Our culture has produced a breed of whining brats, who believe that their self serving freedoms allow them to do and say anything they want whenever and to whomever they want, and that their Mommy or Daddy or Uncle Sugar will bail them out over and over and over again. For some of them it is merely a game of pushing the envelope more and more each time until someone gets hurt, then they are encouraged to cry foul and whine even more. Unfortunately for law enforcement and for other authority figures in schools and churches and communities........even at home, those with authority/accountability are cast as the villains in this tiresome scene played out so often in our newscasts and through boringly repetitive social media. Some of us, yes, probably most of us are sick and tired of the coddling those of us, who shun personal accountability, because they are allowed to. A line will soon be drawn and the confrontation that follows will NOT be pretty for our cute little whiners .... not anymore.