Most obvious coordinated media effort right now….

Is to paint Trump as equally if not more mentally impaired than Biden. Literally every outlet pimping the narrative.

Sorry - people have eyes. And this total counter narrative to reality is what pisses people off about media.

Good luck with that.
There is no comparison between the 2. This effort will fail miserably and likely backfire as you said.
Libs on here trying to push that narrative too. It's hilarious.
Clearly an all hands conference call around the time Biden looked so comfortable, on theme, and cool at his stylish Juneteenth party. Like clockwork every outlet has a “look how crazy and senile and age affected Trump is”’piece.
Clearly an all hands conference call around the time Biden looked so comfortable, on theme, and cool at his stylish Juneteenth party. Like clockwork every outlet has a “look how crazy and senile and age affected Trump is”’piece.
James Kunstler said they “wheeled him out on the White House lawn like a tobacco store Indian.”
Is to paint Trump as equally if not more mentally impaired than Biden. Literally every outlet pimping the narrative.

Sorry - people have eyes. And this total counter narrative to reality is what pisses people off about media.

Good luck with that.
The guy is a piece of trash. Get over it and wake the fu.. up or ate just devoid of reality.
Is to paint Trump as equally if not more mentally impaired than Biden. Literally every outlet pimping the narrative.

Sorry - people have eyes. And this total counter narrative to reality is what pisses people off about media.

Good luck with that.
Or maybe he’s actually mentally compromised. Guess we will see next week.
Or maybe he’s actually mentally compromised. Guess we will see next week.
I have NO idea 🤷‍♂️ what we are going to see next week. You would think we would get the Biden we got at the State of the Union and a more measured Trump but who the heck knows. Trump and Biden May rage 😤 out of control at each other. Bottom line we could get ANYTHING….
I have NO idea 🤷‍♂️ what we are going to see next week. You would think we would get the Biden we got at the State of the Union and a more measured Trump but who the heck knows. Trump and Biden May rage 😤 out of control at each other. Bottom line we could get ANYTHING….
You may be right, but what is most important is….we have “report cards” on both. This is what matters most, words can’t change anything.
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Is to paint Trump as equally if not more mentally impaired than Biden. Literally every outlet pimping the narrative.

Sorry - people have eyes. And this total counter narrative to reality is what pisses people off about media.

Good luck with that.
There is no need for that. He does it on his own .From to wanting to be Hitler, to lying about crowd sizes and showing false pictures of same ,to making incoherent statements and to showing pictures of Obama crowds and representing as his. If that is not luny, then, what is. He is very much in fancy land.
There is no need for that. He does it on his own .From to wanting to be Hitler, to lying about crowd sizes and showing false pictures of same ,to making incoherent statements and to showing pictures of Obama crowds and representing as his. If that is not luny, then, what is. He is very much in fancy land.

Is to paint Trump as equally if not more mentally impaired than Biden. Literally every outlet pimping the narrative.

Sorry - people have eyes. And this total counter narrative to reality is what pisses people off about media.

Good luck with that.
Dems are genuinely worried about November and that is why I believe somehow, some way they ditch Joe and Kamala. With a potential Trump win looming, James Carville is threatening to leave the country and leave Mary behind and Nate Silver is threatening to revert to straight sex.
Dems are genuinely worried about November and that is why I believe somehow, some way they ditch Joe and Kamala. With a potential Trump win looming, James Carville is threatening to leave the country and leave Mary behind and Nate Silver is threatening to revert to straight sex.
Hey James don’t let the door hit you in the aSS on the way out and take some of the other crazy libs with you. As many as you can!
There is no need for that. He does it on his own .From to wanting to be Hitler, to lying about crowd sizes and showing false pictures of same ,to making incoherent statements and to showing pictures of Obama crowds and representing as his. If that is not luny, then, what is. He is very much in fancy land.
Clearly you watch nothing but MSDNC. You sir are insane. Biden has Parkinsons which causes the shuffling gate, decreased blinking, abnormal arm swing when he walks with rigid stiff limbs. Not all but many Parkinsons patients develop dementia. He will show up for debate pumped up again with adderal. Why do you think Joe insisted on sitting at debate? He can’t stand up that long by himself? If you are referring to the battery shark issue he was making fun of Biden pushing for electric batteries to run boats instead of gas. Hence the dilemma of a sinking boat choosing do I go down with boat and get electrocuted or eaten by a shark. It’s because it’s stupid to make boats run on only electric batteries. The MSM took part of his comments out of context. Joe comments that’s not necessary to do. They are crazy all on their own. Surely you know Biden is making none of the big decisions? It’s either Obama, some of the other lib gang in the White House or Jill. Just like Woodrow Wilson’s wife who ran the White House after his stroke.
There is no need for that. He does it on his own .From to wanting to be Hitler, to lying about crowd sizes and showing false pictures of same ,to making incoherent statements and to showing pictures of Obama crowds and representing as his. If that is not luny, then, what is. He is very much in fancy land.
Trump is 78. Is he young, absolutely not. Are his peak mental years behind him? Most likely

But there's zero comparison to where Trump is today cognitively and where Biden is
As I’ve said, we will get the two candidates on a stage going head to head next week. If it happens, which I question, it should be very telling about both candidates.

John Bolton is many things, but a lefty is definitely not one of them. There’s a reason so many of Trump’s former cabinet refuse to publically support him. Like Bolton, they worked directly with him and know him best. None of them are lefties, they are republicans, most of them conservative republicans, and they know from personal experience that Trump is unfit and does not have the temperament to serve as POTUS again.
Lol...That someone is Don Jr and the pic doesnt show if DJT was being led, just reached down to greet his son or temporarily lost his balance. That pic in no way resembles the multiple videos of Biden going zombie about half the time he appears in public for 30 minutes.

Uh oh, luckily there's a video. I'm guessing you need a new source.
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As I’ve said, we will get the two candidates on a stage going head to head next week. If it happens, which I question, it should be very telling about both candidates.

John Bolton is many things, but a lefty is definitely not one of them. There’s a reason so many of Trump’s former cabinet refuse to publically support him. Like Bolton, they worked directly with him and know him best. None of them are lefties, they are republicans, most of them conservative republicans, and they know from personal experience that Trump is unfit and does not have the temperament to serve as POTUS again.
The guy with the tweet was taking about the left as a whole crying about how Trump was going to start WW3, be a dictator, single handedly destroy America, launch the nukes out of anger, etc
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Where in that tweet did anyone claim Bolton was a lefty.
The poster said "Lord give me the Trump the left has conjured in their delusional nightmares" and shared a link to an article quoting Bolton about the threat of Trump. No other lefty is referenced, so logic suggests he is referencing Bolton.

As I’ve said, we will get the two candidates on a stage going head to head next week. If it happens, which I question, it should be very telling about both candidates.

John Bolton is many things, but a lefty is definitely not one of them. There’s a reason so many of Trump’s former cabinet refuse to publically support him. Like Bolton, they worked directly with him and know him best. None of them are lefties, they are republicans, most of them conservative republicans, and they know from personal experience that Trump is unfit and does not have the temperament to serve as POTUS again.
Something I always tell guys that work for me is you have to concede certain things / risks / whatever that might not be positive to your pitch. Otherwise, investors won't take you seriously and it just feels like you are blowing sunshine no matter what.
Can you at least concede that Biden is lightyears worse than Trump when it comes to age and mental faculties? I see your soundbites and gaffes handpicked from the 100's of hours Trump is being video'd making speeches, etc. It doesn't move the needle, and it just continues to erode credibility from your would-be legit arguments against Trump. Same on the bullshit NYC cases. Come on. Or the common sense "what does your gut tell you" regarding the Biden family's millions received from Chinese and Ukranian entities for an unknown good or service. Smoking gun or not, what do you honestly think happened?

I would encourage you to watch this entire back and forth between Bill Maher and Greg Gutfield. Maher hates Trump more than anyone and will give you all you want in terms of why he is dangerous, shouldn't be President, etc. But he is also smart, and he concedes that Trump doesn't look old at all in his clips. In fact he looks very much on his game as if it were the 80's again. Biden looks old. Period. And he is slipping terribly.

I don't agree with Bill generally. But he has some crediiblity because shockingly enough he concedes things that don't work towards his personal feelings about Trump. And he is smart.

Gotta say the ability to concede anything that doesn't work in favor of a narrative seems to be something folks on the right are better at than folks on the left, who seemingly circle the wagons no matter what, even if common sense tells them something obviously different.

Dems are genuinely worried about November and that is why I believe somehow, some way they ditch Joe and Kamala. With a potential Trump win looming, James Carville is threatening to leave the country and leave Mary behind and Nate Silver is threatening to revert to straight sex.
The switch is in the works. Biden will not be the candidate unfortunately.
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As I’ve said, we will get the two candidates on a stage going head to head next week. If it happens, which I question, it should be very telling about both candidates.

John Bolton is many things, but a lefty is definitely not one of them. There’s a reason so many of Trump’s former cabinet refuse to publically support him. Like Bolton, they worked directly with him and know him best. None of them are lefties, they are republicans, most of them conservative republicans, and they know from personal experience that Trump is unfit and does not have the temperament to serve as POTUS again.
Many of them are just part of the system, the uni-party and are against everything Trump proposes. Bolton is definitely that. Some just don't like the grind of working with him. Like him or not he works long hours and expects the same. The rest can only deal with so much crap from the left. The left is merciless on how they treat anyone working for the evil orange man.

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