Listen to a Rasmussen NON-Presidential Polling Information


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
I listened to a Rasmussen Interview on a pod cast, they talked about Presidential Polling (I'll leave that discussion to a later day) but also talked about some other related issues that i considered intriguing:

1. 60% of Democrats and 95% of Republicans / Independents think that some level of fraud above the ordinary and acceptable level occurred in the 2020 election. They said they started surveying this in December of 2020, the Republican / Independent percent has not changed, the democrat number has increased and reached the 60% level in June of 2024. Roughly the same percentage expect it to occur in 2024.
2. 20% of democrats said that one of the following occurred during the 2020 election within their family or extended family - multiple absentee ballots mailed to their home either to same person or without request, someone unknown to them trying to gather the absentee ballot or someone signing an absentee ballot that was not the registered voter. Rasmussen pollster said that number seemed high to them and thought there could be some error in sampling but at least it was in a higher number than they expected.
3. Neither Democrats or Republicans surveyed had any real concern for voter suppression including if ID was requested / required.

I know they are Conservative pollsters but this information was most interesting. Really all points goes against the MSM narratives
I listened to a Rasmussen Interview on a pod cast, they talked about Presidential Polling (I'll leave that discussion to a later day) but also talked about some other related issues that i considered intriguing:

1. 60% of Democrats and 95% of Republicans / Independents think that some level of fraud above the ordinary and acceptable level occurred in the 2020 election. They said they started surveying this in December of 2020, the Republican / Independent percent has not changed, the democrat number has increased and reached the 60% level in June of 2024. Roughly the same percentage expect it to occur in 2024.
2. 20% of democrats said that one of the following occurred during the 2020 election within their family or extended family - multiple absentee ballots mailed to their home either to same person or without request, someone unknown to them trying to gather the absentee ballot or someone signing an absentee ballot that was not the registered voter. Rasmussen pollster said that number seemed high to them and thought there could be some error in sampling but at least it was in a higher number than they expected.
3. Neither Democrats or Republicans surveyed had any real concern for voter suppression including if ID was requested / required.

I know they are Conservative pollsters but this information was most interesting. Really all points goes against the MSM narratives
Have a best friend that lives in a rural area of NE Ga that went to vote on Election Day and was told that records showed that he had already voted.
How does this happen? Obviously some voter fraud involved. It happened to many others but I haven’t heard anyone explain how it happened or give a reason why or how it could happen by any other reason other than fraud.
Have a best friend that lives in a rural area of NE Ga that went to vote on Election Day and was told that records showed that he had already voted.
How does this happen? Obviously some voter fraud involved. It happened to many others but I haven’t heard anyone explain how it happened or give a reason why or how it could happen by any other reason other than fraud.
So was he sent home without voting?
So was he sent home without voting?
Thankfully we live in a small town of 500 people, maybe 200 voters so everyone knows everyone. I think he was given a provisional ballot.
But, that doesn’t answer who voted in his name and how was it possible. IIRC he was told that it was an early voting.
My question is this. If fraud could be proved what would you ask for? We can’t get the last 4 years of our lives back so what would you do?
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Thankfully we live in a small town of 500 people, maybe 200 voters so everyone knows everyone. I think he was given a provisional ballot.
But, that doesn’t answer who voted in his name and how was it possible. IIRC he was told that it was an early voting.
if its north ga, I bet Trump got his stolen vote.
Have a best friend that lives in a rural area of NE Ga that went to vote on Election Day and was told that records showed that he had already voted.
How does this happen? Obviously some voter fraud involved. It happened to many others but I haven’t heard anyone explain how it happened or give a reason why or how it could happen by any other reason other than fraud.
Happened to my wife in 2008.
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