PCB police chief said on news this AM that Prescott declined


Diehard supporter
Aug 14, 2007
to press charges but for some reason they contacted his parents and lawyer and they want to press charges. Do they contact every kid's parent's that gets in a fight over Spring Break? HIGHly doubt that. That number would be in the thousands after a month of Spring Break.

I think old Dak doesn't want to press charges cause they started a bunch of shat and then got their arses beat.
I think once the videos came out the PoPo doesn't have a choice. They have

to at least investigate.
Read somewhere that one of the idiots posted a pic of himself kicking Dak?
Hope the PCBPD thanks him for that
after the videos's came out, Dak declined to press charges

my question was is it standard procedure to then contact the parents. I just don't believe it is.There are way to many fights up and down the beach during Spring Break for that. My friend's son works at Spinnaker doing security, some dude got his eye and face busted open the other night, many witnesses, the victim declined to press charges and the cops left. Bet they didn't call his parents.
Don't think it standard to call the parents. I'm just saying the videos

Show a crime being committed and I don't think they can ignore that. With or without the parents consent to press charges. But all that probably varies from city to city as to how that's handled.
At least it's not a hate crime....The Dak attack.

you have a twitter conversation about beating up the QB and RB from MSU

in ebonics...then quickly take down the message and end your account...after thousands of people have taken screen shots and emailed them around the country.

I think its simple...Dak did get his ass beat, albeit it was 8 against 4, and doesn't want to bring attention to himself. I don't care how big and bad you are or think you are, you take a bottle to the back of the head or have 3 guys on one, you're going to get taken down. This isn't the movies with staged fights and the good guy or underdog wins or gets several good punches in before relinquishing to the pack.

Pressing charges means he has to return to Florida for court, deal with lawyers and interviews, etc. This would be a felony case even though it's pretty open and shut. The guys in the video admitted doing it, in writing, with a time stamp. It still can be drug out for several months if they decide to contest prosecution.

I say schedule a spring scrimmage...Mississippi State vs Tennessee State on ESPN. Let MSU beat them down and embarrass them.
If the police know a crime has been committed don't they have to

investigate and make arrests? Just like in domestic violence cases where a battered wife may not want to press
charges the police can still make an arrest if they can see a crime has been committed?

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