Real issues, substantial people with real policy ideas that address real problems are an alien concept anymore for the voter. They are drawn to a rock star bull shit artist (Obama), a reality show shock jock (Trump), a politically correct demographic regardless of a freight train full of baggage and not one indication of expertise at anything except trading influence for dollars (Hillary). And Sanders who is pushing the closest thing to a 100% failed policy as exists in the 20th and 21st century. A mad man, sex deviant who throws outrageous, fantasy ideas out like confetti.
But everyone wants a rock star concept they can ID with, not a capable president to lead us through a horrific debt situation that the last rock star lead us into. Not a leader who can deal with a nightmare world predicament the same rock star has crafted through a combo of incredibly naive and idealogue based fantasy. Technology meets pop culture.
But everyone wants a rock star concept they can ID with, not a capable president to lead us through a horrific debt situation that the last rock star lead us into. Not a leader who can deal with a nightmare world predicament the same rock star has crafted through a combo of incredibly naive and idealogue based fantasy. Technology meets pop culture.