Number of Nat Gas rigs has fallen 78% since 2008 while production doubled


Circle of Honor
Aug 5, 2001
And the price plummeted.

Does CHATs think that this same phenomenon could possibly happen with oil, too?

Barack is PISS oft about this news.
We will just have to see.
I'm on equal billing and looking at last year those flyfocks owe me some

For less than $1000 you can get your garage fitted for a Nat gas car fill up

For another several hundred dollars, you can get your car/truck fitted with a Nat gas tank and a switch to go back and forth between that and gasoline.

Then you can use Nat gas for like 75 cents per gallon, equivalent.

The people making those conversions are making the "push" you mention as hard as they can go, all day long.
At less than $2 per gallon gasoline cost, though, lots of people won't bother. Not sure what the break-even miles are.

Don't need a "push" from anybody. It's out there if anybody wants to do it.

We have a thousand years worth of gas and oil available in our country.
That could be the industry that saves this country...

But they will find a way to screw that up too.