one good thing about Kamala

She has at least outed dim voters. They can no longer deny they are anti America and communist sympathizers.
She's also outed pubs that would rather vote for an authoritarian statist rather than an azzhole former pub POTUS that worked for an agenda they claimed to support for decades and had a decent record of success. From chocking out ISIS, to the Abraham accords, to reworking NAFTA, to compelling NATO allies to up their contributions, to low inflation and rising wages, to having the repeal of the ACA set up on a tee only to have McCain, Collins and Murkowski play the role of Lucy and yank the ball away at the last minute, Trump never really wavered on his agenda but now those claiming to support that agenda can't hold their nose and vote against a creep towards Marxism?

If you're a person that claims to be somewhat conservative or libertarian and you can't bring yourself to vote against a candidate that just proposed price controls on an industry that feeds the nations with profit margins below 5%, you may need to rethink where you stand. Yes, Trump is a jerk, says dumb things off the cuff, involves himself in fights that are better left to his staff and can make even his strongest supporters cringe but his vision for the future is pretty close to a conservative's dream. With Kamala you still get the cringe factor and you also get a prog's dream vision for the country. It's like I'll never vote to associate with the azzhole that supports my POV so I'll vote for the azzhole that hates me.
She's also outed pubs that would rather vote for an authoritarian statist rather than an azzhole former pub POTUS that worked for an agenda they claimed to support for decades and had a decent record of success. From chocking out ISIS, to the Abraham accords, to reworking NAFTA, to compelling NATO allies to up their contributions, to low inflation and rising wages, to having the repeal of the ACA set up on a tee only to have McCain, Collins and Murkowski play the role of Lucy and yank the ball away at the last minute, Trump never really wavered on his agenda but now those claiming to support that agenda can't hold their nose and vote against a creep towards Marxism?

If you're a person that claims to be somewhat conservative or libertarian and you can't bring yourself to vote against a candidate that just proposed price controls on an industry that feeds the nations with profit margins below 5%, you may need to rethink where you stand. Yes, Trump is a jerk, says dumb things off the cuff, involves himself in fights that are better left to his staff and can make even his strongest supporters cringe but his vision for the future is pretty close to a conservative's dream. With Kamala you still get the cringe factor and you also get a prog's dream vision for the country. It's like I'll never vote to associate with the azzhole that supports my POV so I'll vote for the azzhole that hates me.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.
Had any Dem done what Trump had done in their 4 years and then was prosecuted and raked through the coals like he was. Some was deserved by most was not. He did some things that were unprecedented but the Dems have matched and then exceeded him in the uncharted and questionable actions.
You would be defended her no matter what.

That is the problem both sides are messed up and are self righteous and can not see the logs in their own eyes.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.

He may not win the election but....get a grip.

As far as "angry and vindictive" are concerned.......Getting shot for reasons the Secret Service can't explain will do that to a man.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.
Man, just stop. Trump was victimized by an establishment coup that is far more dangerous to our democracy than one day of political protest that got out of hand.

We literal had a FBI director that bragged about setting Michael Flynn up during the early days of the Trump admin because the surveillance state didn't want him as Nat security director. That same FBI director literally signed off on evidence he KNEW could not be verified in order to spy on a POTUS candidate as well as his admin. We literally had FBI investigators bragging on text messages about a contingency plan to keep Trump from winning the election and also claiming to "smell" Trump voters at a Wal-Mart. We literally had an FBI attorney edit an email from the CIA to make it appear it said the exact opposite and then presented it to the "secret" FISA court to use against Trump. We literally had a POTUS (you know the guy that sets foreign policy) impeached for changing foreign policy in Ukraine and on and on.

If you claim to be anywhere near conservative, you shouldn't dismiss Trump's conduct and it is concerning but by the same token you can't dismiss the behavior and philosophy of his opponents. If we disqualified every dem that has protested elections and supported public protests, there'd be no democrats left in DC. I can remember when the mantra there is nothing more American that public protests was celebrated as long as it wasn't some grandma praying on a sidewalk outside of an abortion clinic.
She's also outed pubs that would rather vote for an authoritarian statist rather than an azzhole former pub POTUS that worked for an agenda they claimed to support for decades and had a decent record of success. From chocking out ISIS, to the Abraham accords, to reworking NAFTA, to compelling NATO allies to up their contributions, to low inflation and rising wages, to having the repeal of the ACA set up on a tee only to have McCain, Collins and Murkowski play the role of Lucy and yank the ball away at the last minute, Trump never really wavered on his agenda but now those claiming to support that agenda can't hold their nose and vote against a creep towards Marxism?

If you're a person that claims to be somewhat conservative or libertarian and you can't bring yourself to vote against a candidate that just proposed price controls on an industry that feeds the nations with profit margins below 5%, you may need to rethink where you stand. Yes, Trump is a jerk, says dumb things off the cuff, involves himself in fights that are better left to his staff and can make even his strongest supporters cringe but his vision for the future is pretty close to a conservative's dream. With Kamala you still get the cringe factor and you also get a prog's dream vision for the country. It's like I'll never vote to associate with the azzhole that supports my POV so I'll vote for the azzhole that hates me.
Well said.
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He may not win the election but....get a grip.

As far as "angry and vindictive" are concerned.......Getting shot for reasons the Secret Service can't explain will do that to a man.
He was angry and vindictive before that rally. He was supposed to be a changed man after....and that lasted all of 2 seconds.

Had any Dem done what Trump had done in their 4 years and then was prosecuted and raked through the coals like he was. Some was deserved by most was not. He did some things that were unprecedented but the Dems have matched and then exceeded him in the uncharted and questionable actions.
You would be defended her no matter what.

That is the problem both sides are messed up and are self righteous and can not see the logs in their own eyes.
Man, just stop. Trump was victimized by an establishment coup that is far more dangerous to our democracy than one day of political protest that got out of hand.

We literal had a FBI director that bragged about setting Michael Flynn up during the early days of the Trump admin because the surveillance state didn't want him as Nat security director. That same FBI director literally signed off on evidence he KNEW could not be verified in order to spy on a POTUS candidate as well as his admin. We literally had FBI investigators bragging on text messages about a contingency plan to keep Trump from winning the election and also claiming to "smell" Trump voters at a Wal-Mart. We literally had an FBI attorney edit an email from the CIA to make it appear it said the exact opposite and then presented it to the "secret" FISA court to use against Trump. We literally had a POTUS (you know the guy that sets foreign policy) impeached for changing foreign policy in Ukraine and on and on.

If you claim to be anywhere near conservative, you shouldn't dismiss Trump's conduct and it is concerning but by the same token you can't dismiss the behavior and philosophy of his opponents. If we disqualified every dem that has protested elections and supported public protests, there'd be no democrats left in DC. I can remember when the mantra there is nothing more American that public protests was celebrated as long as it wasn't some grandma praying on a sidewalk outside of an abortion clinic.
None of what either of you speak of has anything to do with trump's behavior from Nov 2020 to Jan 2021. It is irrelevant to the discussion when talking about why someone thinks trump is unfit to be commander in chief. He could be innocent of everything up until the election, and his behavior up thru Jan 6 is enough to disqualify him from office in my opinion.
Some now we're trying to compare Biden dropping out of the race to January 6th? Some of you people have lost your minds. But given what Trump is attacking instead of what he should be attacking makes this no surprise.
  • Haha
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Some now we're trying to compare Biden dropping out of the race to January 6th? Some of you people have lost your minds. But given what Trump is attacking instead of what he should be attacking makes this no surprise.
Wow. Him dropping is a small part. That is minor stuff.
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He was angry and vindictive before that rally. He was supposed to be a changed man after....and that lasted all of 2 seconds.

None of what either of you speak of has anything to do with trump's behavior from Nov 2020 to Jan 2021. It is irrelevant to the discussion when talking about why someone thinks trump is unfit to be commander in chief. He could be innocent of everything up until the election, and his behavior up thru Jan 6 is enough to disqualify him from office in my opinion.
Your opinion is your opinion but facts are facts. Instead of Trump because 1/6 you are willing to stand by and allow a statist that literally said the riots will and should continue and even promoted a fund to bail looters and vandals out of jail.

So, imo you have Trump that has been the target of seditious behavior since he came down the escalator that called for his supporters to peacefully march to the capital and make their voices heard vs a candidate that literally supported domestic terrorism to advance a political agenda. It isnt saints vs el diablo here.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.

Isn't it interesting that he wanted to "tear down the fabric of the republic"......but he didn't.

He ould have ordered tanks into Washington. Could have declared martial law. Could have refused to leave office.

But he didn't.

Jan 6th happened.
So did Jan 21st.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.
So wait a minute- do you think Dems don’t see Republicans as political enemies?

Holy hell man.
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Some now we're trying to compare Biden dropping out of the race to January 6th? Some of you people have lost your minds. But given what Trump is attacking instead of what he should be attacking makes this no surprise.
The Democrats have just proven that they will literally do anything to keep power, and you’re still talking about Jan 6th. Nobody gives a sht about Jan 6th, especially now since we all know it was an inside job.

Who is running the United States right now? It damn sure isn’t Joey. The Dems have put us in a position of weakness that we have never been in before. The Dems make the Mafia look like the Girl Scouts.
Some now we're trying to compare Biden dropping out of the race to January 6th? Some of you people have lost your minds. But given what Trump is attacking instead of what he should be attacking makes this no surprise.
Yeah right. He just all the sudden dropped out of his own free will. SMH at the way you libs twist spin and tell half truths to defend your party and candidates.

Go ahead and vote communist. We all now see that’s what most of the leftist here are.
he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.
This is total bs and if you believe the propaganda the democrats are spreading then you are brainwashed and their is no hope you sheep.
The Democrats have just proven that they will literally do anything to keep power, and you’re still talking about Jan 6th. Nobody gives a sht about Jan 6th, especially now since we all know it was an inside job.

Who is running the United States right now? It damn sure isn’t Joey. The Dems have put us in a position of weakness that we have never been in before. The Dems make the Mafia look like the Girl Scouts.

Yeah right. He just all the sudden dropped out of his own free will. SMH at the way you libs twist spin and tell half truths to defend your party and candidates.

Go ahead and vote communist. We all now see that’s what most of the leftist here are.
Enjoy living in La-La Land.
Says the party of Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton
Not my problem, but some of you keep trying to put it on me.

I just look at each election they let me vote for (Florida is restricted) and make the best choice for a combination of myself and my country. Simple process but not always a simple answer. This time my vote for President is easy.
  • Haha
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Man, just stop. Trump was victimized by an establishment coup that is far more dangerous to our democracy than one day of political protest that got out of hand.

We literal had a FBI director that bragged about setting Michael Flynn up during the early days of the Trump admin because the surveillance state didn't want him as Nat security director. That same FBI director literally signed off on evidence he KNEW could not be verified in order to spy on a POTUS candidate as well as his admin. We literally had FBI investigators bragging on text messages about a contingency plan to keep Trump from winning the election and also claiming to "smell" Trump voters at a Wal-Mart. We literally had an FBI attorney edit an email from the CIA to make it appear it said the exact opposite and then presented it to the "secret" FISA court to use against Trump. We literally had a POTUS (you know the guy that sets foreign policy) impeached for changing foreign policy in Ukraine and on and on.

If you claim to be anywhere near conservative, you shouldn't dismiss Trump's conduct and it is concerning but by the same token you can't dismiss the behavior and philosophy of his opponents. If we disqualified every dem that has protested elections and supported public protests, there'd be no democrats left in DC. I can remember when the mantra there is nothing more American that public protests was celebrated as long as it wasn't some grandma praying on a sidewalk outside of an abortion clinic.
Republican protest = dangerous
Democrat protest = peaceful
She's also outed pubs that would rather vote for an authoritarian statist rather than an azzhole former pub POTUS that worked for an agenda they claimed to support for decades and had a decent record of success. From chocking out ISIS, to the Abraham accords, to reworking NAFTA, to compelling NATO allies to up their contributions, to low inflation and rising wages, to having the repeal of the ACA set up on a tee only to have McCain, Collins and Murkowski play the role of Lucy and yank the ball away at the last minute, Trump never really wavered on his agenda but now those claiming to support that agenda can't hold their nose and vote against a creep towards Marxism?

If you're a person that claims to be somewhat conservative or libertarian and you can't bring yourself to vote against a candidate that just proposed price controls on an industry that feeds the nations with profit margins below 5%, you may need to rethink where you stand. Yes, Trump is a jerk, says dumb things off the cuff, involves himself in fights that are better left to his staff and can make even his strongest supporters cringe but his vision for the future is pretty close to a conservative's dream. With Kamala you still get the cringe factor and you also get a prog's dream vision for the country. It's like I'll never vote to associate with the azzhole that supports my POV so I'll vote for the azzhole that hates me.
Not reading that
She's also outed pubs that would rather vote for an authoritarian statist rather than an azzhole former pub POTUS that worked for an agenda they claimed to support for decades and had a decent record of success. From chocking out ISIS, to the Abraham accords, to reworking NAFTA, to compelling NATO allies to up their contributions, to low inflation and rising wages, to having the repeal of the ACA set up on a tee only to have McCain, Collins and Murkowski play the role of Lucy and yank the ball away at the last minute, Trump never really wavered on his agenda but now those claiming to support that agenda can't hold their nose and vote against a creep towards Marxism?

If you're a person that claims to be somewhat conservative or libertarian and you can't bring yourself to vote against a candidate that just proposed price controls on an industry that feeds the nations with profit margins below 5%, you may need to rethink where you stand. Yes, Trump is a jerk, says dumb things off the cuff, involves himself in fights that are better left to his staff and can make even his strongest supporters cringe but his vision for the future is pretty close to a conservative's dream. With Kamala you still get the cringe factor and you also get a prog's dream vision for the country. It's like I'll never vote to associate with the azzhole that supports my POV so I'll vote for the azzhole that hates me.
I apologize for only being able to give this one like sir!
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he did all those things...

And...then he tried to tear down the very fabric of our republic by disputing an election that he lost for over 2 months, which resulted in a bunch of crazies descending upon our nation's capitol building while in session in an attempt to overthrow the election. This fact just cannot be dismissed.

You can't take just the good that trump did and not take the bad. You have to take the whole thing. And now....he's angry and vindictive and only cares about settling old scores. He doesn't care about the economy, inflation, healthcare, etc. Only about himself and his grievances. If he wins will spend the next 4 years hyper focused on "getting even". We don't need that. The bad outweighs the good in my opinion (you may disagree and that's ok).

This is why people don't want to vote for him. It is not kamala's policies (80% of what she proposed yesterday won't get passed because she won't have the numbers in Congress to do so). It's the fact that trump (and his cohorts at Project 2025....yes....they are working together despite what trump's says) have a plan to completely alter our country and want to go backwards. People don't want that. It's a minority point of view.

People are also tired of his grievance politics stance. He provides no substance this time around. Just platitudes. He sees democrats as political enemies. And that's a major problem. Just because we may disagree on policy doesn't mean we are enemies. He flames that rhetoric.

In summary....trump, as a whole, is not something a majority of Americans want in their commander in chief. And I think we see that play out in November.
This is rich!!🤣
  • Haha
Reactions: Athens is Heaven

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