More lies and deception from Biden and Harris

Are you people new to politics and think this is something that hasn't been done before. If you read the opinion piece that you posted you would see that the Trump Administration was proposing sending a $200 drug discount card before the 2020 election.
Are you people new to politics and think this is something that hasn't been done before. If you read the opinion piece that you posted you would see that the Trump Administration was proposing sending a $200 drug discount card before the 2020 election.
Cope harder. You’re comparing 2 different things and you know that.
Are you people new to politics and think this is something that hasn't been done before. If you read the opinion piece that you posted you would see that the Trump Administration was proposing sending a $200 drug discount card before the 2020 election.
Like lying biden getting rid of Trump's insuling plan and then, before the election, reinstates it lol. What a clown show. Kamal toe says on day one she will reduce grocery prices! Why wait? Do it now. lol