Lot of press pointing towards Herman,

Interesting - everything I've seen is saying Smart is the guy. I like Kirby, but think Herman might be the better option...
Seems more Kirby's for the taking to Me.
Maybe USC West is negotiating with Herman, He's from Southern Cal.
One article noted he withdrew his name from south kackolacky....after UGA opened up.
He has very little experience as a head coach. This year he beat no quality opponent and lost to Connecticut. WHY do we think he will be better than Richt? Is it just a hope? Why not get a head coach with a longer track record of success (e.g., TCU, Baylor) or much better yet, get Chip Kelly from Philadelphia. Just wondering. Cheers.
Coaches are like new cars. Want one badly but they are all used cars after couple years. Be careful what you ask for. I have been season ticket holder since 73 and I was not ready to make this move. I think we are in dome if Chubb not hurt. Bama envy is killing us all.
Seems more Kirby's for the taking to Me.
Maybe USC West is negotiating with Herman, He's from Southern Cal.

No he isn't, he's from Ohio. He spent 4 years playing at California Lutheran though. All but 6 years of his coaching life have been in Texas.
No he isn't, he's from Ohio. He spent 4 years playing at California Lutheran though. All but 6 years of his coaching life have been in Texas.

You must read press clippings.
He was born in Cincy, but raised in Southern Cal.
I was born in Tuscaloosa, but I'm from Georgia.
Why is everyone convinced that Smart wants the job? Just being his alma mater doesn't mean he wants to take over in Athens. He has had a lot of interviews at other schools over the past years, why didn't they hire him? Everywhere I read, it is Smart's job and all that is left is to sign on the dotted line. What if Richt was let go because he refused to fire Schotty and we are in fact starting from scratch?
Why is everyone convinced that Smart wants the job? Just being his alma mater doesn't mean he wants to take over in Athens. He has had a lot of interviews at other schools over the past years, why didn't they hire him? Everywhere I read, it is Smart's job and all that is left is to sign on the dotted line. What if Richt was let go because he refused to fire Schotty and we are in fact starting from scratch?

Well it IS both his and his wife's alma mater, and it's the best available job in CFB. Then there's the fact he's been recruiting the state since he graduated from UGA.
Why is everyone convinced that Smart wants the job? Just being his alma mater doesn't mean he wants to take over in Athens. He has had a lot of interviews at other schools over the past years, why didn't they hire him? Everywhere I read, it is Smart's job and all that is left is to sign on the dotted line. What if Richt was let go because he refused to fire Schotty and we are in fact starting from scratch?
I would guess that ADGM has known for awhile(since Fla) that Richt was gone and that this deal has been in the works. If Mcgarity has a clue he would never let Richt go until he has the new guy lined up.
Well it IS both his and his wife's alma mater,
Again,not sure that is as important a factor as everyone thinks (Miles and Michigan, Richt and Miami, etc.) I agree with you that it is probably the best job open but what happened in all of those interviews he has previously had? Did he turn them all down over the years. What makes Smart a more qualified choice than Pruitt? Both assist. coaches, both recruiting GA well, and both putting together pretty good defenses. With Pruitt you get the bonus of stability on one side of the ball. I am not saying Smart isn't the man I just haven't heard the compelling reason why everyone is so sure he is the man.

I would guess that ADGM has known for awhile(since Fla) that Richt was gone and that this deal has been in the works. If Mcgarity has a clue he would never let Richt go until he has the new guy lined up.
You are correct sir.