Oops, Trumpers get caught in a lie 30 minutes into their reign


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2008
Turns out the crowds at the inauguration were somewhat small compared to other years, but the Trumpers were not deterred, they posted a shot of a large crowd at the ceremony on their website, unfortunately, a few minutes later, a journalist noted that this was a picture of the crowd at Obama's inaugural, not the Donalds, and shortly thereafter, the post was removed.

Just a sign of things to come.
Turns out the crowds at the inauguration were somewhat small compared to other years, but the Trumpers were not deterred, they posted a shot of a large crowd at the ceremony on their website, unfortunately, a few minutes later, a journalist noted that this was a picture of the crowd at Obama's inaugural, not the Donalds, and shortly thereafter, the post was removed.

Just a sign of things to come.
I Don't why they needed to do that because we new that
Obama crowds where going to be much larger because
most of his crowd didn't have to take a day off from a job.
plus Soros paid for 50,000 to show up,
Turns out the crowds at the inauguration were somewhat small compared to other years, but the Trumpers were not deterred, they posted a shot of a large crowd at the ceremony on their website, unfortunately, a few minutes later, a journalist noted that this was a picture of the crowd at Obama's inaugural, not the Donalds, and shortly thereafter, the post was removed.

Just a sign of things to come.
You must be new to politics if you think this is in any way significant. If, like me, you correctly operate from the assumption that all politicians on both sides lie all the time (it is in their genes and they simply can't help themselves), and are only in it for the power and their own personal gain, then this is normal operating procedure. Without even trying, one could point out hundreds of similar exaggerations by the crooks of both parties.

Where I get humored by a post like this is that in it lies the assumption that "your party" would never do something like this when anyone with critical thinking skills understands that both parties are guilty of this, all the time. The fact that you think your party is good, and the other party is bad, is really the crux of the problem.

Free advice to the Dems who, as I type, are losing their minds in these marches ... for 8 years you were understandably appalled by the behavior of the Reps who obstructed your party every chance they got. You cried loudly at how horrible that was. And you were right, and I was on your side on that issue. But now you've become exactly that which you hated ... snowflake obstructionists who are objecting to the actions of a President who has been in office for one day. The problem is that you are so full of hate and vitriol you can't even see it. Someone objective like me, who will equally attack both parties as the hacks they are, can see it and laughs at your hypocrisy.
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You must be new to politics if you think this is in any way significant. If, like me, you correctly operate from the assumption that all politicians on both sides lie all the time (it is in their genes and they simply can't help themselves), and are only in it for the power and their own personal gain, then this is normal operating procedure. Without even trying, one could point out hundreds of similar exaggerations by the crooks of both parties.

Where I get humored by a post like this is that in it lies the assumption that "your party" would never do something like this when anyone with critical thinking skills understands that both parties are guilty of this, all the time. The fact that you think your party is good, and the other party is bad, is really the crux of the problem.

Free advice to the Dems who, as I type, are losing their minds in these marches ... for 8 years you were understandably appalled by the behavior of the Reps who obstructed your party every chance they got. You cried loudly at how horrible that was. And you were right, and I was on your side on that issue. But now you've become exactly that which you hated ... a snowflake obstructionists who are objecting to the actions of a President who has been in office for one day. The problem is that you are so full of hate a vitriol you can't even see it. Someone objective like me, who will equally attack both parties as the hacks they are, can see it and laughs at your hypocrisy.

Well said. I applaud your eloquence at slicing it down the middle.
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You must be new to politics if you think this is in any way significant. If, like me, you correctly operate from the assumption that all politicians on both sides lie all the time (it is in their genes and they simply can't help themselves), and are only in it for the power and their own personal gain, then this is normal operating procedure. Without even trying, one could point out hundreds of similar exaggerations by the crooks of both parties.

Where I get humored by a post like this is that in it lies the assumption that "your party" would never do something like this when anyone with critical thinking skills understands that both parties are guilty of this, all the time. The fact that you think your party is good, and the other party is bad, is really the crux of the problem.

Free advice to the Dems who, as I type, are losing their minds in these marches ... for 8 years you were understandably appalled by the behavior of the Reps who obstructed your party every chance they got. You cried loudly at how horrible that was. And you were right, and I was on your side on that issue. But now you've become exactly that which you hated ... snowflake obstructionists who are objecting to the actions of a President who has been in office for one day. The problem is that you are so full of hate and vitriol you can't even see it. Someone objective like me, who will equally attack both parties as the hacks they are, can see it and laughs at your hypocrisy.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I hope he's successful simply because if he is, our country is. After his first weekend though, he's lost any support he had from me. The POTUS shouldn't be worried about inauguration #'s and remember that "Freedom of the Press", the freedom to distribute ideas and communicate freely is the First Amendment in the second most important document ever written, after the Holy Bible.

He is the most divisive individual I've ever seen. And I'll bet that this country will be totally sick of his BS after about three or four weeks.

And yes, Vladimir Putin got exactly what he wanted.
I didn't vote for Trump, but I hope he's successful simply because if he is, our country is. After his first weekend though, he's lost any support he had from me. The POTUS shouldn't be worried about inauguration #'s and remember that "Freedom of the Press", the freedom to distribute ideas and communicate freely is the First Amendment in the second most important document ever written, after the Holy Bible.

He is the most divisive individual I've ever seen. And I'll bet that this country will be totally sick of his BS after about three or four weeks.

And yes, Vladimir Putin got exactly what he wanted.

I understand what the 1st Amendment is, but I also thought the press had a responsibility to present the facts. At least previous generations of journalists thought Murrow, Cronkite and Brinkley.

Was that response about Putin based on your first hand knowledge gained from your intelligence gathering? Why don't you come up with an original thought, comment or response instead of regurgitating the same old mainstream media narrative/ left leaning retread diatribe.
I didn't vote for Trump, but I hope he's successful simply because if he is, our country is. After his first weekend though, he's lost any support he had from me. The POTUS shouldn't be worried about inauguration #'s and remember that "Freedom of the Press", the freedom to distribute ideas and communicate freely is the First Amendment in the second most important document ever written, after the Holy Bible.

He is the most divisive individual I've ever seen. And I'll bet that this country will be totally sick of his BS after about three or four weeks.

And yes, Vladimir Putin got exactly what he wanted.
Freedom of the press should not include making blatantly false statements just to further a particular political agenda. I'm glad the Trump administration is holding the liberal mainstream media accountable.
Freedom of the press should not include making blatantly false statements just to further a particular political agenda. I'm glad the Trump administration is holding the liberal mainstream media accountable.

Amen brother!!!

I could only imagine how outraged the left leaning media & their followers will be if the Trump Administration slips up ever so slightly and says it's Tuesday when it's actually Monday.
Amen brother!!!

I could only imagine how outraged the left leaning media & their followers will be if the Trump Administration slips up ever so slightly and says it's Tuesday when it's actually Monday.
No kidding! It would be front page news in The NY Times. LOL!

Spicer set the tone for the next four years at his initial press conference today. Trump isn't going to take any shit from the vast majority of the media that wants him to fail more than they want the country to succeed....and I love it!
No kidding! It would be front page news in The NY Times. LOL!

Spicer set the tone for the next four years at his initial press conference today. Trump isn't going to take any shit from the vast majority of the media that wants him to fail more than they want the country to succeed....and I love it!

When the mainstream liberal media takes liberty with the facts, I believe the Trump Administration need to defend themselves and set the record straight.

I also believe that if Congress or the media tries to hijack or derail his agenda, he should take a page out of Reagan & FDR's playbook and go straight to the American people. Let the people put the heat on them. You could say he has already been doing this.
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You guys are amazing, you have bought the concept of the liberal mainstream media hook line and sinker. So when the Trumpers lie and get caught, it is the liberal medias fault for reporting it. Spicer gets up there today and says the crowd was the largest in history, no Sean it wasn't, all you have to do is take a look at the pictures. Trumpers don't care about the lies, it is the medias fault for pointing it out.

The Trumpers know they can say anything, it doesn't matter how false, then blame the media, and you guys buy it.

If a Trumper said 2+2=5, you guys would believe it, and then get mad at the media when they said hold on a second.
You guys are amazing, you have bought the concept of the liberal mainstream media hook line and sinker. So when the Trumpers lie and get caught, it is the liberal medias fault for reporting it. Spicer gets up there today and says the crowd was the largest in history, no Sean it wasn't, all you have to do is take a look at the pictures. Trumpers don't care about the lies, it is the medias fault for pointing it out.

The Trumpers know they can say anything, it doesn't matter how false, then blame the media, and you guys buy it.

If a Trumper said 2+2=5, you guys would believe it, and then get mad at the media when they said hold on a second.

Pot meet kettle.
I Don't why they needed to do that because we new that
Obama crowds where going to be much larger because
most of his crowd didn't have to take a day off from a job.
plus Soros paid for 50,000 to show up,

No doubt the millions protesting all over the world were paid today as well.

By the way the company that hired the actors to appear at Trump's initial announcement to run spilled the beams last week.
You guys are amazing, you have bought the concept of the liberal mainstream media hook line and sinker. So when the Trumpers lie and get caught, it is the liberal medias fault for reporting it. Spicer gets up there today and says the crowd was the largest in history, no Sean it wasn't, all you have to do is take a look at the pictures. Trumpers don't care about the lies, it is the medias fault for pointing it out.

The Trumpers know they can say anything, it doesn't matter how false, then blame the media, and you guys buy it.

If a Trumper said 2+2=5, you guys would believe it, and then get mad at the media when they said hold on a second.
Not true. There are many of us, myself included, that would gladly admit when the Trump administration makes a mistake or tells a flat out lie that they should be held accountable as well. The problem is that the liberal mainstream media makes such a habit out of promoting lies and deceit to merely advance their own political agenda that it makes us sick.

Fair and balanced should be part of their mission statement, not a mere suggestion.
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When the mainstream liberal media takes liberty with the facts, I believe the Trump Administration need to defend themselves and set the record straight.

I also believe that if Congress or the media tries to hijack or derail his agenda, he should take a page out of Reagan & FDR's playbook and go straight to the American people. Let the people put the heat on them. You could say he has already been doing this.

Considering his approval rating with the American people is about 38%, maybe he might recondsder. Oh, that's right more lies.
Considering his approval rating with the American people is about 38%, maybe he might recondsder. Oh, that's right more lies.

Why don't you respond to my personal invitation to answer a specific question I posed to you along with others?
Considering his approval rating with the American people is about 38%, maybe he might recondsder. Oh, that's right more lies.

It's fluid. It only a lie when it supports the left leaning narrative.
Considering his approval rating with the American people is about 38%, maybe he might recondsder. Oh, that's right more lies.
That stat may be true, but then again it may be misleading as well. One thing I think we all learned from this election is the fact that these polls are not always right.

If you don't think that certain news outlets purposely skew polls such as this one to advance a particular political agenda then you are severely mistaken.

Trump may very well have the highest unfavorable rating of any incoming President in modern history, but he was good enough to win the Presidency....thank goodness!
Turns out the crowds at the inauguration were somewhat small compared to other years, but the Trumpers were not deterred, they posted a shot of a large crowd at the ceremony on their website, unfortunately, a few minutes later, a journalist noted that this was a picture of the crowd at Obama's inaugural, not the Donalds, and shortly thereafter, the post was removed.

Just a sign of things to come.

Does it change the cost of your health insurance, allow you to keep your doctor, save you money......Dude, you clowns can't even . I mean you supported the biggest dirtbag POS we've ever elected, then one upped yourselves by nominating an even bigger dirtbag POS
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Considering his approval rating with the American people is about 38%, maybe he might recondsder. Oh, that's right more lies.

Even after this election......You're still sighting polls? LMAO. Oh my, you are the perfect liberal lapdog. I bet you think the former POSOTUS is well liked huh?
Turns out the crowds at the inauguration were somewhat small compared to other years, but the Trumpers were not deterred, they posted a shot of a large crowd at the ceremony on their website, unfortunately, a few minutes later, a journalist noted that this was a picture of the crowd at Obama's inaugural, not the Donalds, and shortly thereafter, the post was removed.

Just a sign of things to come.
Oh no, oooops!

LMAO at your post

This is going to be such a fun 4 yrs!
Turns out the crowds at the inauguration were somewhat small compared to other years, but the Trumpers were not deterred, they posted a shot of a large crowd at the ceremony on their website, unfortunately, a few minutes later, a journalist noted that this was a picture of the crowd at Obama's inaugural, not the Donalds, and shortly thereafter, the post was removed.

Just a sign of things to come.

you got it wrong dogfood .............there were pictures side by side of odumbas and trumps crowds , there is no way you could mix up the groups since trumps crowds were standing on WHITE TILE and it was very obvious !! the lie was the fact that the lib reporter compared the pictures when trumps crowds were still pouring in and the program had not even started , bunch of crooks !
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You guys are amazing, you have bought the concept of the liberal mainstream media hook line and sinker. So when the Trumpers lie and get caught, it is the liberal medias fault for reporting it. Spicer gets up there today and says the crowd was the largest in history, no Sean it wasn't, all you have to do is take a look at the pictures. Trumpers don't care about the lies, it is the medias fault for pointing it out.

The Trumpers know they can say anything, it doesn't matter how false, then blame the media, and you guys buy it.

If a Trumper said 2+2=5, you guys would believe it, and then get mad at the media when they said hold on a second.
Is there anything more pathetic than a Clinton Supporter? Give it a rest will ya, not prepared for this mindless drivel for the next 8 years.

Looks pretty dayum packed to me...............keep the false news coming OP.

you got it wrong dogfood .............there were pictures side by side of odumbas and trumps crowds , there is no way you could mix up the groups since trumps crowds were standing on WHITE TILE and it was very obvious !! the lie was the fact that the lib reporter compared the pictures when trumps crowds were still pouring in and the program had not even started , bunch of crooks !

Standing on white tile, wearing white perhaps? Sure, that must be it.
No doubt the millions protesting all over the world were paid today as well.

By the way the company that hired the actors to appear at Trump's initial announcement to run spilled the beams last week.

How anyone in their right mind could support Obama makes me question their judgement. Every decisions he made was foolish (not referring to you as I have no idea who you support). Talk a about a liar. Obamas your poster child. And Soros could be paying people all over the world.
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How anyone in their right mind could support Obama makes me question their judgement. Every decisions he made was foolish (not referring to you as I have no idea who you support). Talk a about a liar. Obamas your poster child. And Soros could be paying people all over the world.

You're a stupid twat. This country is far better off after 8 years of Obama than it was after 8 years of Bush. You also make me laugh about Obama lying considering you obviously support Trump, who is pathological in his lying. He lies about the most mundane stuff that is not even worth it. He lies every other breath he takes.

As for Soros, ever heard of the Koch brothers dumbass? They make Soros look like a teddy bear and I don't support either. I think they're both a perfect example of one of the biggest problems in this country.