are up to their necks in same or very similar RFRA acts laws plus Georgia and Arkansas are at the goaline with their own. Guess these upset boycotters are gonna have to take their business, conventions and so forth out of country. Haven't heard from BO yet but you can be sure he, like he was on same sex marriage, was merely for the law before he was against it! But he and all the other legislators in Illinois voted for it. Billary signed it into federal law.
Pat Haden the USC AD had the lamest response of all. I'm the proud father of a gheigh son and I won't be going to some event in Indy. Sounds like apples didn't fall far from the tree, By the way Pat do you plan to attend the USC @ AZ St game this fall cause Az has the law too. It's already a given that you won't be attending the USC @ Notre Dame game in South Bend, GASP (Indiana). We as a nation are simply hopeless. We need a tranny, midget, black, muslim, gheigh, fat, disabled, fresh arrival from Brazil with a partner from Palestine and neither with a driver's license for 2016.
Pat Haden the USC AD had the lamest response of all. I'm the proud father of a gheigh son and I won't be going to some event in Indy. Sounds like apples didn't fall far from the tree, By the way Pat do you plan to attend the USC @ AZ St game this fall cause Az has the law too. It's already a given that you won't be attending the USC @ Notre Dame game in South Bend, GASP (Indiana). We as a nation are simply hopeless. We need a tranny, midget, black, muslim, gheigh, fat, disabled, fresh arrival from Brazil with a partner from Palestine and neither with a driver's license for 2016.