More Tiger info for you Gawf fans...


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
As for present affairs, many golf experts also seem to have written Woods off, in this upcoming Masters and beyond. It makes sense to temper expectations, given what we've seen from him -- and his short game -- in the past year. But USA Today's Chris Chase urges us to keep our eye on the ball: "These same folks don't seem to remember that Tiger won four tournaments in 2012 and five tournaments in 2013," he writes. "To put that into perspective, only 11 active players have that many wins in their careers. He's been great as recently as 16 months ago."
There will come a day, perhaps soon, when Tiger Woods decides he's done with golf. Until that happens, he should face lower expectations without being completely written off. He still has the power to single-handedly revitalize golf with one stellar major weekend.

_ Kavitha A. Davidson writes about sports for Bloomberg View.
Yeah, golf is such a physical sport. Surprised Jack & Arnie are still alive

after all the abuse they suffered.

Say when.
Same thing sidelined Nicklaus. He was pretty much done once he turned 40..

Tiger is 39. Jack did squeeze out one last major a few years later but he didn't win much in between or afterwards.
His back is shot from...

over-working hoo'ers and...

its astonishing how he has been sheltered

From the steroid accusations and dialogue. The media won't touch it. I know that the PGA has a lot to lose if it got out but I'm very surprised that at the very least TMZ hasn't jumped on it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Noticed last year his back-swing is really short and fast...for Tiger

I guess indicative of back issues
Should go to full-contact golf. Gotta hit your ball before the other guy

spike yer ass....and you can block a putt, pick the ball up and sling it back at the guy.
Guaranteed more viewers