I've got all the information I need, thank you. And that information tells me that Cruz is going to be a tough sell., likely an impossible one. He is and has been a magnet for ridicule, rightly or wrongly. To the extent that it is careless and reckless for any true believer in what our country has meant to risk driving the final nail in the coffin by blowing this chance to turn it all around, at least in the short term over tidbits of stubborn ideology. I'm 70 so this election is not about me, it is far more important than that as I have 4 who have their whole lives to live and it is unfair to them to not have the chance I have had to grab life and live it to the fullest. I think you are taking something or other personal when you should be focusing on a macro view. Winning back all that is good and right about the USA for our children is what this means to me. Cruz doesn't have the charm of RR. He has liabilities that the left will pounce upon. Like it or not the mainstream media has used their sway over the past years to paint Ted Cruz as an extreme right wing zealot. And as unfairly as it is he is to a degree, damaged goods in the eyes of some swing voters. You likely realize that but are probably too stubborn to admit it. There is a reason the dems are holding their breath on Rubio because they fear they can't beat him. I wish it were possible for Ted Cruz to win but it is a poor bet that he is. And it would be a dirty rotten shame to give them what they want which is first a ticket headed by Donald Trump but failing that, one headed by Ted Cruz. Of the three front runners MR is their worst bet along with a JK VP. Florida and Ohio and a plurality. It's just too important to ignore reality.
I'm not going to get off into trying to match you wild azz reach for wild azz reach with your comparing Cruz to Hillary and your open border non-sense and your Kasich reach (he is from Ohio in case you haven't noticed and we are talking a ceremonial post in VP). All that spin is much too much like the left's talking points onslaught for me. Truth is there won't be a dime's worth of difference in the way the country's governed if we are fortunate enough to have either of Cruz or MR elected. The harsh reality is Rubio is much more likely a winning ticket coupled with the guy from Ohio than anything else possible. The centrists will determine this election if the GOP is to prevail since we are now in the minority. Something must be done to get 13 or 15 or whatever the count is now, million illegals on a path to citizenship and paying taxes. Whether there is a President Cruz or Rubio. And rounding up 15 M and deporting them IS NOT IN THE CARDS. But doing what you must can be plus protecting the borders, both agree. I hesitate to say a vote for Cruz is a boost for Hillary but in some cases it could be. I am not against Cruz, I am for the USA and my children. Pretty simple.