Over $500K raised for Indiana Pizzeria. I would close a few days myself***

Maybe I'm missing something in this whole story...

can't say that I've followed it closely, so maybe you can fill in the blanks....but it seems to me that if you were a Pizzeria and you're in the business of selling pizza, why would you have a problem selling pizza to homos?
Re: Maybe I'm missing something in this whole story...

No problem selling to homos. The problem was and is with supporting blasphemous religious ceremonies. Have seen the libos post several times: "would Jesus sell pizza to gay people?" Yes, I believe he would but I doubt he would supply pizza to and event that was blasphemous in nature. I am no Bible thumper, but religious people have right too. Also, just watched a video of a guy trying to get a cake for a gay wedding from Muslim bakeries, the outcome was pretty predictable. But no media attacks on the Muslims yet(odd)
Saw that too..............

just waiting for the gay activists to start with the death threats and picketing outside one of those Muslim bakeries. Should I hold my breath, iyo?
They won't attack the Mud-hutters because................

a) They're p**sies.
b) The ragheads hate us as much as the lib media does
How well would it be received if they refused to sell pizzas to an

interracial marriage ceremony? Not real sure how/why sexual preference was injected into a pizza order, but whatever. It's bigotry no matter how you define it. Just a different flavor.

This post was edited on 4/3 10:34 AM by GwinnettDawg
It's a shame to see the republican core go down in flames over bigotry

Like a moth to the flame
Re: Maybe I'm missing something in this whole story...

OK...maybe I should read up on it....really don't know what happened. Did a bunch of homos show up and say "we're gonna have a blasphemous religious ceremony and we would like pizza delivered"?
There weren't ant "sinners" present when he turned water...

into wine at the wedding?

We are supposed to be Christ like, and Christ never judges. He is the advocate to the Father who judges. Bottom line, live your life as much like Christ as possible and treat all people like you are to be treated...Christ would probably give the pizzas for a gay wedding ceremony IMO...However, how many gay weddings serve pizza...This is all a story contrived to direct your attention from the raping of the US Constitution by ALL politicians...
sorry, this is much different than interracial marriage

and to my knowledge, no gay wedding that I've ever heard of has had trouble getting a caterer or florist.

The reason I say this is much different than interracial marriage is because the Bible very specifically condemns homosexual behavior and very specifically tells Christians to avoid associating with sexually immoral people.

Bigots used the Bible to support their opposition to racial integration, but they were wrong. It involved interpreting some vague passages in a manner that indicated blacks were inferior to whites and had been condemned as such by God. This interpretation was just wishful thinking for some hateful people.
Owner closed because of all the hate vomited from the libs and LBGT., ...

All she said is that she would gladly serve pizza to any patron in restaurant but would not cater pizza to a homo wedding. The new fascist with their "tolerance" will change the country to a place even atheist will not like.
except they had to shut down from the disruptions to their biz from gays

Calling and protesting.
And the death threats. And the false witness against their biz.

So it wasn't a contrived story at all. It really happened to real people.
The owners have been acting like Jesus.
Re: How well would it be received if they refused to sell pizzas to an

The Bible doesn't strictly forbid interracial marriage. But, nice try.
yes, and we all know how difficult it is to find someone to deliver a pizza

to your event. There are only like 40 delivery pizza places within 5 miles of my home, and they routinely ask me "wait, this ain't for no gay wedding is it" when I place the order.

Its a non-issue - gays simply don't have any trouble finding caterers or florists or photographers for their weddings.

What they do have trouble finding is churches to have their weddings in, because, let's face it, they fill up quickly anyway, and many of them don't allow gay weddings because they are contrary to the beliefs of the members. This is what the end game is for the "movement" - they want the churches themselves not to be able to determine whether to allow gay weddings or not.
Re: except they had to shut down from the disruptions to their biz from gays

If you say so, but as a business, they should have kept their mouths shut! If they truly want to take a stand for this bill, they have to welcome the fallout. I didn't see any gun toting nuts forcing her to speak out!!!
Free Market wood certainly solve the problem

Because in a free market, lying, cheating, stealing and death threats would be illegal.
People should be free to do biz where they choose, and provide services to whomever they choose.
They were approached a TV news crew and asked if they serve gays

They said yes.
Then they were asked if they wood cater pizza to a gay wedding, and they said no, they don't believe in supporting gay marriage.

This comment unleashed hatred and death threats, lying Yelp reviews, and jammed their phones so they could not do biz.

They were bewildered by why there was so much hate.
Ok...but they should have said no comment...

Like Michael Jordan said, "Republicans buy sneakers too..."

If you are a business man, there is no reason to take a stand like that on camera...
Re: Ok...but they should have said no comment...

For people who don't get it! If you are truly religious, any religion, you are a Christian first and a business man second. The decision to not serve gay marriages has nothing to do with business and everything to do with religion!
Someone please give me an example from Jesus life that would justify refusing to serve anyone as a Christian. Not something that Paul supposedly wrote, but from the gospels. Jesus hung out with sinners and condemned the religious leaders for the self righteousness and bigotry.
I do believe they have the right to refuse to do business with anyone they like, regardless if it's religious or not.
Agree, But if one of those sinners would have said, "Hey Jesus, go over there and talk to that guy why I steal his wallet" I don't think Jesus would have participated in that. Because clearly, Jesus would not have participated in something that goes against the gospel much the way gay marriage does. Seems pretty simple to me, cant really see how people dont get it. BTW you can plug in Muhhamed, Xenu, Confucius or another prophet when I am referring to religious entities. I am taking religions side not necessarily Christianity, that is just the religion that seems to be under attack.
JMHO, but the gay community has a huge chip on their shoulder

because of their guilty conscience. They know their chosen life style goes against God.