Liberalism on full display in Baltimore...*

While I don't fully understand why they arrested the guy BUT I don't know why there weren't any cameras in that van .

I have more questions than have answers and that's a big dang problem for them .
This is the Baltimore Mayor's Benghazi without the cover up. It has been a Charlie Foxtrot with no proper, before, during and after planning.
The mayor and her staff
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They should start shooting these savages, maybe if they shoot enough of them, they'll decide to stay home next time
I agree. Take a few down and the crowd disperses! Damn animals looting, mugging, destroying private property, and blaming the white man! personal responsibility is absent from their thought patterns.
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Folks I know I have said a lot here before BUT this isn't a race problem or some bad cop . NO it's a respect problem and a discipline problem .

When you lack those things your community suffers in the end . A person can make all the excuse they won't buy respect doesn't cost anything and discipline free as well .

Hats off to the ones trying to clear the streets this morning but sadly those numbers are not the same as focking things up .
That was a Tax Revolt. We're OK paying 50% of all income now in taxes to the very same government that's in
collusion with these people looting and pillaging. And I happen to KNOW for a fact that no one has stolen a single
pair of work boots, or ties.
That was a Tax Revolt. We're OK paying 50% of all income now in taxes to the very same government that's in
collusion with these people looting and pillaging. And I happen to KNOW for a fact that no one has stolen a single
pair of work boots, or ties.

Well it was a protest and looting, right?
The Tea-party(1773) were protesting he tyranny they were being forced to endure. These people(2015) are being for the most part provided a living by our government and destroying private property which is counter productive to their so called cause. They do not really have a cause to support they just see this as an excuse to rob, and pillage. Not even close apples to apples comparison.
No, one was about revolting against a tyrant, the one you're defending is about getting some free shit and destroying private property as a cover.


protesting and looting over some money lost - ok.
Protesting and looting over loss of life - not.

Money > Life

Is that your message?
Black and black violent crime is out of control. If they don't care enough about black lives then why should believe they care's just a convenient excuse.
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So you think this was looting over the loss of a life? Seriously? LMAO.....I sould have known not to take a guy seriously who has a picture of another mans outlined johnson in his sig :)

So it's your assertion (which I'm assuming you can prove) that 100% of the tea party participants did not take advantage of the situation?
So it's your assertion (which I'm assuming you can prove) that 100% of the tea party participants did not take advantage of the situation?
Can you point me to a Tea Party riot? You think these ppl were rioting cause someone was killed? Yea nothing sez protest like a new flat screen and a case of booze. Salt of the earth types right?
Can you point me to a Tea Party riot? You think these ppl were rioting cause someone was killed? Yea nothing sez protest like a new flat screen and a case of booze. Salt of the earth types right?

They damaged someone else's property. Isn't that the whole gripe with the bmore situation?
They damaged someone else's property. Isn't that the whole gripe with the bmore situation?
Um no, maybe History is just not your subject. One is about a monopoly forced by Government where said monopoly had unlawful product destroyed. Boston wasn't burned, nor its merchants or citizens harmed. The other burned, stole, looted, beat, attacked and generally ran amuck like the unlawfull savages they are.
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While I don't fully understand why they arrested the guy BUT I don't know why there weren't any cameras in that van .

I have more questions than have answers and that's a big dang problem for them .
Pretty obvious what happened. Gray resisted probably violently and the officers subdued him, likely as violently or more so. They then cuffed him even though he was in bad shape and sent him on his way. The truth will come out on this. Probably some big, bad officer put an arm around his neck and threw him.
Um no, maybe History is just not your subject. One is about a monopoly forced by Government where said monopoly had unlawful product destroyed. Boston wasn't burned, nor its merchants or citizens harmed. The other burned, stole, looted, beat, attacked and generally ran amuck like the unlawfull savages they are.

So the Baltimore protests are worse because consequences have included human harm rather than the property damage in Boston but are less justified even though the cause in Baltimore is human harm compared to property damage in Boston?

You really that dumb man?
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So the Baltimore protests are worse because consequences have included human harm rather than the property damage in Boston but are less justified even though the cause in Baltimore is human harm compared to property damage in Boston?

You really that dumb man?
If, in response to the death of Freddie Gray, protesters had dumped HD TVs and cases of beer into Chesapeake Bay instead of hauling them off, maybe their grievances would be taken more seriously.
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So the Baltimore protests are worse because consequences have included human harm rather than the property damage in Boston but are less justified even though the cause in Baltimore is human harm compared to property damage in Boston?

You really that dumb man?

No, I'm not, but quite obviously, you are.