player group threatens to opt out.....

makes demands....let'em walk I say, just at the point where I am ready for a bunch of walk-on's if this gains traction.
Yep, screw 'em. They are taking amateur sports to the edge of the precipice. We already have pro leagues. Why do we need college pro leagues? I don't even watch the existing pro leagues because I find most of the players overpaid ingrates. Most golfers seem ok, but they need a shot clock.
Yep, screw 'em. They are taking amateur sports to the edge of the precipice. We already have pro leagues. Why do we need college pro leagues? I don't even watch the existing pro leagues because I find most of the players overpaid ingrates. Most golfers seem ok, but they need a shot clock.

same here, quit back in the early 90’s. Got tired of all the strikes, demands and etc. Took all the fun out of it for me.

never thought I would give up on CF, especially the dawgs.....but if demands start to be made, I will quit in a heartbeat.

would rather watch HS ball...
They’re overpaid and provide nothing to society other than a few hours diversion. This was a long time coming, but like the department store, COVID accelerated the reset button for pro sports. The money won’t be there to pay those pr**cks. The NBA is bright enough to see China is their future.
How do a bunch of teenagers who have been given something for free, who have seen so little of life and the struggles of being an adult, threaten those who are giving them something for free?

We have lost our minds.

Distribute 50% of each sport’s total conference revenue evenly among athletes in their respective sports.”

Can see their first job interview now demanding 50 % of revenue, would go over like a lead ballon.....I’m sure most have never seen or heard a profit and loss statement....or would even understand it for that matter

Too caught up in the “injustices” of the world. Got news for those that are caught up in it....NBGAS about your skin color....
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Yep, screw 'em. They are taking amateur sports to the edge of the precipice. We already have pro leagues. Why do we need college pro leagues? I don't even watch the existing pro leagues because I find most of the players overpaid ingrates. Most golfers seem ok, but they need a shot clock.

makes demands....let'em walk I say, just at the point where I am ready for a bunch of walk-on's if this gains traction.

I think this is another Media Driven half truth, but...
back to high school sensibility;
love of the Game.
play the best ya got!
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