"Open the floodgates" ...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
Best point in this article is this, and it has constantly been one of the best arrows in my bigoted anti-immigrant quiver

For his self-professed "maturity" and "rationality," Davidson makes no effort to look at the bigger picture. While encouraging a mass invasion on a scale never before seen in world history, he overlooks one key detail: Automation is expected to take up to half of all American-created jobs in only ten years

Let 'em in
The main flaw in the article is, it appears the author is making the...

assumption that all of these immigrants are coming here with the goal of getting a job and working. I think this is true for some, but a growing number are coming for the free stuff and they are a drag on everyone else. No country can intentionally bring in millions of uneducated, poor people and expect things to get better. His position is logical and well thought out, unfortunately, it's not reality.
I wonder what is so important to these folk that they bring in..

... so many people from, interestingly and almost exclusively, third world countries?

I wonder what they'd say if everyone said that we'd increase immigration (legal immigration, mind you) numbers by bringing in more people from Britain, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Italy, France, etc.?

They are fixed on dramatically increasing numbers from what are proven to be economic and political cesspools, which are a product of the people living there. Why is that?

These folk reveal their motives. I am of the opinion that they truly want to tear down the U.S. I believe these folk are socialists at the very least, and outright communists for the most part. They insist on forcing their ideology down everyone's throats.
WOW! There are so MANY fallacies in his article, it's hard to know where..

to begin. The first one was his "lump of labor" straw man argument. He makes a presumption that every immigrant is just an honest hard working guy looking for a better life.

That couldn't be further from the truth. You only neen to look at the strain being put on the prison systems in California and other border States to see that the influx of ILLEGAL ALIENS is a significant driver of the prison population boom.

Secondly, is the use of the word IMMIGRANT. Immigrants and illegal aliens are two completely different things. An immigrant is someone who comes here with the INTENT of assimilating with our culture. An illegal alien is someone who comes here with the intent to NOT ASSIMILATE with our culture and either gets here through illegal means or overstays their visa intentionally.

Third, he completely ignores the whole idea that the RATE of immigration is critical. This comes back to assimilation. An economy can only absorb new workers and new demand at a certain rate. If you flood new people into an area (think about people being displaced by natural disasters) you will have a shortage of goods and an oversupply of potential labor until the economy can catch up. That can take YEARS in some cases.

Man and that's just shooting from the hip. I didn't read the entire article. You could probably do this for days.
Yep. Wally World already replacing 8 to 10 cashiers at most stores....

with self check out lines overseen by one employee. I expect many stores will do the same soon.
If you wanted to destroy a strong country, you'd flood it with uneducated

Unskilled millions, and have them sign up for unlimited entitlements. And then give them the right to vote themselves even more entitlements.

That's how you would destroy a strong country.
Want to hear a nativist rant? ...

Well, who cares - here's one anyway because I feel like it.

Went to f'n First American Bank in Athens the other day. That could be the most bogus business name in the US. Every time I go in, there is a new Hispanic working as a teller (Don't speak Spanish? Then don't apply). The tellers were all dressed like whores, which I guess wouldn't be bad if most of them were attractive, but they were not. They all had tattoos all over their bodies, cheap ass tacky ghetto jewelry, no bras, saggy tits hanging all over the place. The hispanic boy working the window had on designer jeans and an untucked tee shirt.

Anyway, I take a check in that I get from this business I don't trust, so I can cash it right away. I would never do my own business at a POS low rent bank like First American. The girl at the teller window goes through the process and then asks how I want my money. I tell her. She has a machine, of course, that spits the money out for her. Then that idiot just takes the money off the machine, doesn't even count it herself, nor count it out to me, and just hands it to me and says "here you go". I was like DJD. I mean I guess I could maybe get past her not counting it out to me, but the sorry thing didn't even count it herself to make sure it was correct. I have honestly never seen that. I stood in front of her and counted it all out slowly so maybe she would get the message that she should count out the GD money. She didn't have a clue - just seemed irritated that I was counting my money. My old man was a small town banker and I am glad he is dead or he would be doing time for the rest of his days because he'd go postal at one of today's banks. He would not have put up with that shit that I see every time I go in there.

Banks tell you all you need to know about what mass immigration from third world invaders is going to do to the country. A microcosm of the pure sorriness and total unprofessional Bullshit that has infected the whole damn country. A nation of lazy ass brood mares and idiots.

This post was edited on 3/25 10:58 AM by _Keef_
Exactly, which is why/how these folk are revealing their true motive.

They're openly calling for a flooding of exactly that, unskilled millions with the offering of entitlements waiting for them.

We'll either take this lying down, or things could get ugly if we don't get things changed in Washington before it is too late.

Or is it truly too late already?
concur; or, slowly kill country by saturating cokes with fructose syrup

and everybody will eventually have bodies like fauxOCD and be type II diabetics.
It's all corporate and ivory tower - dude ain't never spent a ..

day in the trenches. He doesn't go to the Athens Walgreen's. The entitlements are going to break us. Free education and medical for their brood, at the very least.
Ironically, you can still get the good Cokes with sugar in Mexico *

It goes to show how foolish they are when they have history to ...

.... look back upon and see what a miserable failure is that concept. It doesn't help the poor. It just keeps them alive and still being poor, and it makes the otherwise-productive poor at the same time.

Oh, yeah, but it keeps those elitists in power. Ahh, there is the motive. They think they're smarter and better than everyone else. So, they don't get put on the same plan as the rest of the country. They stay rich and powerful and keep the masses under their thumbs. What a mind to come up with an idea like that, eh?
Bank of America is the worst one here, nothing but Hispanic or...

black tellers that spend most of their time behind a "This Line Closed" sign laughing and yucking it up with the other tellers and the customers they know. I refuse to go into one unless I have no other choice.
"The Krogers" sells them in the Latin food section.

Of course, 12 teaspoons of real sugar per bottle still will make you a FauxCD.

F'n mystery religion Mithraic cults gonna take us down ...

2600 yr plan coming to fruition, maybe in our lifetimes. Read Plato's "The Republic". He was the OG of fascism.
It's just the Cloward & Piven strategy, developed at Columbia University

Those professors who are revered legends among Progressives called for the purposeful destruction of the United States by increasing and then overwhelming our "entitlement" system.

Wrote scholarly papers about how to open cracks in our system to get it done, and got grants from US taxpayers and tax-free Foundations to publish the research. Frances Fox Piven has spent her entire professional life calling for violent revolution that brings down our government. She's a hero to the Cause, and to our President.

It's all about "revolution" one way or another. Change.
Anything that aids our foreign enemies, who have settled in now.
Due to third world fraud, this bank will not cash their own ..

check at the Drive Thru unless you have an account with them. You have to go inside and get in line behind 15 hispanics and submit to fingerprinting.

This post was edited on 3/25 11:04 AM by _Keef_
What was that outfit they were saying GWB was a participant...

I can't remember. I do think there is a huge emphasis on those within the CFR, and that is pretty well documented. It is no coincidence that the U.S. (and much of the world) follow their "guidance" to the letter. Looking at the direction where said "guidance" has taken us, and is taking us, it is easy to see who and what are these people. They're socialists, communists, and elitists. They never adhere to the "logic" they force upon everybody else. They're always exceptions to the rules. No, the rules just apply to everybody else.

Just like when they amended the constitution to create the federal income tax, they created tax exempt foundations at the very same time.

Funny how that happens, eh?
Skull and Bones? - long Bush tradition in that one *

I'll have to read up on that. Sounds interesting. I am definitely...

.... going to get myself a copy of Alinsky's writings. I've had a lot of these folk on my "ignore" list for so long, because I'm tired of even giving them a moment's attention. But at some point you have no choice but to give them attention, otherwise they'll destroy everything.

I did buy "The Communist Manifesto" years ago, and have bought a few other books written by some of the opposition. But I haven't read Alinsky's book, nor have I read anything on Cloward & Piven.
Different vein, but have you ever listened to any of ...

William Cooper's Mystery Babylon stuff. You can find the lectures on YouTube. Start with episode one and strap in for a ride. Johnny has just put me on to another dude, David Livingstone. Reading his book Terrorism and the Illuminati right now. Very interesting stuff. If 1/10 of it is true, then DJD. I am leery of disinformation and I take it all with a grain of salt, but secret society conspiracy stuff is fascinating.
Yeah, I recall that one. What was the story alleging that these...

... folk were meeting at some place in the woods in Oregon or something like that? Was that Skull & Bones?
I haven't heard any of that. But I'll check it out. I, too, am leary...

... of disinformation stuff, and I think there is a lot out there, which usually points to there being something somewhere else that someone doesn't want you to notice.

I'm totally convinced that the CFR, or folk who are primarily behind it, are the true string-pullers of the world.

I do suspect that the KAL 007 downing had more to do with Larry McDonald than what was the story that was told.

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