Oh well, at least they didn't fire a warning shot through his cerebrum. One can't help but wonder how this same scenario would have played out over at Bama, Auburn, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina or any other SEC member.
Oh well, at least they didn't fire a warning shot through his cerebrum. One can't help but wonder how this same scenario would have played out over at Bama, Auburn, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina or any other SEC member.
Their jurisdiction is very large now. Not just confined to main campus. The health sciences campus opened three years ago so they take care if that. That means they patrol prince avenue now. I've seen them pull people over on prince ave a couple times recently.True. And why was UGA police pulling someone over on Broad St? Thought they were restricted to campus. I can see where UGA police should do something on public roadways if they see an armed robber, bad accident, etc. till ACC gets there, but SEATBELT violation?
At least he didn't argue, didn't do anything else (i.e. drinking, etc.) and had tried to get license.
Their jurisdiction is very large now. Not just confined to main campus. The health sciences campus opened three years ago so they take care if that. That means they patrol prince avenue now. I've seen them pull people over on prince ave a couple times recently.
And now another report says he didn't tell the officer he had a MD license, so it was not checked on.
However, it doesn't say he actually had a MD license,just that he didn't tell the officer if he did.
Crazy stuff......
"An ID check in the patrol vehicle showed Briscoe, who is from Waldorf, Md., to be unlicensed". That was part of the report. They knew at the time of arrest he had no license. UGA also confirmed it.
It also stated " The attorney general’s guidance stated “that individuals arrested for driving without a valid license should be fingerprinted. Such unlicensed persons charged with this offense…should be fingerprinted.” There is an exception for driving with an expired license.
It also says the “uniform practice throughout the State is for fingerprinting to occur at the time of the arrest, not following conviction…”
So proper protocol was followed. Not sure why this is even an issue?
Because the press wants to jump on everything and send out conflicting reports? Look above, I said I had only seen ONE report.
My issue comment wasn't aimed at you. I am just trying to understand why some many on this board are bashing the LEO's.
Truth is a killer when a good conspiracy theory is brewing.
I agree with that. In this case, it appears, it was the right thing to do. (although, how in the world at night do they see someone doesn't have on a seatbelt?.....oh nevermind)
My beef,and let me make clear I appreciate and respect all law enforcement and imo, they don't get paid what they should...................having said all that, in Athens, sometimes they go too far. I gave some instances way up the page.
I agree with that. In this case, it appears, it was the right thing to do. (although, how in the world at night do they see someone doesn't have on a seatbelt?.....oh nevermind)
My beef,and let me make clear I appreciate and respect all law enforcement and imo, they don't get paid what they should...................having said all that, in Athens, sometimes they go too far. I gave some instances way up the page.
Should we have to learn every law persons guidances in order not to pay renevue to a city. And why a guidance instead of a law? Unless you misunderstood my guidance and stop the wrong unguided individual.
So UGA is supplementing the ACC police? Wonder how much that's costing the university? Don't get me wrong, police are needed. That said, so many in the ACC halls cry about the university being in Athens. The land it owns, the students, etc.
Actually, guess that's a different conversation. But it used to astound me just how bad residents, as well the govt., gripe about UGA and the issues it brings. About 10 yrs ago it was the townies in 5pts wanted students out of the neighborhood. Why'd you move there knowing there were over 30,000 students within a couple of blocks? Kind of like people that move by the airport, then gripe about the planes.
Oh well, at least they didn't fire a warning shot through his cerebrum. One can't help but wonder how this same scenario would have played out over at Bama, Auburn, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina or any other SEC member.
One also has to wonder why Tennessee (since you brought them up) had so many incidents themselves (thus the "Fulmer" cup) if their is some collusion between police and campuses elsewhere. Truth is more likely this: UT football was out of control in Fulmer's later years, which contributed to an overall breakdown in discipline and an underachieving program. Florida was even worse under Meyer until it ran him crazy and he took off. And that program cratered. Look at all the guys CMR brought in who are now at Auburn and Louisville and other places. Heck a number of the players Kirby recruited to Alabama from Georgia didn't make it and had to go because of discipline.Oh well, at least they didn't fire a warning shot through his cerebrum. One can't help but wonder how this same scenario would have played out over at Bama, Auburn, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina or any other SEC member.
One also has to wonder why Tennessee (since you brought them up) had so many incidents themselves (thus the "Fulmer" cup) if their is some collusion between police and campuses elsewhere. Truth is more likely this: UT football was out of control in Fulmer's later years, which contributed to an overall breakdown in discipline and an underachieving program. Florida was even worse under Meyer until it ran him crazy and he took off. And that program cratered. Look at all the guys CMR brought in who are now at Auburn and Louisville and other places. Heck a number of the players Kirby recruited to Alabama from Georgia didn't make it and had to go because of discipline.
One thing for sure is times and many kids recruited as football players are now different. Used to be a freshman was quiet, reserved and tried to put his best foot forward. Now some come into summer school, looking for trouble, instead of launching what may be the best chance in their lives to do something for themselves. What did they come to school for? What are their expectations? I, obviously have no clue, but something is going on and that something is not the local campus police dept.
I really don't like our campus police but when you tell an officer that you tried to take the driving test and you failed it and then you decide to say eff it and drive anyway.... well you are asking for whatever you get imo.
I really don't like our campus police but when you tell an officer that you tried to take the driving test and you failed it and then you decide to say eff it and drive anyway.... well you are asking for whatever you get imo.
This guy gets it. The rest of you trying make this about LE are being ridiculous. HE CHOSE TO DRIVE KNOWING HE WAS UNLICENSED.
Good Lord