Let me ask the GOPers here . . .


National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 4, 2024
Is Trump still trying to rally his base for some reason? The people that believe in babies being executed after birth are voting for him anyway.

Shouldn’t he be trying to appeal to the middle/undecideds more? I didn’t hear much that would win him votes he didn’t already have.
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Is Trump still trying to rally his base for some reason? The people that believe in baby’s being executed after birth are voting for him anyway.

Shouldn’t he be trying to appeal to the middle/undecideds more? I didn’t hear much that would win him votes he didn’t already have.
His comment was in response to their snarky question about his vote on the Florida law. He didn’t do a good job about explaining the law which was so broad in its wording that a child could be “aborted” as long as one foot was still in the woman.
He was also correct on Gov Northman’s comments about killing a baby after birth if it has deformities.

You and I have seen and heard all the lies and fact checks but those who are undecided haven’t so if they investigate these claims they may see what has really been said. But they probably won’t.

Bottom line, I don’t think this debate moved the needle for either.
Is Trump still trying to rally his base for some reason? The people that believe in baby’s being executed after birth are voting for him anyway.

Shouldn’t he be trying to appeal to the middle/undecideds more? I didn’t hear much that would win him votes he didn’t already have.
The state of Minnesota annually reports statistics on abortions. Up until recently, that report included the number of infants who survived abortions but were allowed to die by choice of the mother/abortion performer. I cannot find the article now, but I recall that in recent years the number of babies left to die was 13 one year and 6 the next year. The purpose of the article was to point out that the state is no longer reporting that statistic.
Not a GOPer by any stretch but I will vote for Trump so I'll take a stab at it. Yes, Trump is always preaching to the choir and he allows himself to get sidetracked and rambles. As such, he not only misses numerous lay ups, he ignores the lay ups and then tries to throw up contested 3s.

The good thing about Trump is that he shows you who he is any time he's asked. The bad thing about Trump is he shows you who he is any time he's asked. Having said that, almost everyone knows what he accomplished in his first term and he actually governed from close to the center. I have a pretty good idea how Trump would govern if given another term. I also have an idea how Harris would govern and it's a lot closer to Harris 19 than Harris claims in 24.
Not a GOPer by any stretch but I will vote for Trump so I'll take a stab at it. Yes, Trump is always preaching to the choir and he allows himself to get sidetracked and rambles. As such, he not only misses numerous lay ups, he ignores the lay ups and then tries to throw up contested 3s.

The good thing about Trump is that he shows you who he is any time he's asked. The bad thing about Trump is he shows you who he is any time he's asked. Having said that, almost everyone knows what he accomplished in his first term and he actually governed from close to the center. I have a pretty good idea how Trump would govern if given another term. I also have an idea how Harris would govern and it's a lot closer to Harris 19 than Harris claims in 24.
Perfectly stated and my opinion as well. I'm voting for policies. I doubt the debate last night (or any other) will sway many voters one way or the other. They just need to have the election tomorrow and get it done. I'm guessing the number of undecided voters in America is miniscule.
Not a GOPer by any stretch but I will vote for Trump so I'll take a stab at it. Yes, Trump is always preaching to the choir and he allows himself to get sidetracked and rambles. As such, he not only misses numerous lay ups, he ignores the lay ups and then tries to throw up contested 3s.

The good thing about Trump is that he shows you who he is any time he's asked. The bad thing about Trump is he shows you who he is any time he's asked. Having said that, almost everyone knows what he accomplished in his first term and he actually governed from close to the center. I have a pretty good idea how Trump would govern if given another term. I also have an idea how Harris would govern and it's a lot closer to Harris 19 than Harris claims in 24.
Exactly. If I could like this post 100 times I would. 100 percent correct. The sheep are fooled easily. Everyone here knows what and who trump is. What will happen next is easy to predict. Kamala is going to have a lot of lefty extremist to pay back once she gets into office. All of her movement to the middle is just a sham.

My hope is this. I have had 15 clients in the last week and a half suspend bank drafts. People who usually have enough not to worry and just let it draft. All said the same thing. I just hope the economy wins out in end. She has no clue how to fix anything. She only knows how to be a politician
Trump was up 7 points with independents yesterday
I know most of the people here aren’t dealing with the crunch, but I see so much of it daily. Paycheck to paycheck people are hurting. More becoming that way daily too. A lot of anger out there. People are listening for economy stuff.
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Exactly. If I could like this post 100 times I would. 100 percent correct. The sheep are fooled easily. Everyone here knows what and who trump is. What will happen next is easy to predict. Kamala is going to have a lot of lefty extremist to pay back once she gets into office. All of her movement to the middle is just a sham.

My hope is this. I have had 15 clients in the last week and a half suspend bank drafts. People who usually have enough not to worry and just let it draft. All said the same thing. I just hope the economy wins out in end. She has no clue how to fix anything. She only knows how to be a politician
Just looking at polls and comments from last night, it does not appear she made any inroads with voters on immigration and the economy
I know most of the people here aren’t dealing with the crunch, but I see so much of it daily. Paycheck to paycheck people are hurting. More becoming that way daily too. A lot of anger out there. People are listening for economy stuff.
Have not seen much on people thinking Kamala can fix the economy or the horrendous immigration issues. She needs to make major inroads on these 2 issues or she loses.

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