3 precincts were tied and the Dems flipped a coin. Hillary won all 3 coin flips. How many flips did it take to finally get her win? Back room politics, can't let her lose Iowa especially with New Hampshire next week.
3 precincts were tied and the Dems flipped a coin. Hillary won all 3 coin flips. How many flips did it take to finally get her win? Back room politics, can't let her lose Iowa especially with New Hampshire next week.
LOL, The Dem's are truly disgusting misfits. I mean look at the quality of the ppl running on their side. She's a lying corrupt ..just an unlikable old bag. Then there's the 74 yr old lifetime welfare King. The man is truly a buffoon.
DemocRATSs don't have a growing base. Its why they push so hard for making illegals crooks. The last Amnesty bill provided them with millions of new voters....cost the Repubs California. Americans reject DemocRATS.
Give me break. They're all corrupt, lying bureaucrats on both sides. They're politicians. Your post and the vitriol contained in it is precisely why this country doesn't work. Because nobody wants to work together and respect one another, even if they disagree. We take politics way too damn seriously and insult anyone who might disagree with us. As long as that is the case, and our leaders are corrupt, this country is doomed.
Really? The who on the Republican has told lies like ...being under sniper fire? about a video? about being named after someone famous...about her daughter being jogging around the Trade center at the time of the attacks, etc...oh and just recently told a story about a Farmer giving her an analogy the day before.....except she told the same story a few months back.
Yep, Pols lie. But she is at a different level. She's pathological.
As to why the Country doesn't work....simple...Liberalism. You claim no one wants to work together. What have they been doing the last 7 years? The repubs have rolled over and given POSOTUS everything he's wanted, and when they didn't, he broke the law and did it anyway.
I'd like to see one Repub leaded as corrupt as those who the Dems have put up? This old bag has sold influence for personal gain, she's put national security at risks because she's more important that national security. No pal, there is no moral equivalence...not even close.
Ted Cruz said it...Rolo believes it...that settles it. You can't discuss anything with the denizens of the Lunatic Fringe Fever Swamp.
That's all this guy has. Notice how he didn't attempt to dispute anything.....who blindly supports who?
Give me break. They're all corrupt, lying bureaucrats on both sides. They're politicians. Your post and the vitriol contained in it is precisely why this country doesn't work. Because nobody wants to work together and respect one another, even if they disagree. We take politics way too damn seriously and insult anyone who might disagree with us. As long as that is the case, and our leaders are corrupt, this country is doomed.