OK, let’s get sassy on the Electorial College totals

Great electoral analysis from this site:

Gold Crown Politics

Says Trump gets to 313.
Red Eagle fluctuates from 313 to 326. Saw one today that had Trump at 340. He was painting a picture of the what if scenarios like Trump flipping MN on top of Waltz. I don’t think Waltz is overly loved in MN, but doubt it goes red.

It all means nothing really until the votes are made. 313 looks like the highest percentage bet if the mort was involved.
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This is what was described as the DemonRats’ most likely scenario to win:

Trump will be in Savannah tomorrow. A Goldman Sachs talking head said Georgia is the key. Daily polling in Georgia:

But that was given only as the Dem best case scenario. Red Eagle says Trump 300+ based on what THEY see as factual poll indications.

Trump wins GA by 1.5
Fulton County will be trying to figure out late night how many votes are needed to make GA blue… way too many yankee transplants here now… I live in Roswell and it’s rare to meet someone that’s from Georgia… relocate from your Blue states and come vote for the same crap policies you and your employers are trying to escape… brilliant!
Fulton County will be trying to figure out late night how many votes are needed to make GA blue… way too many Yankee transplants here now… I live in Roswell and it’s rare to meet someone that’s from Georgia… relocate from your Blue states and come vote for the same crap policies you and your employers are trying to escape… brilliant!
They have to get a toilet to leak so they can send all the election observers' home. Then they can pull out their boxes of "emergency ballots".
This is what was described as the DemonRats’ most likely scenario to win:

Trump will be in Savannah tomorrow. A Goldman Sachs talking head said Georgia is the key. Daily polling in Georgia:

Well, I'm gonna vote at least twice, if not more. Gotta beat the dims at their own game.
But that was given only as the Dem best case scenario. Red Eagle says Trump 300+ based on what THEY see as factual poll indications.

Trump wins GA by 1.5
If GA goes Harris again I’m seriously thinking about moving across the lake into SC.
Trump historically over performs to polls and if that stays true this election he will win big. There’s always the possibility of losing the popular vote and the Dems will scream about the unfairness of the electoral college system.
If GA goes Harris again I’m seriously thinking about moving across the lake into SC.
Trump historically over performs to polls and if that stays true this election he will win big. There’s always the possibility of losing the popular vote and the Dems will scream about the unfairness of the electoral college system.
If the map listed above is Harris's best chance then i would list her at a 35% chance at best of being our next President. Certainly anything is possible but I would be greatly surprised if Trump doesn't win Georgia by more than 2%. The election law changes from 2021 as i have said before was a game changer. Yes, Trump will get slightly less votes in 2024 in Georgia as compared to 2020, but no way Harris gets within 250K of what Biden amassed. We shall see....
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If GA goes Harris again I’m seriously thinking about moving across the lake into SC.
Trump historically over performs to polls and if that stays true this election he will win big. There’s always the possibility of losing the popular vote and the Dems will scream about the unfairness of the electoral college system.
Let em. It will be wonderful to hear their cries.
What is your prognostication?

Mine is Trump 310+ And he will be within 5pts of winning New York. That is unheard of.

Let’s hear it. Keep it friendly, we all have our opinions based on many factors.
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@kckd - who do you think wins the following:


I figure Trump wins Ga and Az ; think he maybe currently leading in PA but figure with Pittsburgh and Philly it could go either way. No idea on last two.
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282 Harris - 256 Trump

I think Harris wins Michigan, NV, NC, Penn.
That seems plausible. I think Harris wins Michigan, figure Wisconsin goes with Pennsylvania. If Pennsylvania had same voter ID laws as Georgia I figure Trump would win, but it does not so certainly see it as a Toss up.
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@kckd - who do you think wins the following:

Wisconsin- Harris lock
Michigan- Harris lock

I figure Trump wins Ga and Az ; think he maybe currently leading in PA but figure with Pittsburgh and Philly it could go either way. No idea on last two.
Wisconsin- Harris lock
Michigan- Harris lock
Nebraska- Dem leaning district adds one electoral vote.

Penn- Harris trending

That's all she needs. Will probably win more.

Nevada very likely to go Harris.

300 plus for Trump is dreaming. Unless of course you believe in the 2020 election steal nonsense, which also was dreaming.

AZ, NC and GA tossups.
If GA goes Harris again I’m seriously thinking about moving across the lake into SC.
Trump historically over performs to polls and if that stays true this election he will win big. There’s always the possibility of losing the popular vote and the Dems will scream about the unfairness of the electoral college system.
Are you on Hartwell? We are looking for a rental property on Hartwell. Just not finding what we are looking for.
Are you on Hartwell? We are looking for a rental property on Hartwell. Just not finding what we are looking for.
I’m not, but close. My sister and BIL have bought a 3BR on Hartwell and are in the process of a remodel. I think they’re going to put it on AirBNB once it’s finished. It’s not far from Tugaloo State Park, has a dock and the walk to the lake is flat. If you’re interested once it’s finished I can get you the info.
This post is very interesting, most of the Dems think Harris will win, most of the conservatives think Trump wins. Someone is going to be surprised in November. Kinda like Clemson Vs Georgia end of august, both fan bases were confident, just not sure who will be Georgia.
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We always watched Disneys Wide World of Color when I was a kid.
Even they weren't imaginative enough to dream of a decades old Democrat stronghold shifting 18 points in one election cycle. Biden won NY by slightly more than Hillary did. Trump is not trending in the right direction there at all. Not that I think you even bothered to check that. Shooting from the hip.

Even they weren't imaginative enough to dream of a decades old Democrat stronghold shifting 18 points in one election cycle. Biden won NY by slightly more than Hillary did. Trump is not trending in the right direction there at all. Not that I think you even bothered to check that. Shooting from the hip.
