One "trick" we learned when son was applying to UGA. Picking the right


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
School. Son had similar scores that JL's friend's kid had.
Each school within UGA has a quota for admissions. Most popular schools such as Law or Terry schools get way more apps than openings.
Son applied to the Ag school there since our research showed they had a better apps-to-opening acceptance rate.
He was going into veterinary , but could get his core pre-med through the Ag school and could transfer at any time.
Once you get into UGA, you can transfer to any school within UGA. The trick is getting your foot in the door first.
Start building that resume now; AP courses, volunteer, etc. Also pick a

good subject for their essay on why they want to go to UGA.
Son picked his car accident he was in a couple if years prior. He said that the anesthesiaologist was the last person he saw before going under for surgery and that he kept him calm and prayed with him before going under. He talked about how he wanted to do the same for other people who were scared and going under for maybe their last time and how he wanted to be there to reassure them and keep them calm.
I cried when I read it

cant say for sure how much good any one thing did, but he got in.