Meanwhile in Pennsylvania….

The Pennsylvania State Department will not say whether or not there are non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania does issue drivers licenses to illegals.
Photo ID is not required to vote. Only first time voters are required to show any ID.

“Pennsylvania does not require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. When registering to vote in Pennsylvania, individuals must attest to their citizenship status under penalty of perjury, but they are not required to provide documentary proof of citizenship. The registration form requires individuals to check a box affirming that they are U.S. citizens, but additional documentation, such as a birth certificate or passport, is not required for voter registration in federal elections.”
The Pennsylvania State Department will not say whether or not there are non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania does issue drivers licenses to illegals.
Photo ID is not required to vote. Only first time voters are required to show any ID.

“Pennsylvania does not require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. When registering to vote in Pennsylvania, individuals must attest to their citizenship status under penalty of perjury, but they are not required to provide documentary proof of citizenship. The registration form requires individuals to check a box affirming that they are U.S. citizens, but additional documentation, such as a birth certificate or passport, is not required for voter registration in federal elections.”
So people are subject to penalty if they illegally register to vote. Wonder how many are willing to take a chance just to register. Doesn't seem to be worth a risk since most would be wanting to stay hidden.
So people are subject to penalty if they illegally register to vote. Wonder how many are willing to take a chance just to register. Doesn't seem to be worth a risk since most would be wanting to stay hidden.
I mean, you think anything would done to them if they’re caught? Lol I am not too confident in that.
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I mean, you think anything would done to them if they’re caught? Lol I am not too confident in that.
Who knows. But I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans would be out there profiling people.

Let me ask you this which I brought up. How many would bother and even take a chance. They don't have anything to gain.
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So people are subject to penalty if they illegally register to vote. Wonder how many are willing to take a chance just to register. Doesn't seem to be worth a risk since most would be wanting to stay hidden.
The problem with that is there is no mechanism to catch them. The potential exposure is more than the population of most states. Failure to identify and prosecute violators is not proof that there is no problem. It is proof only that few have been caught.

In 2022, a Guatemalan refugee living in Colorado registered and voted at 3 voting locations in Pueblo County. Election officials had no idea. He was caught by an election watchdog group and reported to the Sheriff's Department. They only noticed him because of his distinctive clothing.

A Pueblo County deputy found the perpetrator at a local homeless center with 3 forged state I.D. cards, each with a fictitious name and an actual Pueblo County address. The deputy informed the Pueblo County Election board but was told all it could do was document the complaint.

So where's the prevention, detection, or penalty? The man in the example above said he was provided the ID's and registration information, and was paid for his votes. There's a lot of money in winning an election.
There is zero reasons votes cannot be counted on election night. It’s 2024. States with much larger populations can do it - I mean Florida doesn’t seem to have that problem.
But that's not the law in every state. It doesn't matter what you or somewhat wants.
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So the rules are clear. Do you have a problem following rules or are you just like Trump?
celtic, what rules did Trump not follow? He questioned the election, he didn’t manipulate the vote.

In my opinion…..

In regards to election fraud, as long as political party revenue positive third party vote harvesting, no proof of identification and drop boxes are allowed, there will be voter fraud.

The person who believes it’s OK to burn down a town, shoplift and loot stores, and scream down opposing discussion doesn’t care about fairness or legalities. They justify violence to move change in government. And those people vote. And to be fair, under our voting laws, fraud occurs on both sides of the political fence.

So yes, we get used. And yes there is fraud.

We can pretend it doesn’t exist, but it does. And in massive numbers.

Just throwing my opinion. Hope you are well.
Remember that trucker who drove an 18-wheeler full of completed ballots from Bethpage, NY to Lancaster, PA and couldn’t get a receipt for delivery so he could get paid and the next morning his truck was gone and he came forward with the info and the FBI harrassed him and he just disappeared ?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.
There is zero reasons votes cannot be counted on election night. It’s 2024. States with much larger populations can do it - I mean Florida doesn’t seem to have that problem.
The PA Republican state legislature passed the law that prevents the counting of mail-in votes before 7am the day of the election.

Florida begins the tabulation of mail-in ballots 22 days before the actual election.

Republicans created this problem and are now pointing to it as proof of fraud.
Who knows. But I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans would be out there profiling people.

Let me ask you this which I brought up. How many would bother and even take a chance. They don't have anything to gain.
The don’t have anything to gain? If democrats stay in office, southern border is more open and deportations are down. Seems like a lot to gain.
The PA Republican state legislature passed the law that prevents the counting of mail-in votes before 7am the day of the election.

Florida begins the tabulation of mail-in ballots 22 days before the actual election.

Republicans created this problem and are now pointing to it as proof of fraud.
There are a lot of things that need to be cleaned up based on real or perceived issues from the 2020 election. Suspect the current Georgia version election laws will be copied in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin next time they get Republican governors as they already have republican legislators. Related to counting ballots, would argue that should be wrapped up within 4 hours of polls closing regardless of how absentee ballots are handled. Delays in final results certainly contributes to conspiracy theories…
celtic, what rules did Trump not follow? He questioned the election, he didn’t manipulate the vote.

In my opinion…..

In regards to election fraud, as long as political party revenue positive third party vote harvesting, no proof of identification and drop boxes are allowed, there will be voter fraud.

The person who believes it’s OK to burn down a town, shoplift and loot stores, and scream down opposing discussion doesn’t care about fairness or legalities. They justify violence to move change in government. And those people vote. And to be fair, under our voting laws, fraud occurs on both sides of the political fence.

So yes, we get used. And yes there is fraud.

We can pretend it doesn’t exist, but it does. And in massive numbers.

Just throwing my opinion. Hope you are well.
Good morning PW. This isn't really about Trump so I'm not going to rehash anything about him. Yes, there has always been fraud in voting. We had Tammany Hall in New York and we all know about Chicago, but nothing widespread like some claim and haven't seemed to be able to prove. Massive fraud - can't agree with that. We have people voting in more than one election or state. We have essentially fake candidates (at least in Florida) to confuse voters and try to steal elections. Hopefully elections aren't close, but I'm not sure there has been a lot of change since 2020.
The PA Republican state legislature passed the law that prevents the counting of mail-in votes before 7am the day of the election.

Florida begins the tabulation of mail-in ballots 22 days before the actual election.

Republicans created this problem and are now pointing to it as proof of fraud.
Give me a break. So, it’s the Republican’s fault they can’t count those ballots before election night? How long do they need? Come on.
Give me a break. So, it’s the Republican’s fault they can’t count those ballots before election night? How long do they need? Come on.
I'm not in the room so I can't answer your question. The example of Florida was mentioned, and I highlighted the differences in approach. If it's good enough for FL to start counting early, and they decided it was required to deliver same day results, why is it unacceptable for PA? You'd have to ask the GOP state senate for the answer.
I'm not in the room so I can't answer your question. The example of Florida was mentioned, and I highlighted the differences in approach. If it's good enough for FL to start counting early, and they decided it was required to deliver same day results, why is it unacceptable for PA? You'd have to ask the GOP state senate for the answer.
I suspect the red and mostly rural counties in PA will have their results in by 10:00 pm on election day, no different that Georgia. Some of the larger counties, although having much more to count SHOUD HAVE many more resources but can't seem to churn them out as fast. never could understand Cobb can get them back very fast, Fulton cannot. Suspect there are similarities in PA as well. Suspect some of the precincts are underfunded, always speculate if that might be by design as well.

Bottom line, they should be able to churn out results 3 hours following close of election regardless of how they handle absentee ballots with modern day technology. The Fulton County fiasco in 2020 is total embarrassing regardless of outcome and contributed to the Conspiracy Theories and the concern about future elections.
I'm not in the room so I can't answer your question. The example of Florida was mentioned, and I highlighted the differences in approach. If it's good enough for FL to start counting early, and they decided it was required to deliver same day results, why is it unacceptable for PA? You'd have to ask the GOP state senate for the answer.
You're right. Different states have different rules about handling and processing mail in ballots. Before 2020, most states did not have such a large number of mail in ballots to process. Therefore, those variations didn't matter as much. There are several variables. The ones that come immediately to mind include:

When must mail in ballots be received? Deadlines vary from a week before election day to merely postmarked by election day, which can arrive several days later.

When can processing begin? Some states process and count as they come in. By processing we mean matching the voter to the rolls, signature verification, opening ballot envelopes and separating ballots from envelopes. Some process as they come in, but don't start counting until election day. Some cannot do anything with mail in ballots until election day.

When is the curing deadline? Mail in ballots with voter issues, such as missing or invalid signatures, or other required information, have limits on when they can be fixed by the voter, or "cured." This can vary from election day up to a week after. There should not be enough of these to sway an election unless things are very close. The key is that nothing can be done with the enclosed ballot until after the voter defects are fixed. Some states have elected to count uncured ballots anyway. This is a topic ripe for litigation.

Lastly, what are the rules for counting all ballots? Some state, like Florida, require that counting will continue until the process is complete. That is a control feature to prevent manipulation. Some states now allow counting to proceed only during "business hours" after in person counting is complete, when they know the process will take several days.

This is an area where we could really use a single set of standards.
Who knows. But I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans would be out there profiling people.

Let me ask you this which I brought up. How many would bother and even take a chance. They don't have anything to gain.
$$$$$$ Duh
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The Pennsylvania State Department will not say whether or not there are non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania does issue drivers licenses to illegals.
Photo ID is not required to vote. Only first time voters are required to show any ID.

“Pennsylvania does not require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. When registering to vote in Pennsylvania, individuals must attest to their citizenship status under penalty of perjury, but they are not required to provide documentary proof of citizenship. The registration form requires individuals to check a box affirming that they are U.S. citizens, but additional documentation, such as a birth certificate or passport, is not required for voter registration in federal elections.”
And Dems NEVER lie. Just remember these Socialists will do anything for power. Lying on a form is nothing.
And Dems NEVER lie. Just remember these Socialists will do anything for power. Lying on a form is nothing.
Another way to look at the story in Colorado. The Guatamalan refugee was recruited to do this - it wasn't his idea. He didn't source the fake identities, create the forged documentation or find the address. He just did what he was paid to do.

Would any reasonable person think that all this was put in place just for one guy?

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