Like clockwork…..


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 20, 2002
charleston sc usa
Can anyone on either side have any respect for the media? It is absolutely ridiculous.

Can anyone on either side have any respect for the media? It is absolutely ridiculous.

they want me to "sign up" to read it, I'm broke.
they want me to "sign up" to read it, I'm broke.
Didn’t read it. Just saw the headline. Scanning Apple News the last month has been an exercise in proving the media stat of 90 percent negative coverage of trump versus 90 percent positive coverage of Harris. It has never been this bad. I am actually cautiously optimistic that the media has lost so much credibility, a large part of the public will vote against their wishes just because they piss them off.
Can anyone on either side have any respect for the media? It is absolutely ridiculous.

Friend, the author bought coke from Bob Jr. in college. Bob sold coke and other drugs in college. I'm pretty sure he admitted this or at least admitted that he was addicted to drugs through his twenties if not longer.

He says it's an odd mix of Bob Jr. with Trump since Trump wants to give the death penalty to drug dealers.

That was about it. Was interesting that Bob Jr. was upset that the author accidentally took his snorting straw, which he did return.
Friend, the author bought coke from Bob Jr. in college. Bob sold coke and other drugs in college. I'm pretty sure he admitted this or at least admitted that he was addicted to drugs through his twenties if not longer.

He says it's an odd mix of Bob Jr. with Trump since Trump wants to give the death penalty to drug dealers.

That was about it. Was interesting that Bob Jr. was upset that the author accidentally took his snorting straw, which he did return.
I have never used the TDS moniker.

But you absolutely have it.

You, like most Dems, know that RFK backing Trump is bad news. How dare they have some differing opinions and still work together.

He exposed the “Democrat Machine” and corruption in his speech yesterday.

He’s a Kennedy. And he is supporting Trump. That speaks volumes to the middle of the political spectrum. Which is where most of us are.
I have never used the TDS moniker.

But you absolutely have it.

You, like most Dems, know that RFK backing Trump is bad news. How dare they have some differing opinions and still work together.

He exposed the “Democrat Machine” and corruption in his speech yesterday.

He’s a Kennedy. And he is supporting Trump. That speaks volumes to the middle of the political spectrum. Which is where most of us are.
Friend, an article was linked. Neither the person who linked it or the first replier could read it. It opened for me and I read it. I told them what was in it.

As I said before, my doctor told me I have TDS. I've already been diagnosed. He told me it was actually good for me.

You have a good day there, my American compadre.

You may think that what I said was satire about the article. It's not. That's what's in the article.
Friend, an article was linked. Neither the person who linked it or the first replier could read it. It opened for me and I read it. I told them what was in it.

As I said before, my doctor told me I have TDS. I've already been diagnosed. He told me it was actually good for me.

You have a good day there, my American compadre.

You may think that what I said was satire about the article. It's not. That's what's in the article.
Well - DGAS who or what you are, I laughed.

Thinks the Doc got your diagnosis correct, hope U don’t “get died”.
Well - DGAS who or what you are, I laughed.

Thinks the Doc got your diagnosis correct, hope U don’t “get died”.
I don't know the meaning of "get died", friend. Perhaps you mean this could kill me. My doc assures me no one dies of this and the people who have it tend to be healthier and less worried. Good day, friend.
Friend, an article was linked. Neither the person who linked it or the first replier could read it. It opened for me and I read it. I told them what was in it.

As I said before, my doctor told me I have TDS. I've already been diagnosed. He told me it was actually good for me.

You have a good day there, my American compadre.

You may think that what I said was satire about the article. It's not. That's what's in the article.
Thanks for sharing what was in it. Interesting trivia. Much like everything about RFK, I don’t think it makes any real difference. RFKs whole raison d’etre was pretty well-scuttled when Biden dropped out. I actually had a law clerk who was going to vote for RFK (and then switched to Kamala) because she is young and didnt want to vote for one of two ancient dudes.
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Thanks for sharing what was in it. Interesting trivia. Much like everything about RFK, I don’t think it makes any real difference. RFKs whole raison d’etre was pretty well-scuttled when Biden dropped out. I actually had a law clerk who was going to vote for RFK (and then switched to Kamala) because she is young and didnt want to vote for one of two ancient dudes.
I think it might. I think he went way down in the polls when Harris replaced Biden. Think the ones that were voting for him that wouldn't vote for Trump immediately flocked to her. Could be that the others left go with Trump.
The real question for Harris is getting people who usually don't vote and would never vote for Trump, to turn out and vote for her. To this point the energy feels a lot more like Obama 2008 than Biden 2020. The Republicans should be concerned, but it's not a done deal for the Democrats. N. Carolina is back in play and that's huge. More paths, the better for Harris.
I will be curious to see the effects of rfk dropping out and endorsing Trump. I think it is a big f u to how the Democrat party has been working. He knows as well as anyone. They didn’t even send anyone out with him from the ss. Just a bad look and embarrassing. I don’t know ho the current administration could be more incompetent. I am sure we will find out if Kamala gets in.

The media is absolutely so complicit it is scary. Creating a candidate here. That doesn’t actually exist. Sheep are lapping it up.

I feel like we have become part of a movie. Which would make sense with all the celebs involved over there. Nothing about her is actually real or what she was known for. She is a caricature. They even staged early drama in the flick with a coup. This is all conjecture, but hard to not admit most is true
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Friend, the author bought coke from Bob Jr. in college. Bob sold coke and other drugs in college. I'm pretty sure he admitted this or at least admitted that he was addicted to drugs through his twenties if not longer.

He says it's an odd mix of Bob Jr. with Trump since Trump wants to give the death penalty to drug dealers.

That was about it. Was interesting that Bob Jr. was upset that the author accidentally took his snorting straw, which he did return.
I think the point is everyone knows the Kennedy boys are perpetual frat boys and it's never mattered until one decides to endorse Trump. Then within a couple of days, a story surfaces about deeds done 40 yrs ago.

It may have been a story when he was running for POTUS but nothing is published until he accuses the Dems of being undemocratic authoritarians and endorses their devil. I guess I'll anxiously await a hit pieces from the MSM on some celeb that endorses Harris.
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I will be curious to see the effects of rfk dropping out and endorsing Trump. I think it is a big f u to how the Democrat party has been working. He knows as well as anyone. They didn’t even send anyone out with him from the ss. Just a bad look and embarrassing. I don’t know ho the current administration could be more incompetent. I am sure we will find out if Kamala gets in.

The media is absolutely so complicit it is scary. Creating a candidate here. That doesn’t actually exist. Sheep are lapping it up.

I feel like we have become part of a movie. Which would make sense with all the celebs involved over there. Nothing about her is actually real or what she was known for. She is a caricature. They even staged earky drama in the flick with a coup. This is all conjecture, but hard to not admit most is true
It sounds like Trump has promised him some kind of position. I sure hope that will be leaked so people will go over the crazy statements many times and asking if he can do that job. If Harris had promised him some kind of deal, I think my friends here would have quite the different take.

From the article:

In Kennedy’s speech today, he spoke at length about federal pharmaceutical regulation and programs addressing chronic disease. “I’m going to change that,” he said, promising to “staff” the health agencies very differently. “Within four years, America will be a healthy country … if President Trump is elected and honors his word.” Trump, he added, “has told me that he wants this to be his legacy.”
I don't know the meaning of "get died", friend. Perhaps you mean this could kill me. My doc assures me no one dies of this and the people who have it tend to be healthier and less worried. Good day, friend.
From OCD/Tulsa, he had a way with words & phrases….unique.
I think the point is everyone knows the Kennedy boys are perpetual frat boys and it's never mattered until one decides to endorse Trump. Then within a couple of days, a story surfaces from deeds done 40 yrs ago.

It may have been a story when he was running for POTUS but nothing is published until he accuses the Dems of being undemocratic authoritarians. I guess I'll anxiously await a hit pieces from the MSM on some celeb that endorses Harris.
Yes, friend I was just giving the facts of the story. Not giving any opinion. I was being the afternoon anchor, not the primetime host.
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Yes, friend I was just giving the facts of the story. Not giving any opinion. I was being the afternoon anchor, not the primetime host.
Looks like you cleaned up your act some. Less of an adversarial/hostile approach.

Thinks I like you better the old way.
Friend, the author bought coke from Bob Jr. in college. Bob sold coke and other drugs in college. I'm pretty sure he admitted this or at least admitted that he was addicted to drugs through his twenties if not longer.

He says it's an odd mix of Bob Jr. with Trump since Trump wants to give the death penalty to drug dealers.

That was about it. Was interesting that Bob Jr. was upset that the author accidentally took his snorting straw, which he did return.
I don’t give a rats ass how much blow rfk did in college. My point is that as soon as someone publicly supports trump he is immediately ripped apart by every media outlet for shit that has nothing to do with anything.

And it never happens on the opposite side. And there is no way you can’t admit that. Friend. Patiently waiting for the piece on how much blow Jay Z does when he does a performance for Harris.
It sounds like Trump has promised him some kind of position. I sure hope that will be leaked so people will go over the crazy statements many times and asking if he can do that job. If Harris had promised him some kind of deal, I think my friends here would have quite the different take.

From the article:

In Kennedy’s speech today, he spoke at length about federal pharmaceutical regulation and programs addressing chronic disease. “I’m going to change that,” he said, promising to “staff” the health agencies very differently. “Within four years, America will be a healthy country … if President Trump is elected and honors his word.” Trump, he added, “has told me that he wants this to be his legacy.”
So. Kamala got her position by backing off of the racist innuendo with Biden. I would assume that could be the case. He said he wants to work together instead of against each other to solve problems. Oh the horror
I don’t give a rats ass how much blow rfk did in college. My point is that as soon as someone publicly supports trump he is immediately ripped apart by every media outlet for shit that has nothing to do with anything.

And it never happens on the opposite side. And there is no way you can’t admit that. Friend. Patiently waiting for the piece on how much blow Jay Z does when he does a performance for Harris.
I understood, friend. You seem upset. We're all good here. Have a good afternoon. Go Noles!
So. Kamala got her position by backing off of the racist innuendo with Biden. I would assume that could be the case. He said he wants to work together instead of against each other to solve problems. Oh the horror
I'm watching football, friend. Go Noles!!!
Looks like you cleaned up your act some. Less of an adversarial/hostile approach.

Thinks I like you better the old way.
Yeah, I think that's what is wrong with the country, friend. You have a good day.
Friend, an article was linked. Neither the person who linked it or the first replier could read it. It opened for me and I read it. I told them what was in it.

As I said before, my doctor told me I have TDS. I've already been diagnosed. He told me it was actually good for me.

You have a good day there, my American compadre.

You may think that what I said was satire about the article. It's not. That's what's in the article.
Just curious about your diagnosis and if you went to a proctologist? 😂
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Just curious about your diagnosis and if you went to a proctologist? 😂
I think some of you don't understand the medical profession and the different types of physicians involved. I would suggest not doing stand-up, friend.
I don’t give a rats ass how much blow rfk did in college. My point is that as soon as someone publicly supports trump he is immediately ripped apart by every media outlet for shit that has nothing to do with anything.

And it never happens on the opposite side. And there is no way you can’t admit that. Friend. Patiently waiting for the piece on how much blow Jay Z does when he does a performance for Harris.
This made me think of you.

When you have nothing to retort and yet respond to ten more posts after you say this. 🙄
I'm sorry, zing. You win!!!
  • Haha
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I think some of you don't understand the medical profession and the different types of physicians involved. I would suggest not doing stand-up, friend.
My bad, should have known it was a gynecologist.
I have never used the TDS moniker.

But you absolutely have it.

You, like most Dems, know that RFK backing Trump is bad news. How dare they have some differing opinions and still work together.

He exposed the “Democrat Machine” and corruption in his speech yesterday.

He’s a Kennedy. And he is supporting Trump. That speaks volumes to the middle of the political spectrum. Which is where most of us are.

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