Oak there pain everyday in courtrooms and judg Baxter


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
should know this . His telling thing he said when he order them to jail said he didn't like sending anyone to jail is proven .

Why waste the jury time for this slap : when he commented about some lost money and status at their jobs . What a joke : if he goes a long and not give each at least three years in prison then he should resign and be shamed .

Of course there sadness in the courtroom but not near as sad as those kids who didn't learn anything or have better .

Please tell him to resign if he goes a long with this :
Posted from Rivals Mobile
There is sadness in every courtroom, including mine. But the law needs to be applied. Anyone who doesn't take this deal should be hammered. But, justice needs to be tempered by mercy. The true culprit has died. These are her minions who are taking the heat.

There a lot of leaning on this deal

yes there be dumb as hail not to and with all due respect judge Baxter would be dumb for going a long with it :

Six months for this sentence and ending . Judge you got to be kidding me :

This will just invite more cheating if this is the sentence but hell the death penalty don't stop murder does it ?
Posted from Rivals Mobile