Ole Bruce


Letterman and National Champion
Jul 5, 2001
gonna have a heart attack. I heard he screwed Pat's brains out. Home wrecker he is.
Re: Not funny, just sick and pathetic.*

I didn't say he did. Just what I heard. Are you 150?
Re: Not funny, just sick and pathetic.*

He is not here for the community and the humor, but only to try to get under people's skin. He tries various approaches until one works. There's something wrong with him.
Re: Not funny, just sick and pathetic.*

That hurt. I always applaud a man that comes to aid of a lady. I am in Datuna. Not to many ladies around. But I will carry on deadduck without you. Thank goodness. The only thing the Dr. could find wrong with me-thought I had 3 legs.
AKA, RedJim and I believe the last one was called Slimjim (the fellow...

That paid $10 per pound for shelled peas).
Re: AKA, RedJim and I believe the last one was called Slimjim (the fellow...

Now, hold on a minute!!! I was one of the ones called everything but a child of God for paying 7 bucks a pound.

That's one of the many unfortunate things about living away from the pea fields.