Over 200M Americans are eligible to be president yet we are left to choose from Hillary, Bern, Don?


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Calling one a sleezy, lying, money grabbing, pandering whore dog is an insult to all sleezy, lying, money grabbing, pandering whore dogs. Another suffers from brain damage in that he wants to tax people making less than $30K a year so he can send Doctor's kids to college FREE! Everything's free! WOOHOO, so why work or even bother with college. That outta keep the streets clean. And another once took part in live WWF wrestling events. Just remember they reflect the voters.
Actually, it's down to Trump and Clinton. Sanders is not going to win. He has no real shot at winning. As for the rest of your post, intelligent people have no interest in being president because it's a shit job. Only people who want power and are willing to put up with any convenience will seek out that job.

Colin Powell would have made a brilliant President, but he was too smart and had too much common sense to put up with that nonsense.
Calling one a sleezy, lying, money grabbing, pandering whore dog is an insult to all sleezy, lying, money grabbing, pandering whore dogs. Another suffers from brain damage in that he wants to tax people making less than $30K a year so he can send Doctor's kids to college FREE! Everything's free! WOOHOO, so why work or even bother with college. That outta keep the streets clean. And another once took part in live WWF wrestling events. Just remember they reflect the voters.

Buddy of mine is running for congress. Good guy. Smart, a doctor. He won't win. He's too decent and tries to do the right thing. He will get my money but the biggest fish with largest pockets wins these days. Politician was never meant to be a job title. It is now and this is what we get. Dems and pubs different side of the same coin. The problem is the coin. More importantly, where the coin comes from and for most, they don't realize that the coin for both parties comes from largely the same people. There's a reason Goldman Sachs gives to both parties. Think about that for a minute. Yes you've got your soros versus Koch but that's really a media fight more than a realistic fight. If you think the elections are about "the people" you're wrong. They're about the super rich getting their hooks in whomever wins to do whatever they want. Until fundamental change in the way politicians are elected changes, nothing will change. The two parties are owned by the same folks. Thus, you get these guys
Buddy of mine is running for congress. Good guy. Smart, a doctor. He won't win. He's too decent and tries to do the right thing. He will get my money but the biggest fish with largest pockets wins these days. Politician was never meant to be a job title. It is now and this is what we get. Dems and pubs different side of the same coin. The problem is the coin. More importantly, where the coin comes from and for most, they don't realize that the coin for both parties comes from largely the same people. There's a reason Goldman Sachs gives to both parties. Think about that for a minute. Yes you've got your soros versus Koch but that's really a media fight more than a realistic fight. If you think the elections are about "the people" you're wrong. They're about the super rich getting their hooks in whomever wins to do whatever they want. Until fundamental change in the way politicians are elected changes, nothing will change. The two parties are owned by the same folks. Thus, you get these guys

ONe of the biggest differences between most American people and the elites of both political parties is the battle between globalists & those who want national sovereignity. NAFTA turned a trade surplus with Mexico at the time it was enacted into a $1 billion per week trade deficit. The Permanent Most Favored Trade status for China enacted in 2000 has resulted in a $1 billion per day trade deficit! Both were promoted by corporate America particularly the multi-nationals. Even the most conservative estimates indicate a loss of at least 6 million American manufacturing jobs from these two pieces of legislation. The globalists don't want the American workers but want the American consumers and cheaper foreign workers. It is unclear how the TPP will affect Americans because of the secrecy that has surrounded it.

These trade agreements that kill American jobs are key to Trump's popularity
Actually, it's down to Trump and Clinton. Sanders is not going to win. He has no real shot at winning. As for the rest of your post, intelligent people have no interest in being president because it's a shit job. Only people who want power and are willing to put up with any convenience will seek out that job.

Colin Powell would have made a brilliant President, but he was too smart and had too much common sense to put up with that nonsense.
Colin Powell? Very well respected record. Lately, though, just talks about race.