is one of the most conservative sources out there. You’d be hard pressed to find an article from the last ten years that praises any national Dem, much less Biden or Harris. If you are trying to make the point that Harris was widely considered a disaster even by the liberals, then post something from the liberal media.

This is like me suggesting that everyone agrees that Trump is a threat to the country and then linking to an article from Mother Jones to prove my point.
They are at least a source that doesn't venture into conspiracy land. But to some of these folks, that makes them left. Opinion pieces in there are gonna be biased just as they are in the NYTs, WP, etc.
They are at least a source that doesn't venture into conspiracy land. But to some of these folks, that makes them left. Opinion pieces in there are gonna be biased just as they are in the NYTs, WP, etc.
I actually used to subscribe to the NR as it was one of the more thoughtful voices from the right. Unfortunately they generally committed to the business of making excuses for Trump, which ended my sub.
I actually used to subscribe to the NR as it was one of the more thoughtful voices from the right. Unfortunately they generally committed to the business of making excuses for Trump, which ended my sub.
They all do just as liberal leaning outlets do for their candidates as well. But they've had voices over there sharply criticize him for the election rigging fabrications and 1/6.
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Of course the source matters. The National Review is one of the most conservative sources out there. You’d be hard pressed to find an article from the last ten years that praises any national Dem, much less Biden or Harris. If you are trying to make the point that Harris was widely considered a disaster even by the liberals, then post something from the liberal media.

This is like me suggesting that everyone agrees that Trump is a threat to the country and then linking to an article from Mother Jones to prove my point.

I could cite MSNBC and you'd find a hair to split.

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