The two had been team mates and friends at Alabama so Bryant, who had just returned from WWII asked why: Simple said ole Frank, you'd cut my throat, drink my blood and have my job plus call on my widow within 10 days. I'll give you a game soon as you run the coach fool enough to hire you off and take over but that's the best I can do except give you $20. dollars and a bus ticket out of town. LOL! That is probably why a great high school coach like Rush Probst never got a head job at the D 1 level. The son of a gun can coach football, is relentless and won't stop til he gets his way. And probably refused to be a college assistant after he got head coach or D 1 coaches were afraid of him. BTW, Howard was likely right about Bryant. They played each other and were best of friends in later years and drinking buddies before it was everybody and their cousin's business if the head coach took a drink along. Alabama (state government) hired and assigned a state trooper to haul Bryant and his friends around in a state car so they could drink and car ride. Nothing like that could happen today. And yes even Vince had some special privileges.