Obama, what a hypocrite! C

atlanta cock#

Pillar of the DawgVent
Jun 1, 1998
Commenting about Trump, he says that a leader should try to bring people together. Yet, he's the most divisive president in my lifetime. What a joke! He divides by race and class, and he flipped 180° on the gay marriage issue. He's a liar that would make Nixon blush, and a divider that would make Wallace proud. He's an arrogant a-hole, and so his his wife.
Commenting about Trump, he says that a leader should try to bring people together. Yet, he's the most divisive president in my lifetime. What a joke! He divides by race and class, and he flipped 180° on the gay marriage issue. He's a liar that would make Nixon blush, and a divider that would make Wallace proud. He's an arrogant a-hole, and so his his wife.

you hit the nail on the head , i have seen several come and go and he is the worse far !
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Like I said, he had a perfect opportunity to shine. After YEARS of
being surrounded by people who claimed RACISM and UNFAIRNESS
and everything under the sun he was elected by a country he despises
and has the chance to make it all better and he chose the low road.
And beyond all expectations won a second term and failed again.
And sure, people will find a reason to blame everything from Bush
to a spotted garden frog to his lack of popularity, he has done this to himself.
Surrounded himself with the Democratic versions of Rove and Cheney.
Like I said, he had a perfect opportunity to shine. After YEARS of
being surrounded by people who claimed RACISM and UNFAIRNESS
and everything under the sun he was elected by a country he despises
and has the chance to make it all better and he chose the low road.
And beyond all expectations won a second term and failed again.
And sure, people will find a reason to blame everything from Bush
to a spotted garden frog to his lack of popularity, he has done this to himself.
Surrounded himself with the Democratic versions of Rove and Cheney.

Man, you could start a "whinery" with all these sour grapes! Quit blowing the dog whistles and just come out and admit you hate Obama because he is an intelligent Black man who plays the political game far better than the Konservativ Klown Korps currently leading the Republicans.
Sorry to spoil your fan fiction, but I am straight. And you are a low-down, low-information peckerwood.
I lol everytime I see you use the term "low information" since first off that is a lame, childish statement. Plus you are a borderline illiterate who would seemingly benefit from not bringing attention to knowledge or intelligence. BTW, I don't think you are gay but you do show signs of paranoia and delusion. You do stick to your guns and entertain however.