Lock her up is more important than


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
$3.00+ a gallon gas ( US gas prices: 2018 to 2024 gas prices per gallon have wavered between a national average of $1.84 and $4.99 since 2018. Americans saw the lowest annual average in 2020, when the average cost for a gallon of gas was $2.19. Fast-forward three years and gas is running an average of $3.38 so far in 2024). We have seen gas $2.80 more per gallon than Trumps years, with even now, $1.19 more, per gallon than in Trumps last year.

$228 average per square foot home building cost on an average built home ( 2017- $127, 2018- $139, 2019- $144, 2020- $149, 2021-$180, 2022-$213, 2023-$217, 2024-$228). Up $79 since Trumps last year.

Much more important things to protest about than surviving financially.

Keep up the good work.
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$3.00+ a gallon gas ( US gas prices: 2018 to 2024 gas prices per gallon have wavered between a national average of $1.84 and $4.99 since 2018. Americans saw the lowest annual average in 2020, when the average cost for a gallon of gas was $2.19. Fast-forward three years and gas is running an average of $3.38 so far in 2024). We have seen gas $2.80 more per gallon than Trumps years, with even now, $1.19 more, per gallon than in Trumps last year.

$228 average per square foot home building cost on an average built home ( 2017- $127, 2018- $139, 2019- $144, 2020- $149, 2021-$180, 2022-$213, 2023-$217, 2024-$228). Up $79 since Trumps last year.

Much more important things to protest about than surviving financially.

Keep up the good work.
gas production in the US is at an all time high and refineries are operating close to 94% capacity. Tell me why gas prices are still high? The answer is the golden rule…..the one with the gold makes the rules…..Opec is happy to cut production to keep the price high…its simple Supply and Demand not whether someone has an R or D after their name.
Oil companies and OPEC arent in the business to give americans cheap gas - its a capitalistic society - they are in the business to make $$ for their shareholders and maximize profits. Those profits are enjoyed by many pension funds/ institutional investors which own large percentages of oil companies.

Sorry to burst yalls bubble where you think the president has this magical lever to pull to get instant cheap gas. Stop looking to the government to solve your problems. Certain politicians and media outlets have duped you into believing if you blindky follow them all your problems will be solved.

Btw lumber prices now are almost half what they were when Biden took over.
2020 gas was low because we were mostly at home due to Covid. You are misleading with this comparison.
OK then, it was lower in 17, 18, and 19.

Who is to blame then? Try not to mislead me.

Your logic seems odd. It wasn’t Covid that lowered it. Covid should have raised it.

It went up as soon as the WH manipulated the oil industry. All the while blaming supply demands.

Oh, and any supply demands were created
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$3.00+ a gallon gas ( US gas prices: 2018 to 2024 gas prices per gallon have wavered between a national average of $1.84 and $4.99 since 2018. Americans saw the lowest annual average in 2020, when the average cost for a gallon of gas was $2.19. Fast-forward three years and gas is running an average of $3.38 so far in 2024). We have seen gas $2.80 more per gallon than Trumps years, with even now, $1.19 more, per gallon than in Trumps last year.

$228 average per square foot home building cost on an average built home ( 2017- $127, 2018- $139, 2019- $144, 2020- $149, 2021-$180, 2022-$213, 2023-$217, 2024-$228). Up $79 since Trumps last year.

Much more important things to protest about than surviving financially.

Keep up the good work.
You need to get out more. Compared to almost every other wealthy country your gas prices are extremely low and have always been that way.

Hearing Americans complain about gas prices and how they can't make it is like listening to Zuckerberg, Musk and Gates complain about the rising cost of yachts to the rest of the world.

This was 2017. The price in the US in 2024 in the last I checked is just over a dollar now per liter, but most of the others have gone up as well.
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When will people learn that the president has nothing to do with gas prices? In fact, we have some of the cheapest gas in the world in our country ( Also, inflation is a worldwide issue - not just the US and we are right in the middle of the G20 as far as inflation is concerned (
There you people go with the globalist bull again. We are a sovereign country and we should be America first not last.
The price of oil went up when Biden stopped the lease for drilling in part of alaska. He keeps the left happy by that and promoting electric cars, but drives a corvette. You figure it out.
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When will people learn that the president has nothing to do with gas prices? In fact, we have some of the cheapest gas in the world in our country ( Also, inflation is a worldwide issue - not just the US and we are right in the middle of the G20 as far as inflation is concerned (
Normally this is correct unless they do something to prompt supply change. Biden pissed off opec. With all of the electric car stuff. Not saying electric cars can’t be a good thing but we aren’t ready. They told him if you want more oil pump it yourself.

You want an example of a president causing gas price issues just look up his desperate visit to ask opec to raise production so prices would lower. They shook his hand. Then after Biden got on a plane they flipped him off and cut supply raising the price. Promised to never do him a favor. Ever. You can leave your hand in the sand if you would like but this is just simply not true.

He asked them to ramp up production to help the mid term elections. That was denied.
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You need to get out more. Compared to almost every other wealthy country your gas prices are extremely low and have always been that way.

Hearing Americans complain about gas prices and how they can't make it is like listening to Zuckerberg, Musk and Gates complain about the rising cost of yachts to the rest of the world.

This was 2017. The price in the US in 2024 in the last I checked is just over a dollar now per liter, but most of the others have gone up as well.
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You need to get out more. Compared to almost every other wealthy country your gas prices are extremely low and have always been that way.

Hearing Americans complain about gas prices and how they can't make it is like listening to Zuckerberg, Musk and Gates complain about the rising cost of yachts to the rest of the world.

This was 2017. The price in the US in 2024 in the last I checked is just over a dollar now per liter, but most of the others have gone up as well.
This is hilarious. Because the people it hurts the most are the poor. This is who takes gas price change like this on the chin. Poor and the middle class. And you use musk, gates and Zuckerberg as a comparison. The exact folks gas prices affects the least. I find that interesting. That is quite the connection. Not saying you poll is wrong world wide. But when it goes from an average of 2.00 a gallon to over 3.00 a gallon in a hurry, there is an immediate effect on the poor. It doesn’t matter what the prices are world wide. The change hurts people here. Doesn’t matter what the rest of the planet is paying. You think anyone facing a dent in their already small budget gives a flying f that someone in Norway is paying more for gas than someone in the U.S. lol.
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This is hilarious. Because the people it hurts the most are the poor. This is who takes gas price change like this on the chin. Poor and the middle class. And you use musk, gates and Zuckerberg as a comparison. The exact folks gas prices affects the least. I find that interesting. That is quite the connection. Not saying you poll is wrong world wide. But when it goes from an average of 2.00 a gallon to over 3.00 a gallon in a hurry, there is an immediate effect on the poor. It doesn’t matter what the prices are world wide. The change hurts people here. Doesn’t matter what the rest of the planet is paying. You think anyone facing a dent in their already small budget gives a flying f that someone in Norway is paying more for gas than someone in the U.S. lol.
This isn't about the poor. If this were about the poor, you all would support a lot of things you don't. The very next post some of you will be complaining about your tax dollars going to someone that doesn't work and anyone can pull themselves out of the gutter if they work hard enough. And it'll get a lot of of likes. One will probably comefrom the same guy who just liked your post.
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This isn't about the poor. If this were about the poor, you all would support a lot of things you don't. Just stop. The very next post you'll be complaining about your tax dollars going to someone that doesn't work and anyone can pull themselves out of the gutter if they work hard enough.
Enough of it goes overseas and to illegals now. But you don’t care about policy. You have a shitty view of the world. I don’t like seeing anyone suffer.
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Enough of it goes overseas and to illegals now. But you don’t care about policy. You have a shitty view of the world. I don’t like seeing anyone suffer. You need to do better. Or get therapy
Now that's more like it. That's what I'm used to. You go, zing. And yours ain't sarcasm and I'm not gonna run to a mod and ask them to delete it.
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Why is it not about the poor and middle classes? The middle class is who Biden and Odumbo is trying to destroy.
Gas, for whatever reason, is an obsession with Americans. And it has little impact to be honest. The average American wastes far more by eating out several times a week than what they would lose in gas prices these days. I remember when I was 12 and my dad bought something in Radio Shack that was two dollars more expensive than the price at Wal-Mart. He didn't want to drive the two miles further up the road to run in and get it at Wal-mart. But on our way home, we drove two miles out of the way to go to a gas station that was a nickel cheaper. I tried to explain this to them, but "cheapest gas in a 50 mile radus and we're right here around it". Meanwhile, a family complaining about gas prices will likely eat out with their kids eight to ten times a month and cough up 80 to 150 bucks each time and complain about the strain having to pay 50 dollars more a month in gas prices.
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Gas, for whatever reason, is an obsession with Americans. And it has little impact to be honest. The average American wastes far more by eating out several times a week than what they would lose in gas prices these days. I remember when I was 12 and my dad bought something in Radio Shack that was two dollars more expensive than the price at Wal-Mart. He didn't want to drive the two miles further up the road to run in and get it at Wal-mart. But on our way home, we drove two miles out of the way to go to a gas station that was a nickel cheaper. I tried to explain this to them, but "cheapest gas in a 50 mile radus and we're right here around it". Meanwhile, a family complaining about gas prices will likely eat out with their kids eight to ten times a month and cough up 80 to 150 bucks each time and complain about the strain having to pay 50 dollars more a month in gas prices.
Why does it cost 80-150 bucks more a week now to eat out? lol. 🤦‍♂️
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And it has little impact to be honest.

1. Given the amount of goods shipped on our highways, major increases in gas prices can exponentially increase the cost of goods.

2. Cost increases in Oil price increases the cost of everything. One barrel produces X amount of each product (i.e. you can't make a barrel "all gasoline" or "all kerosene", etc...refining 1 barrel creates x amount of each).

3. You're talking gas, diesel, jet fuel, kerosene, plastics, etc., and literally every plastic-related product that is produced.

So, I disagree. "Little impact" is incorrect across the board.
Now you're heading in the right direction. You probably can make a better argument there.
If you are on food stamps, you aren’t taking your kids out to eat. I have (customers) people retired on fixed incomes that 50 dollars a month effects other parts of their lives. The reason why is gas prices affect everyone. Almost everyone drives. You add 50 dollars a month to that many folks it is a ton of money. That is why they complain. Not to mention travel. Planes, deliveries etc. that is unbelievably short sighted
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1. Given the amount of goods shipped on our highways, major increases in gas prices can exponentially increase the cost of goods.

2. Cost increases in Oil price increases the cost of everything. One barrel produces X amount of each product (i.e. you can't make a barrel "all gasoline" or "all kerosene", etc...refining 1 barrel creates x amount of each).

3. You're talking gas, diesel, jet fuel, kerosene, plastics, etc., and literally every plastic-related product that is produced.

So, I disagree. "Little impact" is incorrect across the board.
But the thing is, it impacts things the same way in those other countries that have similar GDPs and somehow they live in similar fashion as we do. Maybe they are just better at budgeting. I don't know. But gas prices aren't their number one complaint usually.
If you are on food stamps, you aren’t taking your kids out to eat. I have people retired on fixed incomes that 50 dollars a month effects other parts of their lives. The reason why is gas prices affect everyone. Almost everyone drives. You add 50 dollars a month to that many folks it is a ton of money. That is why they complain.
I'm not saying that it would bad if prices go down. I'm just saying that I see a lot of people complaining about things, but are doing okay. Really okay by world standards. And it rings somewhat hollow at times. Most of the people I know that are on fixed incomes don't drive a lot because they don't work They are retired. And the majority of most people's gas expense is driving back and to to work. I think I'll notice the strain more when the restaurants aren't packed on weekends. Then I'd see people actually having to make changes.
But the thing is, it impacts things the same way in those other countries that have similar GDPs and somehow they live in similar fashion as we do. Maybe they are just better at budgeting. I don't know. But gas prices aren't their number one complaint usually.

Japan (for example) does not rely on a massive highway system to ship goods the way the US does. There are also very few countries that commute to work on the scale or distance that the US does.

So, I think your view/perspective here is limited.
Japan (for example) does not rely on a massive highway system to ship goods the way the US does. There are also very few countries that commute to work on the scale or distance that the US does.

So, I think view here is limited.
But that is largely due to the gas prices being so low for so long. We didn't build any kind of massive transit system the way other countries have. In Russia, it's far easier to take good public transportation from one city or even town to another than the US. You can't even do it in the US in some places that are considered fairly populous.

No country in the world with our GDP would have a subway like Atlanta does in a metro area that size. It's laughable.
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I'm not saying that it would bad if prices go down. I'm just saying that I see a lot of people complaining about things, but are doing okay. Really okay by world standards. And it rings somewhat hollow at times. Most of the people I know that are on fixed incomes don't drive a lot because they don't work They are retired. And the majority of most people's gas expense is driving back and to to work. I think I'll notice the strain more when the restaurants aren't packed on weekends. Then I'd see people actually having to make changes.
Some common ground. I agree on restaurants. I have seen some closings. Red lobster going under. Burger kings are closing left and right. Sit down restaurants not so much which goes along with who is being effected the most. We have already cut back on going out to eat. I can’t imagine others aren’t doing the same
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Some common ground. I agree on restaurants. I have seen some closings. Red lobster going under. Burger kings are closing left and right. Sit down restaurants not so much which goes along with who is being effected the most. We have already cut back on going out to eat. I can’t imagine others aren’t doing the same
Red Lobster is likely going under due to competition. The amount of choices in the US in chain restaurants is incredible compared to where I live. BK and McDonald's have to compete with Red Robin and Five Guys and if more people are willing to pay double to eat at those places, then BK is gonna lose out. When I was growing up, the only steak you could get in a 30 mile radius was Golden Corral (before the buffet) or Quincys (before the buffet). Now you've got Longhorn, Applebee's and a four five locally owned restaurants that offer a way better steak than what those places did. So is it due to the economy or saturation. People eat out waaaay more than they did when I was a kid. For me it was one night a week, usually Friday, to get mom out of the kitchen.
But that is largely due to the gas prices being so low for so long. We didn't build any kind of massive transit system the way other countries have. In Russia, it's far easier to take good public transportation from one city or even town to another than the US. You can't even do it in the US in some places that are considered fairly populous.

No country in the world with our GDP would have a subway like Atlanta does in a metro area that size. It's laughable.
Ok...aren't you making my point? The WHY is irrelevant. This discussion was about the impact of gas/oil prices to the US consumer. I pointed out several ways that it impacts here locally vs. your observed 'overseas' examples.

I assume that you now agree with me and that increases in price are a big deal here ;)
Ok...aren't you making my point? The WHY is irrelevant. This discussion was about the impact of gas/oil prices to the US consumer. I pointed out several ways that it impacts here locally vs. your observed 'overseas' examples.

I assume that you now agree with me and that increases in price are a big deal here ;)
I guess I'm still not convinced it's the strain people are saying it is. Never said it's not causing prices to go up.
I guess I'm still not convinced it's the strain people are saying it is. Never said it's not causing prices to go up.

I'll slightly concede...I think the impact on the average daily grind of driving for the average citizen is marginal, outside of huge increases. For some people it's big $$ increase (situationally dependent)...for some it's just something to complain about due to 'sticker shock' of filling up (unless you're on a very tight budget).

But, I will also point out that the initial 'shock' is subsequently followed up by insidious or more increases in prices of literally everything else...and it can directly lead to a feeling of budget squeeze.

e.g. People hate paying more at the pump...but, then find their actual budget pinched due to the reasons I highlighted (which makes gas prices both an easy & effectively correct reason for $$ squeezes).
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If the economy is hurt, and I think it is in some cases, though right now a lot of indicators say it's okay. Why does this happen? And it continues even when we're in a recession. No matter. No doubt that a family of four that's at or near the poverty level, suffers more if their budget has to stretch five percent than Musk losing ten billion in a day. His day to day life is not gonna be impacted. But how does this keep happening?
Red Lobster is likely going under due to competition. The amount of choices in the US in chain restaurants is incredible compared to where I live. BK and McDonald's have to compete with Red Robin and Five Guys and if more people are willing to pay double to eat at those places, then BK is gonna lose out. When I was growing up, the only steak you could get in a 30 mile radius was Golden Corral (before the buffet) or Quincys (before the buffet). Now you've got Longhorn, Applebee's and a four five locally owned restaurants that offer a way better steak than what those places did. So is it due to the economy or saturation. People eat out waaaay more than they did when I was a kid. For me it was one night a week, usually Friday, to get mom out of the kitchen.
You came over to waycross to eat at the Golden Corral didn’t you. Plenty of places to get steaks in waycross back then. Just saying. I do agree more people eat out now that ever. Which is why so many restaurants exist these days. Not to mention the population is quite different too kckd. How many more people in the ole USA then back when we were kids. You are doing some real impressive mental gymnastics here.

Gas price increase moves into the grocery store. Pretty much all goods and services. Individual fill ups at the pump may not cause you to go broke but every other raise in price adds up. 50 dollar increase in every good at your grocery store. At the auto parts place. Wood. Brick. Materials. Everything is affected. That is why 50
Dollars for the individual doesn’t cover it. And is very, very short sighted
You came over to waycross to eat at the Golden Corral didn’t you. Plenty of places to get steaks in waycross back then. Just saying. I do agree more people eat out now that ever. Which is why so many restaurants exist these days. Not to mention the population is quite different too kckd. How many more people in the ole USA then back when we were kids. You are doing some real impressive mental gymnastics here.
Nope. Didn't live near there for very long. Moved back to Wrightsville. Birth rates are going down in the US. Especially among whites who have more money to actually raise kids, but don't want to do it. Much bigger problem over here in Korea.

By the way, I just did a population check and most of the towns I grew up in and around are about the same in population. The growth is in cities and suburbs. Not where I'm from.

Dublin has't grown an inch.

My hometown has grown a good bit, over a thousand.

Sandersville is down a few hundred since I was a kid.

Laurens county has grown a good bit in population, but they aren't living in Dublin.
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Nope. Didn't live near there for very long. Moved back to Wrightsville. Birth rates are going down in the US. Especially among whites who have more money to actually raise kids, but don't want to do it. Much bigger problem over here in Korea.
Check the edit. Gas hurts goods and services. Every gas increase is passed to the consumer ten fold. Groceries. Auto parts, brick, wood, insurance(parts/claims), it effects so many things it isn’t just about the individual at the pump.

1980 population was 220 million. 2023 340 million. Pretty big increase. Do agree it isn’t as much small cities as it is big cities and suburbs, which is a huge problem imo.
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You need to get out more. Compared to almost every other wealthy country your gas prices are extremely low and have always been that way.

Hearing Americans complain about gas prices and how they can't make it is like listening to Zuckerberg, Musk and Gates complain about the rising cost of yachts to the rest of the world.

This was 2017. The price in the US in 2024 in the last I checked is just over a dollar now per liter, but most of the others have gone up as well.
I don’t drive often in Eritrea.

Am I suppose to be satisfied because of that graph?

Funny how two of the largest oil producers have per liter costs up to over 4 times less than us.

Secret: We have as much oil production potential as any country in the world.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iran should be ashamed, based on your logic.

I guess there political leaders don’t get out much.
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