Loonies exist throughout the decades...your type hated Lincoln, FDR, JFK, LBJ, Clinton, and now you hate Obama.
No one remembers the loonies like you who hate...everyone remembers the great presidents.
Your list has only two "great Presidents" Lincoln and FDR. The latter solely upon his War fighting ability. You will be thrilled to know that he refused to sign the yearly Republican Bill that made lynching Blacks a Federal Crime even though Elenore begged him to do so.
JFK was a failure( nowhere as bad as Barack the Moslem Owebama) and the only reason he was in Dallas on that November day in 1963 was because he was afraid of losing the 1964 election. Johnson set that trip up to try to persuade the democrat Governor, John Connolly not to leave the democrat Party( Connolly did switch parties sometime in the 1970's. One of only two of the segregationist democrat politicians to switch party affiliation. The other was Strom Thurmond) The rest of the Klansmen dutifully stayed in the democrat party.
What did LBJ do for Blacks other than destroy the Black Nuclear family, something that 200 years of democrat slavery and 100 years of democrat Jim Crow couldn't accomplish. Today, Blacks make up 12.6% of the population, have a 77% bastard birth rate,commit 44% of all violent crime and 97% of all Black murders in America thanks to LBJ and his "Great Society" re-enslavement welfare scheme.
LBJ couldn't get the democrat party to back the REPUBLICAN CIVIL RIGHTS BILL of 1964. A Bill that REPUBLICANS had been trying to get passed for years so he had to rely on REPUBLICANS to get it enacted. Over 85% of all Republicans in the House and Senate voted for it. Johnson barely got half of his democrats. Al Gore Sr filibustered the Bill. So did the future Senate Majority Leader, Robert "Grand Kleegle of the Ku Klux Klan" Byrd filibustered it. But that's ok. They had that D beside their name.
If you dare to look at the 30 cities in America with the highest crime rate, you will find that nearly all have democrat mayors and have had for decades. The few with Republican mayors have only done so recently in the attempt to try to clean of the disaster that democrats caused. Some haven't had a Republican mayor since Reconstruction and Atlanta has NEVER had one in it's entire existence. But you don't give a shit
ALL of the ghettos in America are in democrat run cities. But hey, they love you. Keep promising you that 40 acres and a mule for that vote. Been over 50 years now. Got your's yet?
Your "kind" would vote for the Grand Dragon of the KKK if it had that D beside the name so don't talk about frigging "loonies" to me.
George Wallace won the Governorship of Alabama in 1982( barely) for the 4th and final time because that evil man got 85% of the `Black vote even though NO single politician in the 1960s was more responsible for the racial hatred and the murders of Black people than George Corley Wallace. When reporters interviewed some of the Blacks exiting the polls and asked them who they voted for, they were shocked that almost all of them said they voted for Wallace. When asked why, the response was the same. He's a democrat.
Barack Owebama could order an air strike on a nursery school full of blind orphans, shoot any survivors and have his cook to serve the remains for dinner and you and 90% of the rest of the Black voters would make up some excuse for him and don't try to deny it. It's not his skin color so much as it is that D beside his name. Jews do the same thing. 75% of them would have voted for Josef Mangele had he moved to the US after the war and ran for office as a democrat.
Lock-step Loons. One group voting for the Party of Slavery and the KKK. The other for the same party, the party that sent Jews back to Europe in 1939 on the SS St Louis in time to be rounded up and sent to the Ovens