Oil change politics: Grease monkey father was all Trump his idiat son loves Sanders


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Got oil change and tire rotation at the neighborhood full service station today. Father/son operators. Dad is all Trump since he can relate to a NY billionaire (one whose wife likely budgets several hundred thousand a year for massages and body alteration). Father said he enjoyed Trump's show when he said "you're fired" btw. Good reason as any to elect a president I spose. His dope head son is feeling the Bern. Says he wants the option of working or "doing other things" (don't we all). And everyone, not just the elderly deserve benefits. I am favoring Rubio and or Kasich, all the others in both parties make Jed Clampett appear presidential. The problem is not the horror show candidates from the cackling, barking crook to the communist pervert to the Bush who makes his older brother look like Cicero, it's us the voters. The candidates just reflect US, the voters
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Got oil change and tire rotation at the neighborhood full service station today. Father/son operators. Dad is all Trump since he can relate to a NY billionaire (one whose wife likely budgets several hundred thousand a year for massages and body alteration). Father said he enjoyed Trump's show when he said "you're fired" btw. Good reason as any to elect a president I spose. His dope head son is feeling the Bern. Says he wants the option of working or "doing other things" (don't we all). And everyone, not just the elderly deserve benefits. I am favoring Rubio and or Kasich, all the others in both parties make Jed Clampett appear presidential. The problem is not the horror show candidates from the cackling, barking crook to the communist pervert to the Bush who makes his older brother look like Cicero, it's us the voters. The candidates just reflect US, the voters

Rubio and Kasich? and you're making fun of the rest of the field? I guess in your defense you're an open boards guy? and an ends justify the means type? Doesn't matter what they've done, the most important thing to you is what they say to get elected???
Rubio and Kasich? and you're making fun of the rest of the field? I guess in your defense you're an open boards guy? and an ends justify the means type? Doesn't matter what they've done, the most important thing to you is what they say to get elected???
None of the other 'pubs can get elected my friend. That is all that matters.
None of the other 'pubs can get elected my friend. That is all that matters.

Not too sure Rubio can get elected.

Kasich I believe has a shot. I think a Kasich ticket with Rubio as the VP would be formidable from the GOP side for many reasons... no the least of which is that they're from Ohio and Florida respectively. The GOP can't win without Florida and has little shot to win without Ohio.
Not too sure Rubio can get elected.

Kasich I believe has a shot. I think a Kasich ticket with Rubio as the VP would be formidable from the GOP side for many reasons... no the least of which is that they're from Ohio and Florida respectively. The GOP can't win without Florida and has little shot to win without Ohio.
You just made my point. That is the winning ticket. But likely with Rubio as the presidential candidate since he viewed more favorably by independents. He does better in nationwide polls against Clinton that any of the others and shows currently a 4 point spread vs her.
None of the other 'pubs can get elected my friend. That is all that matters.

You've been listening to to much CNN. Every GOP candidate except Trump beats the Hildabeast and the pervert Socialist. The repubs are winning this regardless who the guy is.
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You just made my point. That is the winning ticket. But likely with Rubio as the presidential candidate since he viewed more favorably by independents. He does better in nationwide polls against Clinton that any of the others and shows currently a 4 point spread vs her.

Head to head polls mean little right now as those who oppose a candidate in the primary often respond that they'll oppose them in the general election... when they almost never do.

Rubio's problem is he makes rookie campaign and debate mistakes. His debate style in particular doesn't match up well with Clinton. He'll try to attack her, but if she fires back with something he doesn't expect he flounders and goes to certain tropes that don't always work well. If you go confrontational with Clinton in a debate... you better be perfect or she'll make you look like a bully AND make you look stupid. Look to how she handled the Benghazi testimony as an example.

Kasich on the other hand doesn't attack. In order for Clinton to get the conflict she wants in a debate, she'll have to attack him (kind of like how she's having to attack Bernie without being attacked first). This doesn't work nearly as well for her. She looks petty and vindictive and B*tchy... which is an unfair characterization but it's what people think. She WANTS to be attacked. Rubio will attack. Kasich won't... he'll look like the good guy.

Kasich is also able to point to cooperation with Bill Clinton in his body of work. This removes one of Hillary's invisible strengths... the idea that Good Ole Bill will be close to the wheel and show her how to do stuff right. MANY independents look VERY fondly back toward the Clinton years and Hillary gets some sunshine from that. But Kasich can steal some of that while Rubio can't. Pretty much all of Rubio's time in national public service has been a sucky period from the point of view of independents.
You've been listening to to much CNN. Every GOP candidate except Trump beats the Hildabeast and the pervert Socialist. The repubs are winning this regardless who the guy is.
While I've pointed out head to head polls are meaningless...

Real Clear Politics (a right leaning website that does poll aggregation) has Clinton ahead of Trump, Bush and Carson, behind Cruz (.8%), Rubio (4.7%) and Kasich (7.4%).

It has Sanders ahead of every GOP candidate.

Again... I don't think General election polls mean anything until the nominations are finalized... but if you believe them than you want a Kasich vs Clinton or Rubio vs Clinton race if you want the GOP to win... you don't want to face Sanders.
You've been listening to to much CNN. Every GOP candidate except Trump beats the Hildabeast and the pervert Socialist. The repubs are winning this regardless who the guy is.

Yeah, you keep thinking that. You probably also thought Obama wouldn't get elected a second terms. I'm not going to lose any sleep regardless of who wins, because they're all shit. Republicans however have lost women and minorities. Never say never.
Yeah, you keep thinking that. You probably also thought Obama wouldn't get elected a second terms. I'm not going to lose any sleep regardless of who wins, because they're all shit. Republicans however have lost women and minorities. Never say never.

You're right, I didn't expect it. But I didn't expect Romney to give up on the election either. If he'd have got as many votes and that buffoon McCain he'd have won. POSOTUS got less then he got the first time. Millions of conservatives stayed home because Romney was a moderate dipshit. Its time to run a real conservative and it will be a landslide. WGAS about the black vote...they always vote DemocRAT. And the repubs win with married women the dems win with single women. Its a wash
Head to head polls mean little right now as those who oppose a candidate in the primary often respond that they'll oppose them in the general election... when they almost never do.

Rubio's problem is he makes rookie campaign and debate mistakes. His debate style in particular doesn't match up well with Clinton. He'll try to attack her, but if she fires back with something he doesn't expect he flounders and goes to certain tropes that don't always work well. If you go confrontational with Clinton in a debate... you better be perfect or she'll make you look like a bully AND make you look stupid. Look to how she handled the Benghazi testimony as an example.

Kasich on the other hand doesn't attack. In order for Clinton to get the conflict she wants in a debate, she'll have to attack him (kind of like how she's having to attack Bernie without being attacked first). This doesn't work nearly as well for her. She looks petty and vindictive and B*tchy... which is an unfair characterization but it's what people think. She WANTS to be attacked. Rubio will attack. Kasich won't... he'll look like the good guy.

Kasich is also able to point to cooperation with Bill Clinton in his body of work. This removes one of Hillary's invisible strengths... the idea that Good Ole Bill will be close to the wheel and show her how to do stuff right. MANY independents look VERY fondly back toward the Clinton years and Hillary gets some sunshine from that. But Kasich can steal some of that while Rubio can't. Pretty much all of Rubio's time in national public service has been a sucky period from the point of view of independents.

Katich said today that Clinton gets no credit because he has to be drug to the table and do what the Repubs told him. Moderate Republicans don't win. Tired of the mushy middle. He's not a serious contender

Rubio is an amnesty loving phony. He's not going to win.

Bush.....bless his heart

Carson is probably the best man of the lot. He's brilliant and has great ideas. Its just not his time

Trump is a circus act. He is the Republican version of Hope and Change. He is whatever his supporters want him to be. Its sad, because after electing a complete unqualified empty suit, you'd think ppl would actually pay more attention to the ppl they support

Cruz is the obvious choice. A Constitutionalist. A guy who doesn't say what has too, he says what he thinks and sticks to it. He didn't pander to ethanol in Iowa. he stood against the Repub leadership and called them out for their kabuki theater , where they were lying to us all. he stood up to his own party on amnesty, Gop establishment hate him, democrats hate him, the media hates him. But the people.....the people love him. He's as close to Rondal Reagan as we've ever seen.

The media will destroy every Repub in the race in the General. You think they love Trump, Rubio,, like the Buffoon Juan McCain found out. They are nothing but the media wing of the democrat party. Can you imagine the dirt they'll dig up on Trump?
You've been listening to to much CNN. Every GOP candidate except Trump beats the Hildabeast and the pervert Socialist. The repubs are winning this regardless who the guy is.
LOL, and you've been standing up and broadcasting instead of sitting down and tuning in. Whenever I get trapped in an airport lobby or restaurant that has CNN on (that's the only time I would subject my mind to brain damage that comes from watching or listening to their crap) I tend to take whatever they say and reverse it. Rubio and Kasich are a winning ticket. Trump is a loser and Cruz may be since he has some of the likability downside issues the witch has plus he is a losse cannon at times who falls into their traps. The USA can't afford to lose the WH for 8 more years to the pinko left. Time for the pubs to come together and take back the country with a winning ticket. The only way a Rubio/ Kasich ticket loses is if Trump blows the country apart with a third party run when his ego gets in the way.
LOL, and you've been standing up and broadcasting instead of sitting down and tuning in. Whenever I get trapped in an airport lobby or restaurant that has CNN on (that's the only time I would subject my mind to brain damage that comes from watching or listening to their crap) I tend to take whatever they say and reverse it. Rubio and Kasich are a winning ticket. Trump is a loser and Cruz may be since he has some of the likability downside issues the witch has plus he is a losse cannon at times who falls into their traps. The USA can't afford to lose the WH for 8 more years to the pinko left. Time for the pubs to come together and take back the country with a winning ticket. The only way a Rubio/ Kasich ticket loses is if Trump blows the country apart with a third party run when his ego gets in the way.

This post is how I know you're a pretty low information voter. Not trying to demean you at all. But you really haven't paid attention if you honestly believe running more moderate repubs is the winning ticket. As you've said...they can't afford to lose again. Lets go to our History books. Reagan, unabashed Conservative exactly like Cruz, who was hated by everyone in the GOP, THE Dem party and the Media exactly like Cruz. But he was loved by the people...exactly like Cruz. To compare Cruz to the skank is just asinine . And I have no idea WTF you're talking about with falling into traps?

Rubio is a go along to get along amnesty loving RINO. A moderate. More History. GOP ran a moderate GHWB and he got in on Reagans coattails , but lost to a liberal democrat who know one knew. The next election they ran a moderate Bob Dole vs this disgraced democrat and lost again. Won the following year with a moderate vs the weakest Dem they could find, and really just squeaked out the victory, he won again vs a complete buffoon. Then came McCain. LOSER, Romeny Loser....So now you want Kasich? an amnesty loving self important nut job who's biggest accomplishment is expanding medicaid and bragging about how he could be a democrat.

You can't win an election pretending to be the lite version of the guy you're running against. This guy can't get out of single digits, you talk about not being liked?

I do agree with you the GOP is screwed if The Donald runs 3rd party. But you really are out in left field if you think two guys exactly like the two guys that lost are the answer. One's best result is 3rd place, the other can't get out of single digits and you think they have appeal? And Both being PRO AMNESTY? That a huge loser. The Country is tried of the open boarders and the law breakers living off us taxpayers.

Cruz is the most honest, most principled guy running and he won't pander. Look at what he did in Iowa with ethanol .
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This post is how I know you're a pretty low information voter. Not trying to demean you at all. But you really haven't paid attention if you honestly believe running more moderate repubs is the winning ticket. As you've said...they can't afford to lose again. Lets go to our History books. Reagan, unabashed Conservative exactly like Cruz, who was hated by everyone in the GOP, THE Dem party and the Media exactly like Cruz. But he was loved by the people...exactly like Cruz. To compare Cruz to the skank is just asinine . And I have no idea WTF you're talking about with falling into traps?

Rubio is a go along to get along amnesty loving RINO. A moderate. More History. GOP ran a moderate GHWB and he got in on Reagans coattails , but lost to a liberal democrat who know one knew. The next election they ran a moderate Bob Dole vs this disgraced democrat and lost again. Won the following year with a moderate vs the weakest Dem they could find, and really just squeaked out the victory, he won again vs a complete buffoon. Then came McCain. LOSER, Romeny Loser....So now you want Kasich? an amnesty loving self important nut job who's biggest accomplishment is expanding medicaid and bragging about how he could be a democrat.

You can't win an election pretending to be the lite version of the guy you're running against. This guy can't get out of single digits, you talk about not being liked?

I do agree with you the GOP is screwed if The Donald runs 3rd party. But you really are out in left field if you think two guys exactly like the two guys that lost are the answer. One's best result is 3rd place, the other can't get out of single digits and you think they have appeal? And Both being PRO AMNESTY? That a huge loser. The Country is tried of the open boarders and the law breakers living off us taxpayers.

Cruz is the most honest, most principled guy running and he won't pander. Look at what he did in Iowa with ethanol .
I've got all the information I need, thank you. And that information tells me that Cruz is going to be a tough sell., likely an impossible one. He is and has been a magnet for ridicule, rightly or wrongly. To the extent that it is careless and reckless for any true believer in what our country has meant to risk driving the final nail in the coffin by blowing this chance to turn it all around, at least in the short term over tidbits of stubborn ideology. I'm 70 so this election is not about me, it is far more important than that as I have 4 who have their whole lives to live and it is unfair to them to not have the chance I have had to grab life and live it to the fullest. I think you are taking something or other personal when you should be focusing on a macro view. Winning back all that is good and right about the USA for our children is what this means to me. Cruz doesn't have the charm of RR. He has liabilities that the left will pounce upon. Like it or not the mainstream media has used their sway over the past years to paint Ted Cruz as an extreme right wing zealot. And as unfairly as it is he is to a degree, damaged goods in the eyes of some swing voters. You likely realize that but are probably too stubborn to admit it. There is a reason the dems are holding their breath on Rubio because they fear they can't beat him. I wish it were possible for Ted Cruz to win but it is a poor bet that he is. And it would be a dirty rotten shame to give them what they want which is first a ticket headed by Donald Trump but failing that, one headed by Ted Cruz. Of the three front runners MR is their worst bet along with a JK VP. Florida and Ohio and a plurality. It's just too important to ignore reality.

I'm not going to get off into trying to match you wild azz reach for wild azz reach with your comparing Cruz to Hillary and your open border non-sense and your Kasich reach (he is from Ohio in case you haven't noticed and we are talking a ceremonial post in VP). All that spin is much too much like the left's talking points onslaught for me. Truth is there won't be a dime's worth of difference in the way the country's governed if we are fortunate enough to have either of Cruz or MR elected. The harsh reality is Rubio is much more likely a winning ticket coupled with the guy from Ohio than anything else possible. The centrists will determine this election if the GOP is to prevail since we are now in the minority. Something must be done to get 13 or 15 or whatever the count is now, million illegals on a path to citizenship and paying taxes. Whether there is a President Cruz or Rubio. And rounding up 15 M and deporting them IS NOT IN THE CARDS. But doing what you must can be plus protecting the borders, both agree. I hesitate to say a vote for Cruz is a boost for Hillary but in some cases it could be. I am not against Cruz, I am for the USA and my children. Pretty simple.
I've got all the information I need, thank you. And that information tells me that Cruz is going to be a tough sell., likely an impossible one. He is and has been a magnet for ridicule, rightly or wrongly. To the extent that it is careless and reckless for any true believer in what our country has meant to risk driving the final nail in the coffin by blowing this chance to turn it all around, at least in the short term over tidbits of stubborn ideology. I'm 70 so this election is not about me, it is far more important than that as I have 4 who have their whole lives to live and it is unfair to them to not have the chance I have had to grab life and live it to the fullest. I think you are taking something or other personal when you should be focusing on a macro view. Winning back all that is good and right about the USA for our children is what this means to me. Cruz doesn't have the charm of RR. He has liabilities that the left will pounce upon. Like it or not the mainstream media has used their sway over the past years to paint Ted Cruz as an extreme right wing zealot. And as unfairly as it is he is to a degree, damaged goods in the eyes of some swing voters. You likely realize that but are probably too stubborn to admit it. There is a reason the dems are holding their breath on Rubio because they fear they can't beat him. I wish it were possible for Ted Cruz to win but it is a poor bet that he is. And it would be a dirty rotten shame to give them what they want which is first a ticket headed by Donald Trump but failing that, one headed by Ted Cruz. Of the three front runners MR is their worst bet along with a JK VP. Florida and Ohio and a plurality. It's just too important to ignore reality.

I'm not going to get off into trying to match you wild azz reach for wild azz reach with your comparing Cruz to Hillary and your open border non-sense and your Kasich reach (he is from Ohio in case you haven't noticed and we are talking a ceremonial post in VP). All that spin is much too much like the left's talking points onslaught for me. Truth is there won't be a dime's worth of difference in the way the country's governed if we are fortunate enough to have either of Cruz or MR elected. The harsh reality is Rubio is much more likely a winning ticket coupled with the guy from Ohio than anything else possible. The centrists will determine this election if the GOP is to prevail since we are now in the minority. Something must be done to get 13 or 15 or whatever the count is now, million illegals on a path to citizenship and paying taxes. Whether there is a President Cruz or Rubio. And rounding up 15 M and deporting them IS NOT IN THE CARDS. But doing what you must can be plus protecting the borders, both agree. I hesitate to say a vote for Cruz is a boost for Hillary but in some cases it could be. I am not against Cruz, I am for the USA and my children. Pretty simple.

Well we'll have to agree to disagree. You sound like the media version of what Cruz is. Fact is they've all been trashing him. They can do no more in the General. Rubio is a say anything to get elected moderate . He is Juan McCain, Mitt Romney, and Bob Dole.

The Repubs can't win being the me too party. As we've seen. A true conservative will set the Country on fire, the millions that stayed home for McCain and Romney, will turn out for Cruz. btw Cruz beats Hillary head to head. The dems don't have a serious candidate

As to the deporting of the illegals. Clinton deported 11m, Bush deported 10m. You're just sighting more media /Democrat/ establishment Repub BS/ Read his plan.
While I've pointed out head to head polls are meaningless...

Real Clear Politics (a right leaning website that does poll aggregation) has Clinton ahead of Trump, Bush and Carson, behind Cruz (.8%), Rubio (4.7%) and Kasich (7.4%).

It has Sanders ahead of every GOP candidate.

Again... I don't think General election polls mean anything until the nominations are finalized... but if you believe them than you want a Kasich vs Clinton or Rubio vs Clinton race if you want the GOP to win... you don't want to face Sanders.

The Democratic power brokers (and super delegates) will insure Hillary wins. Democratic party has the deck stacked just like the communist party in the old Soviet Union. Odd considering Bernie was such a fan of the former Soviet Union he actually honeymooned there.
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