However since it is a signature democrat item it will never be removed and replaced. The takers, misfits and those who benefit by manipulating them have bought in so strongly that they can't back down and admit it is a disaster. And they outnumber the responsible now. It may be the worst action ever taken by America and may in fact be the reasoning for a stagnant economy forever, a reduced security since we may no longer be able to fund the military correctly. Not to mention the dramatic drop in medical care professionalism. Obama is an incompetent screw up and the surest sign of a polarized and paralyzed population is our inability as a people to acknowledge that and repeal the atrocious legislation since are all politically correct now. 75 years ago it would be repealed almost immediately. We are a decaying society incapable of taking care of ourselves and our people.Per CNN, UnitedHealthcare has announced that it will exit most Obamacare state exchanges by 2017. What a freakin' train wreck!
Your statement is sad but true. It was never about providing healthcare to everyone, it was about more government control over our lives and more power for the soul crushing federal government.However since it is a signature democrat item it will never be removed and replaced. The takers, misfits and those who benefit by manipulating them have bought in so strongly that they can't back down and admit it is a disaster. And they outnumber the responsible now. It may be the worst action ever taken by America and may in fact be the reasoning for a stagnant economy forever, a reduced security since we may no longer be able to fund the military correctly. Not to mention the dramatic drop in medical care professionalism. Obama is an incompetent screw up and the surest sign of a polarized and paralyzed population is our inability as a people to acknowledge that and repeal the atrocious legislation since are all politically correct now. 75 years ago it would be repealed almost immediately. We are a decaying society incapable of taking care of ourselves and our people.