One of them is going to be the next President of the United States.
One of them is going to be the next President of the United States.
One of them is going to be the next President of the United States.
Haha! That would resemble the last 7 years but worse because of the weakened state we are already in.One of them is going to be the next President of the United States.
It looks like Bernie is getting the race pimp lined up for the stretch run. Hill is gone be mad. I guess she could go after Jesse Jackson to level the playing field.
Bernie wants to hand out entitlements like it is Halloween candy.
Somewhere along the line the babyboomer dropped the ball. The previous generations cherished liberty and the fact we were unique. Now our kids, by that I mean the babyboomer's kids, are embracing the very thing the greatest generation fought against. Now we want to be like Finland or Greece and my question is WHY?? We've had to bail those clowns out multiple times. Of course when I say we I mean the old America, we can't get out of our own way now. I guess we need somebody to bail us out. Dingbat Bernie said last night we need to get our jobs back from overseas. Sure, the highest corporate tax rate in the world and more regulation, that will do it. Sorry guys, this country is done, welcome to the land of mediocrity or worse. Everybody gets 40 acres & a mule. Instead of empowering the achievers we want to spend all our money on the disadvantaged and if 1 out of 10 get out of the ditch then that is great. Why not let the achievers produce jobs that give the losers a chance to work. Most of them had rather sit on their 300 pound butt but it will be their own fault. Like I said, put a fork in us we're done.
No trump and Cruz can beat both. Super pacts . They would not get anything doneOne of them is going to be the next President of the United States.
Yep, everything is driven by feelings. Nobody is allowed to fail. Every measure of everything has been dumb down. Hell, Pug probably has a high school diploma.zas
Simple answer. Liberalism. Its the biggest danger our Country has ever face. Its why this election is so important.
Liberalism is a cancer,its morally, and intellectually bankrupt. Liberals have controlled the education system for 50 years. Its indoctrination not education. Liberalism has a history, its a history of failure, broken lives, fortunes, and kills innovation. Yet those that follow this gutter ideology simply ignore they past, for them History starts today..........Everyday.
Yep, everything is driven by feelings. Nobody is allowed to fail. Every measure of everything has been dumb down. Hell, Pug probably has a high school diploma.
Yeah, the gutter ideaology that bailed the US out of the depression. Roosevelt went against the robber barons and helped the common man.zas
Simple answer. Liberalism. Its the biggest danger our Country has ever face. Its why this election is so important.
Liberalism is a cancer,its morally, and intellectually bankrupt. Liberals have controlled the education system for 50 years. Its indoctrination not education. Liberalism has a history, its a history of failure, broken lives, fortunes, and kills innovation. Yet those that follow this gutter ideology simply ignore they past, for them History starts today..........Everyday.
And he prolonged the depression with big government intrusion. Just as they continue to do today.Yeah, the gutter ideaology that bailed the US out of the depression. Roosevelt went against the robber barons and helped the common man.
Yeah, the gutter ideaology that bailed the US out of the depression. Roosevelt went against the robber barons and helped the common man.
And he prolonged the depression with big government intrusion. Just as they continue to do today.