More on “men” that support Harris

Insert “I don’t believe you” gif. (not you personally, but the gist of the article).
I absolutely believe the gender gap, but not a seven point gap amongst the general population. Trump and Republicans in general are losing young women big time. Kamala has stopped any momentum Trump had with the black community also. I think the election is a toss up at this point.
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I absolutely believe the gender gap, but not a seven point gap amongst the general population. Trump and Republicans in general are losing young women big time. Kamala has stopped any momentum Trump had with the black community also. I think the election is a toss up at this point.
I don’t believe the media polls, this campaign has nothing to offer but more wasteful spending and more illegal immigrants crossing crossing our border!
No foreign policies that favor the U.S. with her either.
I don’t believe the media polls, this campaign has nothing to offer but more wasteful spending and more illegal immigrants crossing crossing our border!
No foreign policies that favor the U.S. with her either.
I questions the polls too, but I do think there is a legitimate gender gap. The betting odds have the race a dead heat.
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So how many queer folk voted in this poll…did they say? How about pro abortionist? You can ask the opposite, how many were not queer folk? How many were against abortions? You could breakdown anti abortion voters asking in the poll as some are no abortion no matter what while some can agree with an abortion if it was incest, rape, underage (which would fall under rape)…Anyways sometimes you might need a more detailed question in the polls so one might get a better understanding how they are polled or vote. Not sure if it would change anything, but maybe it would🤷‍♂️
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I questions the polls too, but I do think there is a legitimate gender gap. The betting odds have the race a dead heat.
Female and I’m voting for Trump. Biggest fear is overcoming the cheating that will happen. Many illegals have registered to vote. Way more than needed to swing the election. Dems have upped their cheating. If they win it’s the end of our two party system and probably our democracy. We will be Venezuela.
Female and I’m voting for Trump. Biggest fear is overcoming the cheating that will happen. Many illegals have registered to vote. Way more than needed to swing the election. Dems have upped their cheating. If they win it’s the end of our two party system and probably our democracy. We will be Venezuela.
Well we will find out because there is cheating
These are the white bitches that have watched and followed Oprah all those years are the ones that have been brainwashed into believing communism is the best thing since sliced bread.
Dont forget about the racist crazy left wing radical bi+ches on The View and their fat ass red haired cohort
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Female and I’m voting for Trump. Biggest fear is overcoming the cheating that will happen. Many illegals have registered to vote. Way more than needed to swing the election. Dems have upped their cheating. If they win it’s the end of our two party system and probably our democracy. We will be Venezuela.
Got any names, of those illegals registered to vote? In what states?
I'm a man who supports Harris! But I wouldn't be supporting her, if she was running against anybody but that bankrupt lying cheating rabble rousing seditious conspirator named Donald Trump.

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