Our country should implement mandatory military service for two years after graduating high school.


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
A salary is earned and once completed, college tuition is covered to a standardized monetary limit. The student can choose college of choice and pay additional tuition if a particular school is desired.

There are responsibilities to citizenship.

This is not unreasonable.
I cannot agree with this opinion, simply because our current military is lead by many incompetent, woke, upper level personel! I have a 19 year old son that is a fine young man, I would hate to think he would have to possibly sacrifice his future because of some terrible decisions made by a dumbass like Joe Biden! I am pro military & certainly believe we need a strong military, but I don't believe it should become mandatory unless our recruiting numbers get into a very bad situation.Our nation needs serious, smart leadership from the top, not stupid ass liberals running the show! I am very proud of our fighting men & women, but we have some very poor policies being implemented in our armed forces during this time- DEI bullshit!
Ain’t gonna happen, folks with money will bribe (excuse me, lobby) Congress to make sure their little Johnny gets to go to Harvard and not boot camp.
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What rights are suspended?
Most of them. The military contract means you agree to go where they tell you to go, when they tell you and to follow all lawful orders under the penalty of court marshal. They can literally order you to carry out an almost certain suicide mission (extreme example) or to leave a pregnant wife and deploy thousands of miles away. I don't think forcing that agreement on any citizen by law is in line with the bill of rights.
I cannot agree with this opinion, simply because our current military is lead by many incompetent, woke, upper level personel! I have a 19 year old son that is a fine young man, I would hate to think he would have to possibly sacrifice his future because of some terrible decisions made by a dumbass like Joe Biden! I am pro military & certainly believe we need a strong military, but I don't believe it should become mandatory unless our recruiting numbers get into a very bad situation.Our nation needs serious, smart leadership from the top, not stupid ass liberals running the show! I am very proud of our fighting men & women, but we have some very poor policies being implemented in our armed forces during this time- DEI bullshit!
They’ve always had dumbasses leading the military since the time of revolutionary war, certainly the civil war, Viet Nam etc. The key takeaway is they’ve had outstanding leaders/soldiers too. The left hand is halfway fighting the right hand and the enemy too.
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SLC Dawg, I am very much in agreement with your statements above. I simply think instituting race & gender policies into our military is a terrible idea. If you are putting your life in the hands of another man or woman, you don't give a damn what their race or gender is, just that they are an American & are fighting for the same cause!
When in the hell did this become an as
When in the hell did this become an assault on liberty? This is about serving your country. They used to have the draft and I thought it was about serving our country. It’s time these young people start contributing back to our country instead of taking away everything without any accountability.
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I have no problem with this type of program being offered as a choice but since part of the contract of military service is a suspension of some of your civil rights, mandatory service would be an assault on liberty.
Viet Nam era draftees would agree. I can't imagine the SCOTUS hasn't ruled on it.
I cannot agree with this opinion, simply because our current military is lead by many incompetent, woke, upper level personel! I have a 19 year old son that is a fine young man, I would hate to think he would have to possibly sacrifice his future because of some terrible decisions made by a dumbass like Joe Biden! I am pro military & certainly believe we need a strong military, but I don't believe it should become mandatory unless our recruiting numbers get into a very bad situation.Our nation needs serious, smart leadership from the top, not stupid ass liberals running the show! I am very proud of our fighting men & women, but we have some very poor policies being implemented in our armed forces during this time- DEI bullshit!
Leadership comes and goes. The heart of a patriot stays the same.
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When in the hell did this become an assault on liberty? This is about serving your country. They used to have the draft and I thought it was about serving our country. It’s time these young people start contributing back to our country instead of taking away everything without any accountability.
When did forcing military service (to borrow a phrase from Neil Boortz) "at the point of a gun" become an assault on liberty? I get how mandatory military service works in Israel and think military service in the U.S. should be aggressively promoted as well as incentivized but I'm not sure I'd want to force a bunch of candidates for Leavenworth into poisoning the ranks.
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When did forcing military service (to borrow a phrase from Neil Boortz) "at the point of a gun" become an assault on liberty? I get how mandatory military service works in Israel and think military service in the U.S. should be aggressively promoted as well as incentivized but I'm not sure I'd want to force a bunch of candidates for Leavenworth into poisoning the ranks.
Most young people do the growing up they need to do and become productive adults because of military service. Coming to the realization that freedom is not free is an important milestone. Military service makes hiding from that truth much more difficult. That is a good thing. That is exactly the conclusion the Israelis have reached.

What you're saying is that you realize it works in Israel but what if we get some bad eggs doing it here in the US. Well, we had some scumbags when the draft was happening during Vietnam. We just dealt with their asses. Portsmouth Naval Prison (now closed) was a pretty effective deterrent. Plus, we had a saying about shitbirds in Vietnam at 5th Marines, "he may go out on patrol ... but he probably won't come back."
You see, that kind of crap tends to be dealt with "internally".
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I remember back in the 50s and 60s, if you got in trouble with the law and you went before a judge not on a felony now but he would give you a choice jail time or military service and that’s a fact because I saw in first hand on two different occasions.
Judge Reeves in Smyrna used to do it all the time. He had another quip which was hilarious. He used to say, "if I see you again, you better bring your pajamas".
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Most young people do the growing up they need to do and become productive adults because of military service. Coming to the realization that freedom is not free is an important milestone. Military service makes hiding from that truth much more difficult. That is a good thing. That is exactly the conclusion the Israelis have reached.

What you're saying is that you realize it works in Israel but what if we get some bad eggs doing it here in the US. Well, we had some scumbags when the draft was happening during Vietnam. We just dealt with their asses. Portsmouth Naval Prison (now closed) was a pretty effective deterrent. Plus, we had a saying about shitbirds in Vietnam at 5th Marines, "he may go out on patrol ... but he probably won't come back."
You see, that kind of crap tends to be dealt with "internally".
I agree military service a good thing but involuntary conscription is not compatible with liberty. If the constitution stated that you had to complete certain task to earn liberty, maybe but it doesnt require you to earn your freedom.
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Judge Reeves in Smyrna used to do it all the time. He had another quip which was hilarious. He used to say, "if I see you again, you better bring your pajamas".
A classmate of mine got in trouble with the law and he was given that choice. He retired from the Army with 30 years of service and was a Master Sergeant working in the Pentagon when he retired. So troubled people can turn out for the better with military service.
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I agree military service a good thing but involuntary conscription is not compatible with liberty. If the constitution stated that you had to complete certain task to earn liberty, maybe but it doesnt require you to earn your freedom.
That's true. The Constitution does not specify an obligation for full rights. IMO that is a mistake. If Veterans in our society enjoyed prestige for risking their lives to protect the rest, we would be better off as a society and more people would desire to serve, even if their reason was love of self ... we sure got no shortage of those shitheads.
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I agree military service a good thing but involuntary conscription is not compatible with liberty. If the constitution stated that you had to complete certain task to earn liberty, maybe but it doesnt require you to earn your freedom.
This is about serving your country and that has nothing to do with liberty or freedom.
That's true. The Constitution does not specify an obligation for full rights. IMO that is a mistake. If Veterans in our society enjoyed prestige for risking their lives to protect the rest, we would be better off as a society and more people would desire to serve, even if their reason was love of self ... we sure got no shortage of those shitheads.
I think we're on the same page. I'm all for incentivizing military service in order to make a 3 or 4 yr commitment extremely attractive. I just think the decision to serve needs to be voluntary.
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Amend the Constitution but that would be a very sad day. It would be hard to be the land of the free and the home of the brave if you were conscripting pussies into the military.
Man we have trans in the military now make those pussies into men. That’s what the military used to do. That’s what basic training was for. They just have to get tougher on the recruits like it used to be.
Man we have trans in the military now make those pussies into men. That’s what the military used to do. That’s what basic training was for. They just have to get tougher on the recruits like it used to be.
I get it but the military isn't about the infantry any longer. Yeah, we still need the badasses that can conquer the fear of fighting door to door but we also need the folks that grew up eating, drinking and sleeping technology. It doesn't really matter if the kid programming or operating drones can run the obstacle course.
Most of them. The military contract means you agree to go where they tell you to go, when they tell you and to follow all lawful orders under the penalty of court marshal. They can literally order you to carry out an almost certain suicide mission (extreme example) or to leave a pregnant wife and deploy thousands of miles away. I don't think forcing that agreement on any citizen by law is in line with the bill of rights.
OK. That I was expecting and I agree, except that there is a point when the right to citizenship is earned. The right to live in this country freely involves responsibility.

But we have moved from that.

We have made immigrants, since our inception as a country, earn their citizenship. It places the burden of responsibility on the citizen.

While I agree with you and your position, how do we allow unvetted immigrants come in and access US benefits……. while placing burdens on those who come in legally?
This argument is starting up again. It has been off the screen for more than 40 years. Dictators need a large army to invade another country.
Watch the series on the History Channel about WWI, running now.
This would be spectacularly bad, because it would weaken every branch and/or escalate costs exponentially by forcing each service to support resources that may not fit their needs.

The military is not a babysitting service, it's not a finishing school, and it's not a social experiment. It's a collection of professionals trained to perform specific tasks, as determined by very specific requirements.

I'm all for promoting national service (be it military or something like the Peace Corps). But, it should be an 'increased opportunity', not a minimum requirement for anything, imo.
This argument is starting up again. It has been off the screen for more than 40 years. Dictators need a large army to invade another country.
Watch the series on the History Channel about WWI, running now.

What's your argument here? i.e. what dictator-led push are you saying his happening, by who, & what's the goal?
This argument is starting up again. It has been off the screen for more than 40 years. Dictators need a large army to invade another country.
Watch the series on the History Channel about WWI, running now.
Wrong. Dictators need a democracy to gain power by way of vote, often received by incentives to voters. Hitler did it. Castro did it. Mussolini did it.

You also need national gun registration to control the citizens.

The History Channel is a series of shows, not historical documents. Entertainment, history with a biased opinion.

You contradict yourself over and over.
This would be spectacularly bad, because it would weaken every branch and/or escalate costs exponentially by forcing each service to support resources that may not fit their needs.

The military is not a babysitting service, it's not a finishing school, and it's not a social experiment. It's a collection of professionals trained to perform specific tasks, as determined by very specific requirements.

I'm all for promoting national service (be it military or something like the Peace Corps). But, it should be an 'increased opportunity', not a minimum requirement for anything, imo.
Notwithstanding the fact that mandatory military service works some places, I agree that military service is not a viable choice for everyone. Neither is a huge number indicative of an adequate military today. However, some form of public service after high school IMO would benefit every young person.
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